
Wordle: five, my starter was PLAIN
Connections: one mistake, Yellow > X > Purple > Green > Blue

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments


Wordle: five, my starter was STAIN
Connections: perfect, Blue > Purple > Green > Yellow

Posted in My Daily Life | 15 Comments


Wordle: six, my starter was DAILY
Connections: perfect, Blue > Yellow > Green > Purple

Posted in My Daily Life | 3 Comments


Wordle: five, my starter was WEIRD
Connections: one mistake, Green > X > Yellow > Purple > Blue

Sgt. Paulie’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

It was twenty years ago today
That I thought I had something to say

Blogs were going in and out of style
But I decided to write for a while

So let me introduce to you
The one and only ITP blog…

Today is the Twentieth Anniversary of my first Inside The Perimeter blog post!

This space has seen the rise, and fall, of some of these websites:
– GeoSpaces
– Blogger
– MySpace
– LiveJournal
– MetroBlogs
– Facebook (dead to me)
– Twitter (dead to me)

I think it’s time for me to put things on hold. In order to foster communication I may post an empty blog post, or my Wordle/Connections results, so that there can be daily commenting.

Thanks to all of you. From now you will have to contact me directly through messaging or email.

2025 will be a huge year in my life, perhaps all won’t be great, but (costly?) changes are inevitable.

As an homage to my past, I will close with my former salutation.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

Posted in My Daily Life | 43 Comments


There is one thing I miss since canceling Netflix, watching “The Great British Bake Off”. Yesterday I saw that the first two episodes of the newest season had been (illegally) uploaded to YouTube. I made it through one and one half of these before a copyright claim had been made, and the uploads removed. Dangen!

I have two major projects today:
– Contact cemetery and schedule mom’s move in date
– Gather everything I intend to put into the M6 for this journey

Countdown to Shutdown: T – 1

I would have had another Wordle ACE today had I not done the NYT Mini Crossword last night and decided to change my starting word for today. Ugh!

Wordle: three, my starter was ENTRY
Connections: two mistakes, Purple > X > Blue > X > Green > Yellow

Posted in My Daily Life | 28 Comments


It ends today, but for nearly two weeks it’s been Pizzamas. Pizzamas is a made up holiday created by the Green brothers — Hank and John — during which they sell merchandise and donate 100% of the profit to Partners in Health. I have been looking at the t-shirts, some of which I find to be cool, but unfortunately don’t need any more t-shirts in my life and can’t justify spending $29 + s/h for one.

Once again I talked myself out of cycling; thanks to my pain and all that hullabaloo. Instead, I hobbled up to the East Atlanta Farmers Market and purchased a loaf of bread and a small bag of apples. Sadly neither of the two farm stands which were selling vegetables had any carrots, potatoes, or cauliflower which I sought.

Perhaps it’s because one of my “hobbies” is to pick up litter, but as I contemplate the amount of trash created by the savage storms of last week I get sad. How much of it will be retrieved from nature? Where the fuck is it all going to go? How much more damage to the environment will we cause by replacing all of the things lost to the storms and flooding?

It appears that I should have paid attention to sports last night. The Mets scored four runs in the ninth inning to win 4-2, thus moving on in the playoffs. The Falcons beat the Buccaneers in overtime. Meh, my life is still the same…

Countdown to Shutdown: T – 4

Wordle: two, my starter was DAILY
Connections: perfect, Yellow > Green > Blue > Purple

Posted in My Daily Life | 40 Comments


Nothing much to report. Painful day, physically.

I made a tasty meatloaf for dinner. I forgot that Atlanta United played, which turned out to be a good thing as they lost 2-0; both of the opposing goals were scored by former Atlanta United star Josef Martinez.

Laundry today, pain levels will dictated rest of my agenda.

Countdown to Shutdown: T – 5

Wordle: five, my starter was DAILY
Connections: perfect, Green > Blue > Yellow > Purple

Posted in My Daily Life | 26 Comments


The biggest reason that I am contemplating shutting this down is because I don’t want to have a task while on my journey to deliver my mother north. This trip is about me and my family, and I intend to be offline (in regard to any social media) for it.

I have already written next Tuesday’s blog post.

I know that the EPA or whoever is checking the air quality post-bio-lab-fire says that the air is fine, but I have been outside a lot and can’t help but feel a nagging, slight irritation in my throat. Sure, it could be psychosomatic, but it also could be related. This irritation combined with hip pain kept me from riding last night.

Yesterday the silent auction put on by the Organic Grower’s School and which was to end last night was suspended. I’m not surprised, nor am I upset, but I was the leading bidder on a couple of items that I was hoping to win. I am also expecting to hear of the cancellation of the workshops which were the reason I was planning to head back to western North Carolina at the end of the month. I’m trying to decide if I will go elsewhere that weekend, or remain at the ITP Estate and save some money instead.

Countdown to Shutdown: T – 6

Wordle: five, my starter was TRADE
Connections: perfect, Green > Purple > Blue > Yellow

Posted in My Daily Life | 22 Comments


Well, I think that my roof repairs are done. I won’t really know until it rains again and I can get into the attic to check. What I do know is that people are shitheads. How do I know this? Because I found a bullet embedded in a shingle. Only shitheads would shoot bullets into the air.

I’m trying to avoid watching disaster porn, but I really want to know how western North Carolina is doing. One of the reasons I want to know is selfish as I am planning to revisit the area at the end of this month, assuming that the areas to which I intend to travel have returned to a normal life. From what I have seen, there is less than a 50/50 chance of this in a month’s time. We, the collective we, will be paying (financially) for the storm damage for a long time.

The cost of Disney+ (with Hulu and ESPN+) is going up again in two weeks, to $22/month. I am trying to figure out if I can justify the cost of dropping Disney, the one that I rarely watch, and keeping Hulu and ESPN+.

Today is a cleanup day, both inside and outside, and hopefully tonight I will make it to my last Tuesday night ride of the year.

A week from today, October 8, I will be departing on Mom’s Last Road Trip. The storms of last weekend have altered this plan, mainly the route that I will drive, since I would like to avoid areas which have been impacted.

That date may also mark the start of a new stage in my life, one which will impact this space greatly.
Countdown to Shutdown: T – 7

Wordle: five, my starter was STAGE
Connections: fail, X > X > Yellow > Blue > X > X

Posted in My Daily Life | 23 Comments


If I forget the fact that I was in pain all weekend, had some other health related concerns, my leaky roof (which I hope to help fix today), and other news which was relayed to me, I had an amazing weekend. The East Atlanta Strut was a success, and I got to see many people (hashers) who I don’t see any longer.

Yesterday I forgot about the Tasty China outing, so by the time Barb checked in with me, I had already committed to help move some furniture around my buddy Chip’s house.

All weekend I watched/read information about the damage caused by Helene, in conjunction with the rain which proceeded it. Devastating flooding and/or wind damage occurred in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee. This might go down as one of the costliest storms of our time.

Wordle: three, my starter was DRAFT
Connections: one mistake, X > Yellow > Green > Blue > Purple

Posted in My Daily Life | 24 Comments