Monthly Archives: April 2024


A BRAG plan has been solidified. Wordle: five, my starter was DAILY Connections: perfect, Blue > Green > Yellow > Purple

Posted in My Daily Life | 34 Comments


Wordle: Three, my starter was SLICE Connections: perfect, Purple > Yellow > Blue > Green

Posted in My Daily Life | 28 Comments


Good ride last night, short but hard. It is almost as if I am training for something… I used to know someone who owned a label maker, and I can say this once again because the label maker owner is … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 32 Comments


Another mundane day around the ITP Estate yesterday. I puttered around WLF before heading up to Target and Kroger in Edgewood Retail District for rations. I incorrectly assumed the ERD Kroger would have more fake meat than the south Moreland … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 29 Comments


Choring and riding sums up my day yesterday. I’ve lost some respect for Jon Bon Jovi. In the most recent Smartless episode he revealed that he’s a big Patriots fan? C’mon, he’s over sixty and a son of New Jersey, … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 27 Comments


Not much to report today. I spent nearly the entire day at home. Most of my day was spent puttering around WLF. I baked a breakfast casserole for breakfast, and roasted a squash to eat with dinner; both efforts provided … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 46 Comments


Only rain and hip pain could have shortened my BRAG Spring Tune Up weekend, and it was the former that did so. Friday’s 69 mile ride was brutal, in part due to two nonexistent rest stops, and I because suffered … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 23 Comments


Spring Tune Up, and raining? WTF Wordle: three, my starter was CUMIN Connections: fail, Blue > Yellow > X > X

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments


While WLF is far from a real F, there are times when Farmer Paulie has to deal with a reality of being a farmer — animal death. Once again a squirrel has misjudged its ability to get out of a … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments


I had a busy day yesterday doing many chores, and will have another one today as I prepare to get ready for Spring Tune Up. Last night I tested out my hip and bicycle by riding the Meltons ride. During … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 49 Comments