
I received a new doppelgänger reference last night. When I was younger people used to tell me that I looked like Christopher Reeve. Last night I was told I resembled Jürgen Klopp, former German soccer player and manager, and current manager of the Liverpool club. I guess it’s a 50+ white man thing… 😉

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12 Responses to 2018-10-31

  1. steve says:

    Done with breakfast at the cafe. Next stop Senoia for Debbies hair appointment and I’m riding home from there. Brought arm warmers but hope I don’t need them.


  2. ITP Lurker says:

    I was once told I looked like Sam Elliott (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Elliott) although his mustache is *way* bushier than mine, and he’s 21 years older than me.

  3. barb says:

    as I posted on FB, but for Paulie – you have 2 years to get your green army men costume together – we need a whole army for 10/31/20 – a Saturday
    Get Planning!
    I can text/email you the picture from a few years ago – since I can’t post it.

  4. Steve says:

    We need to find out where the costume contests are… and hire a bus!

    The scenic route from Senoia is almost 25 miles. I don’t think I was passed by more than 10 cars. B E A U T I F U L day.

  5. barb says:

    I HATE YOU (being outside while I’m stuck in here)
    if we get enough people – we can get a bus…….. or a van.
    but – promises, promises…….. we will see who actually get costumes.
    the only thing we really bought was the helmets.
    there are plenty of contests –

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