
While it turned out that some of the hashers who ride on Tuesdays skipped last night’s Black Sheep hash, I had to skip the ride because Amazon didn’t arrive in time for me to drive to Decatur by 6:30pm. Instead, I spent time putting up the light which was delivered into the rack I salvaged from the trash recently, and transplanted some seedlings into Solo cups to put under the light.

Wordle: four, my starter was CHASE

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38 Responses to 2025-03-12

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 5.

    A busy day getting old equipment ready to ship out. A few calls to handle. Games meeting last night could have been an email. Still good to see folks, though.

    Still haven’t had a minute to put the new wheels on the trailer. Hope to accomplish that before the week ends.


  2. Barb says:

    At the dentist- time for a new crown! Oh joy.
    Paulie- I’ve finally met Dr Gavric, she’s very nice. I’ve always had other doctors here.

    Got an almost 4 mile walk in yesterday afternoon since I wasn’t super busy with work, it was a lovely day.

    Hope to do the same, or maybe a bike ride later today.

  3. Barb says:

    Thought I’d get wordle in 3. Nope, took 4

  4. This is interesting. I noticed today that AirBnB has changed its app so that the price you see now has all fees (and taxes?) included, therefore you can no longer see how much AirBnB is earning, nor how much the owner is charging for cleaning.

  5. Jenka says:

    Sushi last night at Ocean Wave followed by two episodes of The White Lotus. This season is turning out just as good as the other seasons! You’d think people would figure out not to stay at a White Lotus resort anymore…

  6. David says:

    I received an unexpected but welcome email on Monday: the final settlement documents for my divorce, already signed by my soon-to-be ex and the lawyers. Next stop is the judge to sign it and then this godawful odyssey will be done. Thankfully the documents could be signed electronically. Ever since I’ve had Pigmeat Markham’s “Here Comes the Judge” song stuck in my head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ohq9h6QIcHY

    I was dragging like hell yesterday because my friend Jamie took me out for a beer at 10:45 at Vickery’s in Glenwood Park, which turned into 6 and closing the bar down around 2. We then decamped to the roof of my building and looked at the skyline and talked until 4 for it to be safe for him to drive home. I do love closing bars down. I don’t do it very often, but it’s always special when it comes around.

  7. Barb says:

    new temporary crown is on – now for the Novocain (or whatever they use these days), so I can eat & drink without drooling.
    I get to go back on 4/2 (Allan’s birthday) to get the permanent crown.

  8. Bob says:

    You missed a good day to ride, weather was about perfect. I got a 17 mile ride in last night and it was great. I still have a lot of work to do before BRAG.

    Got a guy coming to look at the camper on Saturday, fingers crossed!

    • Barb says:

      so exciting about the camper!!!

      had dinner with Mende & Stephanie last night – he said they want a doctor excuse if he wants to take Friday off. Damn Cobb cty- I guess becuase its the week before spring break?
      I was like – soooooo – get a doctor excuse! I’m sure with your leg, ankle, knee, something, you can get an excuse!

      • Bob says:

        Doctor excuse? He has been a teacher for like 30 years, I’m sure he is owed plenty of vacation time. I hope it gets worked out.

    • It bummed me not to ride, but I would have been mad if something happened to my delivery since it’s a critical component for WLF’s success this year.

  9. David says:

    So, my teenage son had quite an experience last night. He’s been out riding the Beltline almost every day, and last night witnessed an e-scooter accident where two guys crashed into each other on their scooters. One guy landed on the pavement unconscious and bleeding. Guy was unresponsive for 6 minutes. My son called 911, and thankfully another biker was behind him and helped the 911 people get the right location. Two firetrucks and an ambulance later the scooter victim was transported away. My kid said “I’m never riding without a helmet ever again.” He’s also never getting on an e-scooter again either. We’ve ridden them a couple of times in the past, but they’re too damn expensive, I’d rather just walk.

    • Steve says:

      Wow… I’m always amazed at the folks flying down through traffic with no helmet. Scary $hit…

      • David says:

        No kidding. The scooter dude was at least fortunate to wipe out by the gravel parking lot at 10th and Monroe. It could have been even more ugly at some points near there.

    • Barb says:

      when Allan worked at the firehouse on Edgewood – he treated MANY scooter accidents – I will only ride one when it isn’t busy with people. (I’ve only done it once, and you are correct, its too damn expensive)
      It scares me to even ride my bike down there when it is busy with people.
      I always wear a helmet too – as I’ve broken 2 helmets in falls.

    • Jenka says:

      OMG, that is so scary! I have a good friend who broke his shoulder and collarbone in an e-scooter accident, he will never ride one again.

      Out of curiosity, how much do they cost to rent?

      • Barb says:

        its by the minute – I can’t remember, but for the amount of time we played around on it – it was too much.
        Now I’m wondering too

        • Barb says:

          BUT- if you are trying to get from point A to point B – it might not be that bad (compared to walking time or getting an Uber & that cost)
          But – just for screwing around – I thought it was pricy.
          There’s a cost to unlock it – plus the per minute cost.

  10. I keep forgetting to watch Paris-Nice this week. D’Oh!

    • Steve says:

      I wanted to watch the TTT yesterday (team time trial for those who don’t have the secret handshake), just because they are so rare anymore, and I’ll watch today’s stage tonight.

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