Found my way to Northside Tavern yesterday afternoon. For the first time in my life I realized that Northside Tavern isn’t on Northside Drive, but rather Howell Mill Road.
Wordle: three, my starter was RELAY
Found my way to Northside Tavern yesterday afternoon. For the first time in my life I realized that Northside Tavern isn’t on Northside Drive, but rather Howell Mill Road.
Wordle: three, my starter was RELAY
I finished my rewatch of season one of Severance last night, and am optimistically hopeful that season two, which starts on Friday, will live up to the hype.
Wordle: five, my starter was RAPID
What do CLOAK, CRAWL, CYBER, CHEAP, and CHOSE have in common? As of yesterday these were five of the Wordle solutions in the previous twelve days. WTF NYT, do you need a dictionary to find more words which begin with the other 25 letters?
Frustration set in yesterday when the power blipped a few times in the afternoon; FFS, I made it all through the worst of the weather without losing power! With the first blip one of my security cameras didn’t reconnect to my WiFi, and as of now nothing I have attempted has fixed this. Two other camera managed to rejoin without my intervention.
Wordle: three, my starter was LATER
Did you feel that rumbling yesterday? That was caused by my getting on the trainer for the first time in ages. Let the BRAG training begin!
Wordle: three, my starter was SCREW
Happy (snowy?) Friday. As I type this I have no idea if, or how much, snow will drop onto the ITP Estate and Wee Little Farm.
Edit: just looked out the window, and there is indeed some snow on the ground.
Wordle: four, my starter was TRADE
I don’t often give myself credit, but yesterday afternoon I forced myself out into the cold and did a 5.25-mile walk. I was comfortably layered, and at times when the wind subsided was actually warm.
Wordle: five, my starter was REPLY
At the end of last year I finally checked off one of my reading challenges by finishing “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote; this book has been in my possession for at least six years. This year I’ve added two more, from different ends of the ownership time spectrum. “The Art of Fermentation ” by Sandor Ellix Katz is a large book I purchased last year, and should educate me about the wonders of preserving food (hopefully most of which comes out of Wee Little Farm this year) via fermentation. “Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid” by Douglas R Hofstadter has been on my bookshelves for the past 40+ years(!); I don’t know if this book will teach me anything, but reading it will fill a hole in my life’s reading list if I can manage to finish it this year.
Wordle: five, my starter was PLAIN
Has anyone out there made yogurt? If so, how did you do so? I want to attempt to make some in my Instant Pot soon.
Bitter cold and snow? Fuuuuuu… Might be a good week to try to clean, and re-season some cast iron in a hot oven.
Wordle: three, my starter was LATER
NBC Universal did me two favors this weekend.
On Saturday they plastered the screen of the soccer match I was watching with ads (apparently something they are entirely comfortable doing since they did it again during Sunday’s match) frustrating me to the point of turning off the match. One of the reasons I enjoy watching soccer is the constant flow of play not interrupted by advertisements.
Yesterday they didn’t show the match I wanted to watch on Peacock, so I couldn’t sit to watch it. In each instance I got off the couch and did something physical.
Thanks for being greedy shitheads, NBC Universal.
Oh, yesterday I failed at Wordle. D’Oh! However I’m not in the camp that believes CYBER is a word on its own.
Wordle: four, my starter was DAILY