Well dangen, I did it again. I forgot that today is Tuesday, and because I was awake well before my alarm clock went off, I’ve eaten breakfast before my weekly weigh-in. I ate because I was hungry; I probably ate too much food because I was hungry. Poop. I’ll push my weigh-in to tomorrow.
Once again I was awake early, 4:00am in this instance, because I fell asleep very early again. I think my current sleep pattern is definitely contributed to by lying on my futon under blankets in a cool, darkened room watching YouTube.
Yesterday I made a lame, in all senses of the term, attempt to get a little exercise by walking. My chore was to make the painful walk to the post office to mail my property taxes, whose check was painful to write. From the post office I made the turn toward home and managed to stagger around my neighborhood for almost 2.25 miles.
Today I will be getting visitation from Bonnie, who will kindly take my recycling to CHaRM. Technically it was my turn to do this chore, but Bonnie offered to go again.
Tonight I expect to get together with Bonnie and my buddy Shelby for a few drinks. I am going to give myself a consumption pass this week and start the return to eating better next week, and serious exercising when my knee surgery has occurred.
Because of commitments blog posts for the remainder of this week may be terse, but they will appear.
Hope all is well with you and that you are remaining healthy.
Hey I’m actually down a little bit weight-wise this morning, woot!
*Fist bump* Paulie on getting in some exercise!
Yay you! 🤜ðŸ»ðŸ¤›ðŸ»
It looks like my work PC didn’t like being powered down for 2+ weeks as I’ve had to reboot a couple of times to get back to a consistent status.
I managed to finally get my new smart trainer and laptop talking to one another last night. As I had already written I didn’t actually do a work out but I did see that it works.
Spoke to my buddy in Louisiana this morning. He invested in his retirement boat over the last two weeks -a beautiful 32 foot to masted schooner. A sad story of how it came to be his but sometimes fate has a way of working to your advantage.
Let’s not talk about scales After the week away I rang up 215 on mine. Fortunately it is already started to go down.
Just ate a quick lunch, trying to keep Bonnie’s sage advice of not having to eat everything in mind.