Category Archives: Comments Disabled

Are There Real Housewives In Atlanta?

There is what must be a fairly popular series on Bravo called “The Real Housewives Of …” where “real” in this case is as “real” as the one in RealiTV. This morning I read the following on (one of my … Continue reading

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I stood and looked around last night and realized that I am pretty much the only unattached person that I know. Odd. Read Along With Me Today’s passage from Notes To Myself. If I want to communicate with you I … Continue reading

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Ouch, I Did It Again

If I could change one thing about my hashing experience it would be the regularity of which I turn/sprain my ankles. Yesterday while cruising along I took one misstep and rolled the living Hell out of my left ankle — … Continue reading

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Talk About The Passion

At college career fairs I preach “passion” to the students. I want my passion back. How I get it back is the $64 Question. Read Along With Me Today’s passage from Notes To Myself. My experience indicates that blunt honesty … Continue reading

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Creature Of Habit

Or “The One Where I Prove That I Am No Bob” I made it into George’s Bar last night early enough to see ITP-reader Bob (I’m sure this is not how he wishes to be referenced, but this is my … Continue reading

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Too Much Of A Good Thing

It’s not what did I eat last night at Tasty China, it’s what didn’t I eat last night. Today I think that I am suffering a food hangover. About the only dish I passed on last evening was a fried … Continue reading

Posted in Comments Disabled, My Daily Life | 11 Comments

What’s The Most Extravagent Purchase You’ve Made?

Something that I’ve been itching to buy is back in stock. A Kindle? Nope, not a Kindle (yet). It’s a new Nikon lens and it’s on the expensive side so I’m struggling with the idea of pulling the trigger. On … Continue reading

Posted in Comments Disabled, My Daily Life | 39 Comments

My Confederate Weekend

I’m a New Yorker by birth and had my parents not moved me to Florida in 1978 when I was twelve then I probably would have remained a New Yorker my entire life. This weekend I spent parts of Saturday … Continue reading

Posted in Comments Disabled, My Daily Life | 13 Comments

Friday The Thirteenth, Part N

Oooooh scaaaaaaaaary. Read Along With Me Today’s passage from Notes To Myself. If I ignore the emotional plea and respond only to the words, I will not be communicating with you, there will not be a flow of understanding between … Continue reading

Posted in Comments Disabled, My Daily Life | 25 Comments

And The Winner Is… WTF?!?!

I’ll talk more about the Top Chef finale later, but this is what happened last night. I stayed home, defaulting on my Mudhoney ticket, so that I could watch the finale in real-time. As the show came back from commercial … Continue reading

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