
Waschsalon morning.

Could be the start to one of the worst weather weekends this city has seen recently, hello cold and wet. ☹️

It appears that there is a new major version of WordPress to install. Who knows what will be working/broken once this blog space is updated. December 7th may be a date which will live in infamy.

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26 Responses to 2018-12-07

  1. Slow morning at the Waschsalon. I like it!

  2. Bonnie says:

    What did you cook last night? I did not see any beers logged…

    • After getting home from my shopping, and then doing an hour on the trainer, it was 7:15pm. So instead of cooking something new I reheated some leftover rice and beans, and ate them with a garlic naan I bought at Aldi.

      No beers were harmed in my presence last night.

  3. ITP Lurker says:

    “December 7th may be a date which will live in infamy.” So much so that you you’re recording the activities under December 9? 😉 And well played on the reference there.

    • Steve says:

      Clearly a man ahead of his time.

      The meeting and happy hour was nice. Nice beer and wine, and a bit higher standard on the food than normal chicken fingers and sliders. Milled around and talked horses and dogs.

      Invited to see “Celtic Thunder” at Symphony Hall tonight. Eating at whatever they call the restaurant at “The castle” beforehand. Hopefully Debbie makes it, as she might be stuck at work waiting on a delivery she has to sign for.

      Barb, what are y’all up to this weekend. I was thinking about some CX tires and my bike needs some work.


      • ITP Lurker says:

        Good one, Steve.

      • Barb says:

        we are headed to the Hyox party Saturday afternoon, they give us a hotel room, so we will be back home at some point Sunday morning.
        I don’t think we have anything on the agenda Sunday, except watching football. (Falcons vs Packers – a fight for the better draft pick). I’ll ask Allan,

        • Clearly the schedule makers thought the Falcons v. packers game might be for NFC dominance, if not for a playoff berth. That’s why they play the games on the field.

          Speaking of games, my adopted German soccer team, Werder Bremen, plays at 2:30pm EST. I might have to find a room… 🙄

          Currently I expect to do Black Sheep on Sunday, though the weather may convince me otherwise.

    • Seven, nine, what’s the difference? Oh yeah, two.
      Fixed 😉

  4. Barb says:

    After our visit to a beautiful high end appliance showroom yesterday, we now have an appt at the Wolf showroom in Buckhead next Saturday morning 12/15. They don’t actually sell anything there, they just teach you about their products. This way we can better decide what we want (& need). We are now back to thinking all in 1 Wolf gas range with 6 burners, but I need to be sure the gas oven really works as well as an electric.
    Side note – Icing (aka Brian) is the one that got us the apt, he is thinking Wolf as well, and we were messaging. We joined his appt. I guess a guy named Yusef (aka wifebeater?, I may know him when I see him?) works there.

    • IMO gas >> electric

      Yusef is “Wifebeater”. He used to hash a lot, notsomuch now. Huh, that sounds familiar…

      • barb says:

        gas for the stove top – that is 100% for sure.
        its just the gas oven is usually not as good (consistent heat) as an electric oven, but if I’m spending this much money, I’m thinking their technology might be a little better.
        that’s why we are going to go talk to the people that sell, but don’t sell the stuff.

      • I know if/when I ever get quotes for my needed renovations I am going to shot a brick. When I do I am really going to need to have the plumbing replaced.

        • ITP Lurker says:

          It will change your life immeasurably if/when you ever get your living quarters in order. The money you’re “saving” by kicking this down the road doesn’t appear to be doing much for you.

        • It’s not so much that I feel as if I am “saving” money. For years I didn’t think it was a good investment for my house (I paid a lot more than most people assume, and resale wasn’t that high then). Now I have no idea how to find a good contractor nor where I will find the time to get the project done.

          • Barb says:

            You just have to bite the bullet & get the process started.
            The hashing world knows people – just put out the word you need a good General Contractor – see what names you get.
            Then – you have them come over & give you an estimate – you pick a guy you think you like & trust.
            I can give you the company that built the Garage, they were good.

            As for time – there’s never a good time. Never a good time – just gotta decide to do it.

          • ITP Lurker says:

            I second everything Barb said. The big hurdle is just getting started. From there the momentum will carry you along. The inertia you’re stuck in is a motherfucker. Take the first step by putting the word out among people you know. Call Barb’s contractor. Even if you don’t hire them, you’ll start learning what questions to ask.

            And any realtor in your neighborhood will give you a free market assessment on your house. I’m sure the cost-benefit is there now, no matter what you spent previously on your house. I mean, Jesus, they’re building $500K condos next to The Flatiron. Your single-family home is gonna do fine.

          • ITP Lurker says:

            A saying that comes to mind, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

            It seems like you keep visualizing swallowing the thing whole. That’s not how this works. Take the first bite. You can do this.

          • Steve says:

            All this. Confucius says “The longest journey begins with a single step.” He was a clever MF.

  5. On Monday I will positing links to the weird Christmas music to which I have been listening this year.

    You’re welcome.

  6. Bonnie says:

    Hey Barb—you mentioned on this blog that you may have a party next weekend. Presuming us ITP Readers are invited, have you decided? Another friend of mine wants to have a party that weekend so just trying to firm up my calendar… And if I’m not invited, no worries 🙂.

    • Barb says:

      Allan isn’t sure he wants to have a party, but if it happens, it will be Sat 12/15. He has to work early Sunday morning – so it can’t be a late night.
      I’m working on him, but……….. he gets to make the call.
      And – you would be invited if it happens.

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