Category Archives: My Daily Life


It’s 6:30am and I had an incredibly satisfying night of sleep. Last night I met up with my buddy Shelby. We met at Home Depot on Ponce, convenient for him since he lives nearby, where I successfully picked up my … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 10 Comments


Two months after my birthday and it’s crazy dark outside at 6:15am. Yesterday wasn’t the most productive day I’ve ever had, but wasn’t too bad either; I toiled at work, put trash and recycling out for collection, made an Instant … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 6 Comments


I am finding 2020 to be only slightly better than 2016, whose single catastrophic problem was Trump’s election. Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing on Friday giving this administration another opportunity to ram in a lifetime appointment of a Supreme Court Justice … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 9 Comments


Friday. Woot? Though I fell asleep relatively early, I didn’t sleep all that well and am subsequently tired this morning. Due to scheduling changes last night was spent at Red’s Beer Garden, celebrating Oktoberfest with some German-styled beer, a pretzel, … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments


7am and still pitch black, funny how this happens. Thursday, Thursday, wet Thursday. It appears that the remnants of Hurricane Sally will be passing through today, perhaps lingering into tomorrow. If only I still had turnip plants growing I’m sure … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 4 Comments


Not much to discuss today. The biggest news yesterday was Apple’s announcements, including the lack of the announcement of a new iPhone, and the postponement of BRAG Spring Tune Up to 2021. Barb, if Steve has another adhoc gathering and … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 23 Comments


Real short one today since it’s nearly 7:30am and I have barely started with my day. I am feeling tired and incredibly unmotivated today. I wound up going to Moonlite last night. The start was Mellow Mushroom in midtown, in … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 19 Comments


I spent my weekend hogging all of Bonnie’s time. On Friday she and I got together for a little beer drinking at SweetWater Brewing, followed by a nightcap and impromptu dinner whipped up at my house. Of course we drank … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 13 Comments


Last night I met up with a buddy for beer. His desire to watch the season-opening NFL game (who knew?) led us to Taco Mac in Virginia-Highland. Knowing its size I got there early to ensure to get an outdoor … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments


I’m going to try not to talk about my bodily ailments today. I’m wondering if my change in diet, or addition of a “old mail multi-vitamin to my daily intake has caused my recent issues. Oh crap, I may have … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments