The Signs Have Been There

Months ago the scale gave me warnings. Weeks ago the pants gave me warnings. Today the calendar made it conclusive. Today I start training for the Mystery Mountain Marathon Twelve Miler, and as an added bonus, I also start training for the Atlanta Half Marathon which will be held three weeks after it. I need the training! I’ve managed to slowly add fat back onto my body and need to reverse the trend toot sweet.

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

I learn most about myself by observing myself in relation to others. When I examine myself by myself I am actually examining the results of a previous encounter.

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

Twas A Busy Weekend Of Shooting
If I posted photos of my weekend endeavors then you’d know exactly where I went. With the exception of Friday and Saturday nights I had my camera in tow as if my livelihood depended on it.

Saturday morning’s early wake-up call was set in order to meet up with Maigh for a photo shoot of one of her coworker’s daughters in Piedmont Park at the crack of dawn. I was there to provide a helping hand, hold a bounce-light reflector, and to add a few shots to my portfolio. I managed to get a few dozen “keepers” which may or may not see the light of computer day.

After Piedmont Park it was off to the High Museum where I met up with a group of Flickrites for some museum shooting followed by lunch. Lunch was at Star Provisions where I managed to wolf down a shrimp Po-Boy.

And yesterday I drove up to Chatsworth, Georgia to check out Fort Mountain State Park, since it’s where the aforementioned Mystery Mountain run will take place. I was hoping to get a lot of staggering photos while there, but truth be told the park is beautiful but far from photogenic. This trip also provided me a chance to break in the hiking shoes that will be my constant companions on my jaunt to Colorado in a few weeks.

ITP Flickr Pic
Eraser Heads

But What About Friday Night? You Ask?
Friday night found me a The Highlander. This used to happen a lot, but not as much any longer. The occasion was a post-work happy hour chosen because on of my coworkers saw The Highlander on “Dumpsters, Drive-Ins, And Dives”, or whatever that show is called. The evening wore me out to the point of passing out when I returned home at about 9pm. And, surprise surprise, I saw Jackass there. 😉

But What About Saturday Night? You Ask?
After a quality nap Saturday afternoon I headed over to my buddy Mike’s house where I ate a lovely dinner with Mike, Sandy, and their two sons — one of whom I met for the first time.

Happily, I won the coin-toss which determined whether Mike or I had to drive to Athens for the Hold Steady show at the legendary 40 Watt Club. Upon reaching Athens we scored a prime parking space and meandered around downtown having a couple of beers prior to the show.

This was to be my first show at the 40 Watt. I was actually somewhat excited to be in a venue I’ve heard about for over twenty years, but have never entered. The bar was well, a bar. I must admit that their sound system was fantastic.

Mike and I arrived at the perfect time; not ten minutes after our arrival the Hold Steady took the stage. This being my third time seeing the band perform I sort of knew what to expect from the boys. The band put on an energetic, tight set of music followed by two encores. They seemed to be having a good time on stage and it was not evident that they are in the middle of a grueling month of touring. On this night the band seemed to have the piece that was missing from the somewhat lackluster show that I saw them put on at the Variety Playhouse last time; I wondered if it was because size-wise the 40 Watt is better suited for the band.

It’s Time For Atlanta To Go Indoor Smokeless
It’s easy for me as a non-smoker to desire smoke-free environments. However, I must admit that I was so much happier leaving Athens, which has gone smoke-free, not smelling like an ashtray.

Decatur has gone smoke-free. Athens has gone smoke-free. It’s time for Atlanta to go smoke-free. Or perhaps it’s time for me to leave Atlanta.

Note that I am not trying to outlaw smoking. I am tired of having to deal with the byproduct of smokers’ habit. Either tobacco companies need to invent smokeless (or odor-free) cigarettes, or the habit needs to be confined to an area that doesn’t affect those who choose not to do it. What if I were to go around doing spit-takes of beer so that everyone smelled like beer when they exited a bar? That’s not cool, so why should I have to deal with smoke?

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – okay, but could have used a few more days for this weekend
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Hold Steady — “Chips Ahoy” (yeah, they played it Saturday night)
Website Of The Day – Sadly my weight-gain is going to force me to hold off trying this Chocolate Cake In Five Minutes recipe.
Exercise (b)Log – some hiking in Fort Mountain State Park
Monthly Foot Mileage – 0 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 50 miles
Monday Morning Weigh-In – 199 pounds (ugh)
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car
Monthly Marta Rides – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 19 (110)
Books To Read To Earn Kindle – 4

August Goals
1) Run/Walk no fewer than 75 miles
2) Ride no fewer than 150 road miles
3) Ride Marta no fewer than ten times (five round-trips)
4) Read at least two books
5) Make my bed every day

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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16 Responses to The Signs Have Been There

  1. Addendum to today’s post:

    I just booked a campsite for 10/31 (Halloween in a tent — there’s something I’ve never done before) & 11/1, aka “the weekend of MMM12”). I waited until I saw the park prior to making my reservation. The cabins looked real nice, but more money than I wanted to spend for that weekend.

    Anyone looking to coordinate that weekend please keep me in mind.

  2. Martha says:

    On a related note, I just reserved the campground at Providence Canyon for the weekend of Nov 14-16th.

    and HighDicker called me this weekend and told me to let you know (since he hasn’t seen you at George’s) he’s having a PBR party at his place Friday night.

  3. Thanks!

    Count me in for Providence Canyon. I’ll be at HighDicker’s Friday if it’s raining, otherwise I have a Braves outing scheduled.

  4. Martha says:

    Awesome!! Now if we can just keep the crazy drunk girl (not me) under control or at least away from her keys it should be a fun weekend.

    I will be leaving Friday morning for PR, so whatever you do have a beer for me.

    Are you running tonight? The weather is much better, I was able to ride the Silver Comet (32 miles) yesterday afternoon and it was quite pleasant.

  5. I won’t be able to make it back to the hood in time to run with the group. I thought about riding yesterday, but couldn’t convince myself to go out for a ride.

  6. Andrew says:

    Not to name drop, but a few years back I managed to go back stage at the Variety Playhouse and talk to Bob Mould. We got to talking about his show the previous night at the 40watt Club. He said that the 40watt was much bigger than VP. Is that not true? The Hold Steady at the VP sucked as far as a Hold Steady show goes. Not that it was bad, just not up to their usual standards.

  7. Barb says:

    So, what did you eat at the Highlander? I saw that TV episode, (thanks to a phone call from Jackass) and somehow he did make it on TV, but gee, they didn’t interview him……. what a surprise.

  8. If you are going to name drop around me, Bob Mould is a great one to drop.

    40 Watt seems smaller than VP. To me 40 Watt seems to be around the same size as The Loft, or perhaps what Echo used to be (and will be again soon).

  9. Martha says:

    I wish I had known….I was looking for someone to ride with, 32 miles all alone was pretty boring. Of couse you would have smoked me so bad I might have been riding alone anyway.

    Smoke free –

    I was surprised last weekend, while at home I found out all of West Lafayette, was smoke free (bars included) and soon all of Lafayette will be as well. The place is becoming quite progressive.

  10. I used to sing the praises of The Highlander’s food. My food on Friday was simply bad. The Jalapeno (Beach) Corn Fritters were way too sweet, the Italian sub had bread that was so airy and dry that it was nearly inedible.

  11. Another thing I just remembered, my road bike is need of a serious cleaning and some maintenance before I’ll go out for a long ride.

  12. Steve says:

    Yeah… all that dirt might slow you down!! 😉
    Last I looked, my trash pile wheels were still holding air. I was looking into whether I could ride a Shimano cluster with a Campy shifter and all the blogs and discussions made my head hurt. Maybe I’ll just stay with my current wheels.


  13. The sand in the gears might. 😛

    Maybe you now know why they were in the trash. 🙂

  14. Barb says:

    Steve – feel free to give Allan a call, he can explain if the wheels will work or not I’m sure.
    Still no word from Mango on the next Maintenance night – I would suspect it to be next week or the week after…….
    Paulie – when do you leave for Colorado?

  15. Maigh says:

    Post the pics post the pics post the pics post the pics post the pics post the pics post the pics post the pics post the pics post the pics post the pics post the pics


  16. Will do tonight. Also, I have a disc for you to give to Michelle.

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