
Oh yeah, a blog. I must have gotten so high yesterday that I forgot that I needed to write another entry today.

Yesterday was a big day, Apple held its event announcing a new iMac, AppleTV, and a new iPad Pro which houses one of their fancy-pants M1 chips.
Oh yeah, my new M1 MacBook Air for which I will be making monthly payments over the next twelve months also was delivered a day earlier than the early delivery (today instead of next week) promised last week. It’s a goddamn good thing that I was home too as UPS put it on the front stoop, knocked on the door, and took off. No signature needed?!?!

WLF is doing okay, though I notice a few more mother* fungus gnats last night. And I am not thrilled by the chilly snap we are due to have since my peppers and tomatoes are already puny. I’ve also had to make some (pretty poorly done) crop covers to guard against the dreaded cabbage moths that lay their eggs on brassicas (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, and the like), whose offspring caterpillars consume the plants’ leaves. Poor planning on my part means that the Frankenbed can’t be covered (next year group all brassicas into one or two beds, you fool!); those will have to be sacrificial lambs (or whatever the vegetarian equivalent is).

Speaking of vegetarianism, I am not one. Last night I celebrated, a term I use loosely, by going down to Red’s Beer Garden and having a beer and a pulled pork sandwich with french fries. DELICIOUS! Because I was flying solo I couldn’t stay too long, especially since Red’s hosted comedy last night and would have kicked me out at 7:00pm anyway.

After Red’s I drove over to Aldi to pick up a few essentials. Much to my surprise our local Aldi had some gardening wares 🤪, not as much as British Aldis mind you, including a small plastic-covered greenhouse with shelving. Had I not just purchased a smaller version of the same, and Aldi had shown a price for theirs, I may have purchased one. Oh yeah, I did purchase a small roll of “chicken” (or whatever the vegetarian equivalent is) wire; I never thought I’d be buying that at Aldi either.

I was asleep super early 😝, probably before 9:00pm. Subsequently I have been awake and asleep many times sine 2:00am.

Today? Work? More cleanup. Virtual Top Chef with Betsy? And making some decisions, decisions, decisions.

A Happy and Healthy Hump Day to you!

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17 Responses to 2021-04-21

  1. Oh yeah, today is the La Flèche Wallonne bike race.

    And I just saw a digital ad from Aldi which says their greenhouse is $39.99 + sales tax.

  2. Barb says:

    New (temporary) crown installed yesterday, sore teeth for the rest of the day of course.

    My tomatoes are quite small, I debated on planting last week, but did it anyway. (My neighbor told me the Farmers Almanac said it was the time) now I just hope it doesn’t get too cold for them.

    Calling Honda, I need my 1st oil change finally on the CRV

  3. Bonnie says:

    Headed to the gym… wish me luck! 😬

    • Bonnie says:

      Whew, I can tell I haven’t been to the gym since last summer (when it closed again after briefly reopening). Got to start somewhere. I forgot about the mirrors that make you look skinny! 😁 Now on to a day of errands and chores, including one fun one, REI. 😁

  4. Steve says:

    La Fleche Wallone! Watching it now as the field makes it’s first trip up the Huy. The American had to take a neutral bike in the break!!

    More smoothing of the burn pile spots. The tractor started flashing the oil light and I decided it was a good stopping point. The oil is in need of changing, so I hope that’s the problem. Filter ordered and will be picked up later.

    We “enclosed” the paddock so the dogs (Ollie) couldn’t get to the baby. Our plan of using chicken wire was scrapped for the most part, except for the gates. We had “dog fence panels” that were placed against the board fence and will keep them out. Hopefully.

    And still no baby.


    • That foal should be named “Tardy”. 😂

    • EF Education is having a lousy day.

      • Steve says:

        They can’t catch a break (pun intended.) Nice that Shimano went back to get a team spare. And if everyone else has 2 team cars, why not EF? Budget? Logistics? I remember a managers meeting at TdeGA where one of the big managers pushed to have a second team car “like all the big races in Europe”. The president of the jury wouldn’t take the bait and said everyone will have one car, but thanks for your opinion…

  5. As the trees continue to grow leaves which generate shade I find it interesting how my WLF plot plan must change. 🤔

  6. Steve says:

    You’ve been in that house for how many years? Are these new trees? (everybody is a comedian).

  7. Spent about an hour chewing up branches and small trees.
    My potato bags are looking as pregnant as Steve’s & Debbie’s horse. 😂

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