One Year Older, Definitely No Wiser

Thanks again to all who wished me a happy birthday yesterday; it was much appreciated.

Welcome to one of my “mental health” days. I think, no I know, that I over-enjoyed my birthday a little too much — but it was fun while doing so.

With any luck I’ll be able to knock a few things off my To Do list by taking the day off from work.

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

What is the difference between “I want food” and “I want sex?”


(Man, I’m hungry.)

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

It Was More Than A Career Fair, It Was A Documentary Waiting To Happen
Yesterday’s career fair did not return much in the way of potential employees. However, it did initiate the thought for an independent documentary called “Outsourced.” “Outsourced” would capture video of people who work career fair circuit and their interactions with the applicants who are now unemployed due to outsourcing of America’s jobs.

It sounds stupid, but the roomful of people that I encountered yesterday looked like it was straight out of Central Casting. There was the woman who brought a stroller and her two children. There was the man who nearly crushed my hand with his handshake (and one of my coworkers had a similar thought when they shook hands). And there were numerous “character” actors amongst the sea of people.

Dinner And A Show, A Great Way To Celebrate A Birthday
Last night I had a few beers at Taco Mac with some coworkers after work.

From Taco Mac I shot down to Little 5 Points and found a tabletop at the Euclid Avenue Yacht Club. While waiting for my friends to arrive I consumed a basket of boiled peanuts and a frosty beer. With the arrival of my friends food was ordered, of course my target was a beef brisket sandwich.

After dinner we walked down to Variety Playhouse for the Old 97’s show. I was pleased with all of the music I heard last night, and had to cash in my chips around midnight…. it’s tough getting old.

ITP Flickr Pic
Sorry that this is almost a re-run of yesterday’s photo. I was planning on taking photos at the Old 97’s concert last night but then realized how much I had been drinking and decided not to take the equipment with me. No need to put my gear in danger, never mind the fact that there was probably little hope that I’d get sharp photos in my condition.
Me At Nearly 43 (Me)
I promise that tomorrow’s will be different.

Dear Apple…
I really like your AppleTV product. In fact, you already made $11 from me thanks to the purchase of the entire first season of Start-Up Junkies. However, if you expect me to continue to purchase media from your store you are going to have to make a concerted effort to deliver pristine video, especially if you are going to charge me $2 or more for each purchase. I refuse to continue to pay for videos which cannot be delivered glitch-free, and if your hardware is incapable of rendering video then I suggest that you fix it immediately deliver the fix.

I Wish It Was Easier To Buy Your Music
Occasionally when I attend a concert I get turned on to a band that I had previously never heard. Such was the case last night with opening band #2, Sleepercar.

With a few beers rushing through my system I was digging their set and went out to get another beverage and their disc (which would violate my “no new media” edict). I ran into a technical difficulty however when I arrived at the merch table to find out that their CD was SOLD OUT! What the??? Never has an opening band sold out of their music while still on tour. Fail.

Not to be shut out I attempted to buy Sleepercar’s music as a digital download, only to find out that it wasn’t available digitally from Amazon. Fail.

My next outlet of choice was iTunes, which actually had Sleepercar’s music available — but for $9.99. I still refuse to pay that much for downloaded music, even if it is DRM-free. Fail.

Chicken Wings… It’s What For Lunch
The other day I decided I was in the mood for chicken wings. Watching a few podcasts recently that featured chicken wing cooking had nothing to do with this yearning, I’m sure.

After buying chicken wings at the store I returned home to a blazingly hot house which zapped my of my desire to cook, leaving me with chicken wings to cook today. Photos just might come out of this adventure…

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – fine, but guilty that I am not at work
Current Music – listening to the Daily Source Code podcast, wishing I would have fixed my satellite dish so that I could be viewing the Tour de France
Website Of The Day – If you are like me, and you should seek counsel if you are, then you are intrigued by Ghost Towns
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Monthly Foot Mileage – 34 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – N/A
Monthly Marta Rides – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 1 (110)
Books To Read To Earn Kindle – 4

July Goals
1) Run/Walk no fewer than 75 miles
2) Ride no fewer than 150 road miles
3) Ride Marta no fewer than twenty times (ten round-trips)
4) Read at least two books
5) Make my bed every day
6) Relaunch
7) Keep track of how many days I use stairs over elevators

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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7 Responses to One Year Older, Definitely No Wiser

  1. Steve says:

    I can reccomend a good cable company if you want to get rid of that nasty old dish!! 🙂

    Seems the new way to complain about a company is to write something up on your Twitter. One of the network newscasts had a piece last night about companies monitoring Twitter and such to give better customer service… hmmmm. Just a thought.

    Will you be at Georges this evening?


  2. I’ve heard about that. A lot of companies are creating [CompanyName]Cares accounts.

    My lack of Vs. for the Tour is a me problem since I’ve yet to point the dish correctly or remove the limbs which are impeding the signal. I am *close* because I get some video and then it breaks up quickly.

    Now that you mention it I think that I will be at George’s tonight.

  3. Andrew says:

    I tend to have hiccups with my Apple TV when it’s syncing in the background. You may wish to experiment with syncing your shows, or streaming them. If the problem is with the TV show itself, then you’re screwed and that’s something that should be fixed by Apple. My only real complaint with the Apple TV is that after I watch or listen to a podcast, the drive starts grinding away and the thing stops responding to my remote.

    Sleepercar is available at iTunes in iTunes Plus. No DRM, and a 256kb bitrate. I don’t think $9.99 is completely out of line and thats only $1 more than Amazon. I checked emusic and it’s not available there either, which is unusual.

    Do you remember the name of the band that went on first? Did you not stay for the entire show?

  4. According to Leenie in yesterday’s comments they were The Spring Standards. I got there late into their set so I didn’t get a great feel for their stuff.

    I am just having trouble paying so much for digital downloads. My top limit for digital downloads is about $8. I may wind up buying a used copy somewhere and do my own ripping.

    I didn’t stay for any encores, I was bushed and just wanted to head home.

  5. Martha says:

    Is Amazon some sort of cool nickname for TacoMac that only people over 43 know about?

    I’m glad you had a great birthday, I still owe you a drink. I’ll be ready for one about 6 am Saturday when I land. Enjoy your day at home!

  6. Nope, it’s just early onset of mind loss… 😉

    Link is now fixed.

  7. Martha says:

    Thanks, I’ve come to expect nothing but perfection from this blog. 🙂

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