
Depending on when you check in this morning I am either dropping stuff off at CHaRM, or have already returned from my early morning chore.

Let them eat bread!
Let Them Eat Bread!
This was the finished loaf as it came out of the oven, sitting on a rack to cool, and I waited with bated breath for it cool completely before I could slice it. Though it looks enormous because the cooling rack on which it sits is small, the loaf turned out smaller than I thought that it would, and was a bit dense, but it still tasted good. In the future I will cut back the salt a little, but other than that this was a relatively easy loaf to make, the hardest thing was waiting for the dough to proof/prove.

As I still let my body recover, in part by not leaving the house, I have been using up more previously purchased food. The bread I baked yesterday used flour, yeast, butter, salt, and water. Dinner last night was a box of “Hamburger Helper”, lasagna style, which used up that box (of course) as well as some of the frozen spicy ground Impossible “sausage” I had in the freezer. Today’s meals will be leftovers.

I am currently reading the book “Strong Female Character” by the Scottish comedian Fern Brady. (Steve, any relation? hahahaha) I first encountered Brady on the tv show Taskmaster where she was maniacal force with which to be reckoned. The book is an autobiography about her being diagnosed as autistic.

Wordle: four, my starter was CREAM
Connections: perfect, Green > Blue > Yellow > Purple

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27 Responses to 2024-01-30

  1. Of course you could be one it the ITP Early Birds who will read this space prior to 8:30am this morning…

  2. Sally says:

    The bread looks delicious. I should bake more.

    Wordle in 3 starting with PANEL. Perfect Connections: green, yellow, blue, purple.

    Heading to Rockmart this morning to visit with mom and take her shopping. GUTS run tonight.

  3. Barb says:

    even if the bread isn’t delicious, it looks like it should be. 😉

    My leftover cornbread chicken casserole came out pretty tasty.
    Like Jenka warned, it was a little sweet, but nothing horrible.
    I wouldn’t make cornbread to make this casserole, but it was a great way to use it up &N not just throw it out.

  4. Barb says:

    just decided to do something different –

    Booked the Len Foote Hike Inn for Thursday 3/14.
    Allan has never been, and I need to use up 5 vacation days, so I’ve take the week of March 11-15 off work.
    If anyone is feeling crazy, feel free to book a room.

  5. Steve says:

    Wordle in 6!! Almost in 5. No conniptions yet.

    The new boy is home and hopefully had a good night. The other kids want him to come out and play, but we’re keeping everyone separated until Debbie can supervise. Current named Cash, but that may change as another hunt horse has then name. So far, the other choices aren’t the best. And Debbie managed to escape the tack store with very little damage.

    A quiet evening. Dinner was pork lion over roasted Brussel sprouts with a balsamic vinaigrette. Just OK.


  6. Debbie says:

    Wordle in 4 and one mistake in Connections – blue, green, yellow, purple.

    The horse search is finally over – 6 states, 21 horses tried, loads of miles on the new truck, but I think it was worth it to find one that seams to have a fantastic brain. He’s a bit anxious still today as change is hard,

    This trip was also a girls’ birthday trip for my friend Jill. We wrapped up the horse shopping on Saturday and did vacationy things on Sunday. The clear kayak tour at Silver Springs was a nice start to our day. We didn’t see any manatees, but lots of turtles, a few alligators, many beautiful birds and some high monkey drama in the trees over the water. Monkeys are real bastards! One poor old guy was getting bullied something fierce.

    Birthday dinner was at a very nice French restaurant. Great service and good food. I didn’t make the best choice of entree, but I won the dessert round with an amazing chocolate torte with raspberry sorbet. The diet starts today!

    Last week wrapped up my time at the equine vet clinic. They’ve hired a couple girls that will work full time so my two days a week was no longer working. I’ll miss the people, but it was a weird leadership environment and that I won’t miss. My small animal vet had reached out about a position there so I’ll see how that works out. Glad to have a couple of free weeks to get the new boy settled and pull all of our tax stuff together.

  7. Jenka says:

    I SLEPT IN MY OWN BED LAST NIGHT! Oh frabjous day! I got up yesterday thinking we still had a few more days, but mid-morning our contractor texted us to say they would finish everything up by end of day! There are still one or two small things that need to happen next week, but that’s fine. It’s so beautiful! The new shower is so big, I felt so luxurious this morning. Of course, we traded storage space for a bigger shower, so I may change my mind when I have nowhere to store the toilet paper. 🙂

  8. Bob says:

    That bread looks amazing, fresh bread even if it is not perfect is still so good.

    Wordle in 4 but I cheated
    2 mistakes in connections. Usually I’ll get green yellow and blue then look at the remaining words and just wonder what the purple group subject could possibly be. It’s so random.

  9. Three chores done:

    Jigsaw Puzzle Drop Off = partial success (two donated, one claimed)
    CHaRM Drop Off = success
    Aldi = failure ($5 coupon expiring today was not scanned by cashier, I didn’t have the disposition to deal with this)

  10. Somehow I feel as if I have a cold? Seriously, I’ve not seen anyone since Saturday morning. How is this possible?

  11. Jenka says:

    Wordle in 5 starting with STEAL. That middle letter confounded me, there were so many possibilities!

    Conniptions fail. I got yellow and green and then flamed out. How would anyone know purple who didn’t do a certain activity?!

  12. Barb says:

    declutter of the day – I have some grey queen sheets I never liked, so I posted on my local Buy Nothing group. Some lady said she would love them -so into a bag on the front porch & she came & grabbed them a little while ago.

    • Nice. It’s too bad for me that the Buy Nothing group is a FB thing.

      I took styrofoam, a box of bottles, some electronics, and scrap metal to CHaRM today.

      Wish I felt better, especially since I think the Advil has masked pain. I did a 1.6 mile walk, but don’t feel well enough to go to a pub to watch soccer.

      • Barb says:

        don’t feel well enough to go to a pub to watch soccer.
        – WELL – then you can’t bitch about all the bar food & beers this way. Winning!!!

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