
A BRAG plan has been solidified.

Wordle: five, my starter was DAILY
Connections: perfect, Blue > Green > Yellow > Purple

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34 Responses to 2024-04-30

  1. David says:

    Yeah, I don’t have much to say either.

    5; clean; made me think a little.

  2. Sally says:

    Wordle in 4 starting with MINER. Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow. Easy Strands.

  3. Steve says:

    Wordle in 5 and should have been 4!

    Dragged my butt into the office this morning. Finally arrived home at 9:30 last night. A pretty uneventful trip home, made slightly exciting when I returned to my car and found the dome light had been on for a week!! Good old Mazda was still able to start right up. I like to have a window seat and try and locate how we’re approaching Atlanta. I thought I saw West Point Lake, but then I spotted Hogansville and Newnan and I knew where I was!

    Shovelling out a weeks worth of email and trying to get my mind back in the game will be tough!


    • That must be a good, or very new, battery. I accidentally left the dome light on in the M6 overnight in Raleigh once and the battery was completely dead the next morning.

    • Barb says:

      wow – a week & the car wasn’t dead? that’s amazing.

      good luck getting thru all the emails & all that crap

    • Jenka says:

      I mean, if the dome light was actually still on, that means the battery still had juice! That’s frickin’ unbelievable!

  4. Barb says:

    Nothing exciting going on here.
    Its a dreary day -so dark out.

    Went to dinner with the in-laws – got caught up, they are supposed to be going to Colorado at some point soon.
    Funny thing – a group from their neighborhood were there having dinner – I joked – “why weren’t you invited??” I guess Mary had said they were going to be out of town. So she was busted by not being out of town.

  5. Jenka says:

    Yesterday was a very quiet day, which everyone is thankful for. There will definitely be more demonstrations, but there weren’t any yesterday and the students occupying our building gave up and left.

    We ordered salads for dinner and watched three episodes of The Morning Show. That’s about as many episodes at one time that I can handle.

    • David says:

      You’re a stalwart, I can only abide one at a time. πŸ™‚

      • Jenka says:

        Last night and tonight are the only two nights within a two week time frame when we don’t have Finn, so we have to maximize the time. Otherwise we watch one episode and then can’t watch it again for several days. I dunno about you, but I forget what’s happening after that long!

        • David says:

          Yeah, that’s more of a thing for me as I get older. I can’t remember the last time I turned my TV on, apart from watching Deathwish 1 through 4 with Lucas over a couple of months. I’ve always liked Charles Bronson, and now Lucas likes him too. Plus Jimmy Page created the music for a couple of the movies. I’m planning to watch Dirty Harry with Lucas the next time that we sit down to watch something.

          • Jenka says:

            Yeah, back when we had to wait a week to watch the next episode of a show airing on the TV, I wonder how we remembered everything from week to week, especially if you watched several shows. I guess I was younger then and better able to retain things.

          • Bob says:

            Back in the day with weekly shows most would start with a recap of what happened the week prior. It’s like they knew we couldn’t remember.

          • David says:

            Well, life also didn’t feel nearly as intense back then, so I think there’s that too.

          • Jenka says:

            Yes, recaps for every weekly episode. Now I appreciate recaps even if I literally just watched the previous episode! πŸ™‚

          • Barb says:

            I always watch the recaps no matter what

  6. Barb says:

    Paulie – I got my $1.36 from Upside from lunch Saturday.
    Whooo hooo. I feel so rich.

  7. Bob says:

    Wordle fail, I had the correct first 3 letters on my last 3 guesses and ultimately guessed wrong πŸ™
    Did some long overdue yard work yesterday. I have a gravel pad next to my driveway where weeds are taking over. I pulled a bunch of them then sprayed round up on the rest. Had a small accident when taking the sprayer apart to clean it, thought it was depressurized but apparently not. Cracked open the top and sprayed round up all over my face. Did the emergency freak out and rinsed my eyes and face as best I could before finishing cleanup and scrubbing the hell out of my face in the shower. I think I got it all, no burning skin or eyes so guess I got lucky.
    Now for the unlucky part, took my truck to the shop for an oil leak and my valve cover gaskets need to be replaced (very common on my model of truck). While they are in there they will replace a bunch of other stuff. Going to be about a 6 hour job πŸ™ Budget for Travis’s car was just reduced πŸ™‚

  8. Jenka says:

    Connections perfect: yellow > green > blue > purple.

    Strands perfect.

    • Barb says:

      we matched – yellow- green – blue – purple.

      wordle – I blew it – wasn’t paying attention & used letters in the wrong places when I knew that was the wrong spot. Oh well

  9. Steve says:

    … and what did you do with Sally while I was gone?

    • She’s a busy woman, Steve. She’s probably running through the woods, working, and meeting up with GUTS folk later. She has no time for this nonsense! πŸ™‚

  10. Just proved to myself that I am completely unprepared to interview for a job anytime soon. πŸ™

    • Bob says:

      How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
      Every little step counts towards your goal, maybe not go for your dream job at first. Interview for a bunch of others to hone your skill.

      • David says:

        Spot on advice. This is exactly the approach that I’m applying to dating these days, when opportunities arise from time to time.

  11. Barb says:

    watching the Bon Jovi documentary on Hulu.
    Its pretty interesting

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