I Need A Routine For My Routine

I rode again this morning, ~25 miles. Thanks to the lack of morning rain I’ve ridden a lot in the past few weeks, enough to consider that I have a routine. I’m doing well at this.

What I am not doing well at is getting everything either on me, or on the bike, prior to starting to ride.

This morning’s brain fart consisted of forgetting to pack the new multi-purpose tool into the seat pack, as well as forgetting to strap my Wahoo Fitness heart rate monitor to my torso. It wasn’t until I stopped for a second after about two miles that I noticed “n/a” showing up in the heart rate field in the Wahoo Fitness app that I realized that I forgot to strap the heart rate monitor to me.

I need a routine for my routine.

Resurrecting What Was A Routine
With no German class last night I joined my boss for a beer (two actually) after work. I picked the place, and I picked Vintage Pizzeria — a pizza joint in Chamblee that we haven’t been to in some time.

I returned home with plenty of time to do things, instead I once again closed my eyes early and was out like a light. I woke around 11:30pm and tried to get a few things done once I awoke, but before I knew it I was asleep again.

Home Alone
Tonight’s plan is to head straight home after work. I need to spend a night at home taking care of a bunch of tasks that I’ve been neglecting.

Have a great day friends!

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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11 Responses to I Need A Routine For My Routine

  1. Barb says:

    JoAnna, Sharon & I discussed your bike rack issue, and JoAnna who has spent way too much money at REI thinks you should be able to exchange it without too much of an issue.
    But – that being said, Sharon might be interested in the rack if REI won’t take it back. But, she doesn’t have a hitch, so she’d have to get one.

    I spent the evening downtown at the W Hotel poolside. JoAnna has a conference starting today, so we decided to pretend to be the beautiful people. It was quite breezy on the 16th floor, so it wasn’t too hot at all.

    tonight, we need to ride…………

  2. I will be going to REI and chatting with someone tomorrow. If all goes as I hope they will take back the rack I bought, give me store credit, and I will go hog-wild buying things — probably spending more than the $449 I spent on the rack.

    I’ll give an update in the blog when I know the outcome.

    Have a great ride tonight — remember to drink plenty of water.

  3. Steve says:

    For some reason, I was whipped when I got home last night and took an hour and a half nap. That and some late ice cream (simulated ice cream from “Dairy Queen”) managed to screw with my regular sleep. Ugh.

    I think REI will take the rack back- there may be a “restocking fee”, typically 10%, so don’t be surprised.

    Debbie and I had plans to come to trivia tomorrow night, as today is my Friday, but we see Stacy will be a no show- we were going to donate our Roku to her since we can’t stream anything anymore. Maybe we can come to Orpheus on Saturday!!

    We have a gate to hang on the fence line between the pastures sometime over the next few days. I’ve never worked with tensioned wire fence before, so this should be interesting.


  4. Huh, I hadn’t heard that Stacy wasn’t going to be at trivia tomorrow night — that was probably on the Facebooks. Perhaps I’ll find some other trouble to get into then. 😉

    I’d join you at Orpheus on Saturday but I shall be in Athens, GA. More details on this will be provided in Friday’s blog post.

  5. Barb says:

    I think Stacy is working at Orpheus Thursday evening.

  6. Steve says:

    Oh hey… there’s an idea!!

    So Paulie, does that mean you’ll be missing the Jenka housewarming as well?

    Barb, I was thinking about Orpheus as a pre-lube to the housewarming on Saturday.

  7. Barb says:

    We have dinner plans for Saturday evening, so I don’t know if we will make it to Jenka’s. We HAVE TO get a decent bike ride in Saturday, and Allan has been having nights without much sleep recently at the airport, so I can almost bet we won’t be home from riding early enough.

  8. I suppose so. I have a hotel room in Athens for Saturday night. I’m sure that Jenka’s housewarming was mentioned in this space, but I completely forgot about it.

  9. Steve says:

    It actually starts at 2PM, so you could manage both.

    My first call on my Google Voice number and… it’s a wrong number! At least it wasn’t a telemarketer.

  10. Jenka says:

    Yes! Come to my housewarming! It’s on Saturday, doors open at 2:00 pm. We’ve already ordered 2 kegs and there will be burgers and dogs. Feel free to bring a side and a beverage if you don’t like beer (heh). It’ll most likely go on into the evening. It’s going to be fun!

    469 Sterling ST NE, 30307.

    In related news: heh, re: pre-lube.

  11. Steve says:

    We’re looking forward to it!

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