Traffic And Television

Both of these dominated my evening last night.

Because of the rain and Atlanta’s insufferable drivers traffic was hideous last night. I tried waiting it out but at 7:30pm I was over being in the office so I ventured out. At first I thought I’d won the traffic game, but I inevitable came upon an accident on I-85 that brought us all to a standstill. Admittedly those in the accident had much more with which to be concerned than I did, but it really did hose my commute.

I had eaten dinner at the office, because it was too cold to go out for drinks/dinner and I didn’t want to consume the calories last night. Of course my challenge once at the house was to not eat/drink anything else. I eventually lost when I ate a handful of chocolate-covered pomegranate seeds. This snack was purchased from the great post-Christmas clearance aisle at Target; I keep them in my freezer because it makes them harder to eat, which means that I eat fewer in one sitting.

While lounging on the couch, and before falling asleep doing so, I watched episodes of The Tonight Show and Modern Family on my iPad.

Even though it’s Friday I have nothing on my agenda. I’m contemplating eating a nice dinner out, blowing most of the $100 bill that I was awarded on Wednesday night. One of my unpublished goals for 2015 (actually all of my goals for this year are currently unpublished) is to eat at restaurants at which I’ve never previously eaten. Given that I seem to eat at the same ten places this shouldn’t be a hard goal to achieve.

The rest of the weekend holds just as much certainty as tonight — none. About the only thing I am certain to be doing this weekend is watching the Packers v. Seahawks game, pulling for the Pack in order to make my trip to Raleigh at the start of next month a lot more fun. (For those who don’t know: The Raleigh Royalty are Packers fans, and since I will be in Raleigh on the day of the Super Bowl it will be more fun if the Packers are playing in the game.)

Blogging Note: I do not get MLK Jr Day off, so expect a blog post on Monday. Hell, perhaps I’ll do some interesting things this weekend so that I have something about which to blog.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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4 Responses to Traffic And Television

  1. Barb says:

    Decided to go see Gone Girl at the cheap movie theatre in East Cobb with JoAnna last night. Spent a whole $1.75. Movie was excellent, and I actually now want to read the book. Had a nice light ‘dinner’ before at Zoe’s Kitchen. They have wine & beer, did you know that? Observation of the night, way too many people get take-out for dinner, that place was packed with people just picking up orders.

    Allan finally gets home tonight from his week of class in middle GA. It has been a tough class, and I found out it is only the first half. He will have another week in February sometime. Being the good wife, I am cooking a nice beef roast in the crockpot for dinner.

    Weekend is kind of open, I think we will go to Pine Lake, its in Decatur, Snail Trail & One Ball are hares. Felicia’s flight gets in at 8pm Saturday night, I couldn’t think of a good excuse to make her find a different ride, so I’ll get to make an airport run. Sunday I’d like to go for a hike or a road ride.

  2. bob says:

    I can’t tell you how much I love my 10 minute commute, even if it is only 2 or 3 days a week when I don’t work from home. It would take the perfect job or a huge salary to get me to fight traffic every day.

    Travis has a basketball game in the morning then we have to finish his pinewood derby car, I swear I am more excited about scouting then Travis is. Drives me crazy.

    Sunday is wheelhopper in Paulding county somewhere, not sure if I want to go or not. I need training miles for snake creek and blankets may not be open so it may be the best opportunity for dirt miles.

    I’m off on Monday so I think I will do my civic duty by brewing a batch of beer 🙂

  3. Steve says:

    Bob, you’re a great American!

    Debbie had a meeting last night and comes home to say she might have to follow me the the gas station. Actually she asked me what was the farthest I’ve gone on a tank and I said 325-330. When she said she was already at 350, I was going to be surprised if the car even started. I did make it to the station and I really wanted to let it idle and see how long it would run…

    The man cave is somewhat packed. I have a plastic 55 gallon drum I think I’ll put tools in as long as it doesn’t get too heavy, but lots of other junk is boxed.

    Debbie is off to South Ga for the night and a fox hunt tomorrow. No plans. Maybe a ride later.


  4. Stacy says:

    A fox hunt Steve? 🙁 I can save her the trouble… I’m right here!

    And Paulie, your awesome friend Stacy is also a fantastic reason to be rooting for the Packers, you know! Thank heavens for the Raleigh contingency to put you on the right path though.

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