And Me Without My Camera

Twice yesterday I really wished that I had my camera with me.

While on my drive to Georgia Tech I passed a “breaking news situation.” A hugh tree had finally decided that it was time to give up and chose a house as its final resting place. While I passed the situation WSB was setting up shop to do an “on location” shot; here is their video (hope the link still works).

Then there were the twins, identical twins at that. At the career fair the NSA brought two Georgia Tech Alumni in the form of identical twins. I so wanted to go ask the nearly-identically dressed twins if they worked in data duplication, but didn’t have the heart to go up an add to what I am sure has been a lifetime of jokes at their expense. I also wondered if they shared a cubical in their office; hell they shared a room once, comparatively a cubical would be expansive.

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

Why do I judge my day by how much I have “accomplished?”

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

Keep Bringing ‘It’ Mother Nature, You Won’t Stop Me
Snow flurries.
Cold and windy days.
Predictions of snow for tomorrow.

I don’t care! I’ve a schedule to run and I plan to keep it up goddamn it! After arriving home from the career fair I relaxed for about a half hour, changed clothes, and then pounded the pavement for three miles. While the run wasn’t quite as good as Tuesday’s on the same route I was pleased because this is the first time that I’ve run three days in a row in many years so I expected a bit of a struggle.

ITP Flickr Pic
Thanks to my friend Betsy I know what to do when Life gives you a Tweety Bird waffle maker; you make Tweety Bird waffles. Would the same logic apply when Life provides you with all of the ingredients necessary to make jambalaya?

No Need To Be On Bourbon Street

Fuck yeah!

I’m Starting To Miss “Must See TV”
While I thoroughly enjoying watching episode three of Michael Palin’s “Sahara” last night I must admit that I was jonesin’ for a little Thursday night “The Office.” But alas, with the writers still striking I was denied my fix. I guess I shouldn’t be overly upset though, because it seems that “The Office” is the only series that I miss — until The Amazing Race goes away on Sunday that is.

What’s In A Name?
Until recently the name “English Nick” meant little to me. I believe I heard him once or twice on the radio, but that was it. On Christmas day I met one of my friend Betsy’s friends, whose name I will butcher, Ca(n)trell (who also happens to be the proprietor of Dr. Bombay’s in Candler Park). Ca(n)trell’s boyfriend is “English Nick.”

Yesterday while scanning my blogs I saw the name “English Nick” again. Unfortunately this time it was associated with some bad news. According to Drive A Faster Car “English Nick” has recently been in a bad car accident and has insufficient medical coverage to pay for his upcoming hospital bills.

Over the next weeks there will be five benefits put on by Metalsome Karaoke, for whom “English Nick” also works, with the proceeds going toward paying off “English Nick’s” medical bills. If this sounds like a worthy cause to you I suggest you go visit the Drive A Faster Car site and get the details.

Hey, Let’s End On An Upbeat Note!
Even with the crummy weather coming in this weekend holds a lot of potential.

Tonight I will be at The EARL to see Yeasayer. Here’s keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that the show doesn’t get canceled.

Tomorrow I will remain warm (after my three-mile training run of course) by spending quality time in the kitchen cooking up another Andouille Pudding; this one will be my companion for Little Easy’s Louisiana-themed Birthday Bash. My new party theory is that if you can’t bring a date you might as well bring some delicious food.

On Sunday I will perform a freezing six-mile training run and I might even suffer further by attending the Black Sheep Hash. I won’t be partying late however, because unlike many, I do not get Martin Luther King Jr. Day off as a paid holiday. Rats!

Whatever you do this weekend, do it with passion. I know that I intend to…

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – feeling pretty darn good, and today is a rest day!
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Manchester Orchestra — “Golden Ticket”
Website Of The Day – Websites with descriptive names are so helpful. Just try and guess what you’ll see when you visit Movie-Montage.
Exercise (b)Log – running, 3 miles but I forgot to add strengthening
Monthly Foot Mileage – 28.5 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car (I had to bring career fair materials back to the office)
Monthly Marta Rides – 6

January Goals
1) Run no fewer than 50 miles
2) Ride Marta no fewer than sixteen times (eight round-trips) [not going to get there]
3) Read at least one book

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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17 Responses to And Me Without My Camera

  1. Martha says:

    I’m looking forward to trying your latest creations tomorrow night.

    If you decide not to drive to BFE for Blacksheep you can always come to Wheelhopper, just around the corner. It is going to be a fun, intown trail.

    Great job on the running. Wil and I rode 12 miles last night, I was cold! We stopped at The Glenwood (after trying Gravity & Graveyard, both closed) for a beer and dinner…then I went home, showered and crashed!!

  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Geez, I thought I was insane for running. You were riding????

    Closed? WTF?!?! In these trying times I always expect bars to be open for those of us who need liquid happiness.

    Good on ya for doing all of your exercising as well.

  3. Barb says:

    Martha – did you notice that Paulie completely ignored the invite to join us at Wheelhopper? It is ITP & everything, and I know his bike works. I wonder if it has even been ridden since it spent a couple months at my house? I think biking is great crosstraining for running a half marathon, or so I’ve been told.

  4. Martha says:

    I noticed…I’m use to it. S has pretty much done that same thing and he has WAY more incentive to show up.

    I’ll keep trying, I’m getting use to the rejection!!

  5. Susan says:

    Good job getting out there three days in a row this week! It’s tough to get out there three days in a row in ideal conditions, so that took a lot of discipline. Good luck on your six-miler! Just think of me chugging away at the 18 miles on my plan – that should make you feel better. I’m not looking forward to it.

  6. @Martha/Barb: I’m not ignoring you, I’m ignoring Wheelhopper. 🙂 I seriously don’t know why anyone would want to ride in this weather.

    @Susan: Yikes! Luckily for you, you are an accomplished runner and should be able to run without problems. Best wishes to you.

  7. Martha says:

    > I seriously don’t know why anyone would want to ride in this weather.

    Because it is fun…you should have seen how muddy we were when we showed up in the Village last night!

    I know, I know…I have a problem.

  8. Barb says:

    > Because it is fun…you should have seen how muddy we were when we showed up in the Village last night!

    note to self – don’t wear anything white on Sunday……. and wear the crappy old bike shoes.

  9. Martha says:

    No worries Barb, the Turkey trail will take you around that mess.

    Most of the mud on me came when we hit the blacktop and the mud started flying off the wheels onto us. I walked into the bathroom at The Glenwood and my face was covered in mud…pretty funny.

  10. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    You probably rode over all of the red clay that they’ve been digging out of water meter boxes as the replace meters all over town.

  11. Barb says:

    I saw a story on the news about all the new water meters, and how they aren’t working right…… the water dept. was making excuses for all the problems.

  12. martha says:

    I got my new one a couple of weeks ago, I haven’t received a bill yet but they did remember to turn my water back on so I’m optomistic.

  13. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    > they did remember to turn my water back on so I’m optomistic.

    Lucky you. 😉

  14. Tessa says:

    Katrell aka Takillya Sunrise of Atlanta Rollergirls 😉

    Jealous you’re at Yeasayer! Was suppose to go but caught pneumonia. (That sounds like a ‘dog ate my homework story. Ha.)

    Also, let me know what you think of MGMT. Have heard really good stuff about them but have only checked out a couple mp3s.

    Good luck on Sunday and dress warmly!

  15. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Katrell (thanks for correcting my spelling) was also a Rollergirl.

    I didn’t make it through MGMT. They flipped the lineup (at least I thought Yeasayer was the headliner) and I was so fed up with all of the talking that I left after Yeasayer’s set.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  16. Tessa says:

    Thanks 🙂 So they made Yeasayer play first?? If that was the case, the band might have requested it since shows at The Earl usually go so late. How was their set?

  17. Morning State opened, Yeasayer played next, and then MGMT (who I missed).

    Yeasayer’s set was good, but not great. I attribute that to a couple of things. One, people would not shut the hell up. Yeasayer’s music is not exactly headbanging, so I think the performance was hurt. I also think it may have bugged the hell out of the lead singer. During one song he hit a cymbal with a drumstick and cut his hand. Later in the set he flung water out into the crowd, some of which hit me (and of course my glasses) even though I was at least five or six deep.

    In the end I think that they are not as good live as they are on disc. Part of the problem is that a lot of their music is sampled, thus taking away from the live nature.

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