Only Bacon Steaks Could Have Made It Better

My legs and buttocks are sore from a weekend of much bike riding. However, it’s a good kind sore and I’m pleased that my knees are not screaming too (a little bit of pain, but nothing significant).

Pre-Moreland Majestic
On Saturday morning I met up with some Flickrites for breakfast at The Majestic. Their plan was to have breakfast and then continue on with a photo stroll. I had notions of stopping by Publix before packing up for the Moreland Day Spa.

As Majestic breakfasts go this one was less than, well, majestic. The friendship was fantastic but my food was disappointing. I ordered a egg and cheese biscuit and a small order of home fries with cheese and onions. The biscuit was tough and chewy and the egg cooked to death. Oh well, if I want consistency I should stick to McDonald’s.

Wilson 100 : The Ride Was The Better Than The Organization
But that’s not saying much.

ITP-Reader Sarah and I were the only ones with the cajones to ride an eleven-mile route from the Moreland Day Spa to the start of the Wilson 100. I had consulted the map to realize that with an eleven-mile ride to the start, following the majority of the fifty-four mile route, and then cutting off the final turn to head back to the Moreland Day Spa instead of the start I’d get in the sixty-five miles I desired to ride. The plan was to ride there, check in, and start early before the speed demons would take to the road.

When she and I arrived the rest of our group, who had driven to the start, had already taken to the course. Since we both had prepaid we regaled with the sight of the short, nearly non-existent line at the prepaid registration table. Sarah checked in with no problem, but my name was not on the list. “Blame PayPal” I heard and then was instructed to fill out a registration form and get in another, much longer and slower line. Dangen! This line took at least twenty minutes to navigate only to hand a woman a piece of paper and get instructed to walk to another table to get myself a wristband. Christ, if that’s all I’d have to do why make me wait in a line?!?

By the time I was wristbanded the speed demons were ready to start so we waited them out before taking off on our merry way.

This year’s Wilson effort was more tiring, but overall better for me. I rode hard, experienced no flats, hit the two aide stations that were on my course, made it back to the Day Spa (before everyone else, somehow), showered, and the watched the skies open up with rain.

ITP Flickr Pic
Apparently locking my camera in a case is bad for my photography
Things Are Looking Up
Because that’s another from the photo stroll that I participated in three weeks ago. πŸ™

Did Somebody Say Dominoes?
I only got to play one game of dominoes this weekend, but I’m proud to say that I made the best of it! After being in last place for the longest of time (I took a 67 point hit on the first round) I came back with a vengeance to win. It took a lot of work (and luck) as I outlasted ITP-Reader Sal who wore down with each round, ITP-Reader Bob who got distracted mid-game by his wife ITP-Reader Laura’s and son’s departure, and ITP-Reader Debbie who must have made an arithmetic error otherwise she certainly would have won. πŸ™‚

Oh Shit, It’s Laundry And Draft Night
Sadly the draft to which I refer is not of the beer variety, but rather of the Fantasy Football variety. Want to guess who has not put in any time researching for tonight’s draft?

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – sore, but satisfied with my effort this weekend and next weekend is Labor Day Weekend!
Current Music – listening to the latest “Sound Opinions” podcast
Website Of The Day – Speaking of maps, check out these amazing Ancient Maps.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – Saturday: cycling, 28 miles; Sunday: cycling, 65 miles
Morning Weigh-In – didn’t check

Foot Mileage – ~12.5 miles, Wheel Mileage – 268 miles
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 1 (1)
Vegetarian Days – 0, Carnivorous Days – 30
Marta Rides – 0

August Goals
– Not get fired from my job
– Restart work on house, actually making progress this time

2009 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 190 pounds (today’s weight was 199.5 pounds)
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
– Earn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Jalapeño Beach SmugMug account I opened the other day.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C (iPhone development) and Ruby on Rails (Black Sheep web page concept)
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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23 Responses to Only Bacon Steaks Could Have Made It Better

  1. Sal says:

    I’m not listening!!

  2. What if I mention that I really enjoyed the super-hot chicken you prepared for Saturday night’s feast? πŸ™‚

  3. Barb says:

    where are you going camping that you need a vehicle permit?

    Good times this weekend – I was asleep a little after 9pm last night, I think all the riding plus getting up way before I like to wake up sunday took its toll on me.

  4. debbie says:

    I demand a rematch!

  5. I’m going to meet ITP-Readers Lisa and Randy at the Lake Eden Arts Festival ( in mid-October. The 3-day pass says it includes camping, and it wasn’t until after that I completed my order that I realized that it didn’t include a vehicle permit.

    I was soundly asleep by 8:30-9pm. I was so out of it that I never heard the phone ring when my mother called last night. I only know that she called because she left a message on my answering machine.

    Rematch is yours next time I’m invited to the Day Spa.

  6. bob says:

    Great times at the day spa! Must have been something in the water, I fell asleep on the couch around 8.
    Not sure about the rematch, I may just embrace the fact that I suck at dominoes :-).

  7. Steve says:

    Bob, you took over my role as the designated LOSER!!

    While I certainly missed seeing all of you, it was a pleasure to watch Dave Zabriski drill it for the second year in a row at the time trial Saturday and big George Hicappie win in front of the hometown crowd… I’ve never heard a crowd that LOUD at a bike race before when George crossed the line with his hands in the air.

    And I heard there was a little rain??


  8. Only 3.5″ of rain Steve. I suggested tearing down the stable to build an ark but Debbie and Sarah gave me an evil look, so I didn’t. πŸ˜‰

  9. brenan says:

    Totally off subject, but since I know you’re a patron, I heard an unsubstantiated rumor over the weekend that Decatur CD is going out of business soon. Not the end of the world but definitely the end to my favorite indie record shop πŸ™

  10. I’ve not heard this rumor but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. I don’t know how a record shop stays in business on a $4 per cd margin.

    I don’t shop there all that often any longer, mostly because I’m buying less music and when I do it’s done digitally.

  11. Sal says:

    And Steve: I don’t want you parading around in my swimsuit that I absentmindedly left behind……not sure where my brain went but it left me 1/2 way through that dominos game.

  12. Steve says:

    Sally, you ain’t right… which may explain why you forgot it!!

  13. Sal was like Cher on Sunday. I think we counted four outfit changes. πŸ™‚

    Has anyone bought one of those $180 banjos yet?

  14. Barb says:

    I missed somethng – $180 banjo?

  15. The banjo is today’s Amazon Lighting Deal in the little Amazon widget in the right-hand galley.

  16. Ah, so that’s what you were doing this weekend Steve….

  17. Seems fishy Steve, I can’t get to Trish’s site from work because it’s blocked.

  18. Barb says:

    smugmug is blocked for me too………. hmmmmmm…….

  19. Steve says:

    Hmmm… I don’t know. Must be the porn…

  20. RanLiCoop says:

    Looking forward to seeing you at LEAF in October – it’ll be so nice to have a babysitter this year… πŸ˜‰

    I think Lisa may have fallen asleep next to Cooperman. I guess I’ll just finish her wine.

    The river has been fun so far. Coop and I paddled around in the double kayak today – and Sani had more fun than she could handle tooling around with Max in the inflatable raft. Their best progress was made when they paddled the thing sideways, with one sitting on the front end and one on the back. We finally tied them to the kayak for the ride back downstream to the house.

    I think Kev has posted some pictures on Facebook. He’s either been on the computer or the Crackberry most of the time, so he should have something posted by now πŸ™‚

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