Made a run at running yesterday afternoon. I started strong, but petered out midway.
Today’s motto is “Just because it’s a meat day, doesn’t mean that it has to be an over-eat day.â€
Made a run at running yesterday afternoon. I started strong, but petered out midway.
Today’s motto is “Just because it’s a meat day, doesn’t mean that it has to be an over-eat day.â€
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Going to the dentist this afternoon to check out the pain tha I am having. I suppose this week is “Adulting Week†for me.
You went & attempted to run? Crazy talk.
We had to go to a friends to water some plants – decided to walk, it was a little over 5 miles round trip. That made for a decent workout last night. And we stopped at Publix too, bought heavy food, Allan loved lugging it home in the backpack.
Jog/Walk, in total about 4.25 miles. I jogged the first 1.5 miles, walked, jogged, walked, jogged, and walked the rest of the way to the office. The only heavy thing I carried was my belly fat, which is why I am trying to get rid of as much of it as I can.
I’ve been guilty of this! Out for a walk, decide to stop for a few things on the way home, and then suddenly am trying to lug 2000lbs. of groceries home that last mile. Hahaha. Stupid girl.
*actual poundage may have been exaggerated
I attempted a Kroger stop after German class last night, but was so infuriated by my fellow drivers that I stopped only for gas before heading back to the ITP Estate.
I *gasp*! Went to Atlantic Station last night after work. OMG. The drive home from there took forever. It’s *2 MILES*. And drivers were idiots. Like, I’m sorry, mister, but don’t take it personally that I need to get into your lane. I need to turn at the next street! Sheesh.
If I had to do traffic like that every day I would not be a pleasant person.
Traffic sucks, everywhere. I think the GPS has just made everyone stupid, they just can’t think.
I had a guy stop on a busy street, the light was green, why???? My guess is recalculating GPS. It almost caused a multicar pileup.
then – the traffic circle I go thru every day right now just makes me laugh, they aren’t that hard to figure out!
Allan gets to work the John Fogerty / ZZ Top concert at Chastain tonight.
AFR drama, they did some “remodeling” at Chastain, and they haven’t gotten the final fire inspection done. But – its really the AFR’s fault it isn’t done – so the show will go on!
I kind of want to go see Harry Connick Jr Saturday night – Allan is working that show too. Not sure what the ticket price is, I need to check into it.
Hey, is it just me missing something, or has Lurker been way too quiet ’round here lately? Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but you’re missed. Hi Lurker.
he said he was going on vacation to Grenada – maybe not back yet?
Ohhh yeah! That’s right! But still. They have the interwebz in Grenada, right?
Or maybe I’ve not given him enough fuel for a fire? Naaaaaah, that can’t be it. ðŸ˜
Well, you have been adulting pretty stellar lately….so yeah. Could be your fault.
Hi, Stacy.
I’m back, just following my life-long playbook of “approach and then retreat” when it comes to social situations. I freaked myself out by giving my name before the trip, so I’ve been laying low. Thank you all for the shout outs.
Grenada was amazing as usual. I’m having to detox from no longer being delivered a pina colada at 10:00 AM every morning on the beach. The water is so blue that when you’re in the water the underside of the sea gulls is blue when they fly over. We didn’t encounter any Americans until Friday last week, which was glorious in itself.
Paulie, you’ve been remarkably sanguine as of late, so there hasn’t been any low-hanging fruit.
Congrats on getting your old job back, Barb. No one else ever seems to pay us what *we* think we’re worth, but it sounds like it was a useful exercise to take a break, both for you and your employer. We sometimes can’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone, so I’m glad you got it back. As Debbie said, better the devil that you know…
Glad you had a great vaca David. I could easily get on the pina colada at 10AM train, except for that whole “work and be sober” thing.
Glad you had a great vacation – I need to look into this Grenada island.
And- as for the job, it is s the Devil I know, and I won’t be bored to tears most days. I can always look for a different job again if its goes back to the crazy I’ve been told is isn’t anymore. (I really don’t believe them, but I have hopes that I may have more help than I ever had before)
Not enough fuel for the fire? Ha, never!!
I pulled the trigger on Debbie’s birthday present concert to Chris Isaak at Symphony Hall in September. I gave her the option of 2 regular tickets, or 1 VIP “meet and greet” ticket (she has a serious crush on him). She wimped out- 2 tickets.
I mowed pasture last night and the little black bugs were everywhere. I had to stop a few times and select another podcast and they were relentless. Not terrible if you were moving. I murdered 25+ that were riding on the arm of the loader- in one swipe!
And poor Lola… she’s a pretty girl but dumb as a box of rocks. She discovered the fence is now electrified… yelping all the way into the house. This occurred Saturday- since, she has to be dragged outside. She associated whatever got her with the entire outdoors. At least she’s pretty…
glad to see Debbie posted a Brownie shenanigans on FB, those always make my day
That boy!
Can’t believe that I have yet to win Hamilton tickets. Don’t they know with whom they are dealing???
I’ve been trying as well. Perhaps we’re canceling each other out.
Allan was there 4 times, I know that cancelled me out.
At this point Allan can probably recite the entire play for you.
OMG, brilliant! We can put on a one-man Hamilton show at the Garage Majal!
NO, just no.
Glad you’re back and had a good trip David. Paul, your commitment to healthy choices lately is impressive – good on ya.
I’m headed to the land of cheese Saturday for an extended (for me, more than 2 nights is extended) business trip. I’m taking some walking shoes and plan to get some excerise exploring. Temps won’t be much cooler than here though. 😕
Brownie was pleased with himself this morning. I think he was glad to be practicing his art again.
Debbie – where in WI are you going?
Madison Sat-Thurs
I spent a weekend back right after college that I really don’t remember in Madison. It was a blast.
Make sure you go find a cheese house, just because you have to.
Not only not cooler – but you will be smack on an isthmus between two lakes. So prepare thee for humidity!
If the hotel doesn’t have AC in the rooms, there will be a come apart.
I’ve been to summer meetings in CO where the rooms didn’t have AC and been miserably hot. Not fun.
Hooray, I get to start the process of getting another crown next week! DANGEN!
Well, could be better than having peacocks attack your car…
crowns are so fun!!!!
Just don’t eat a tootsie roll at a campout & think its a stale/hard part & spit it into the campfire. Makes the replacement more expensive.
This will be my fourth? Let’s say that quality teeth was not one of the biological traits I inherited from my parents.
I “drowned†my sorrows at the Indian buffet near the new Turner Field (as I will call it). To elk with today’s motto!
Ooooh, maybe I will call the stadium “The Newt(t)†for “New Ted (Turner)†and have everyone think it’s named after Newt Gingrich!
now that’s funny.
and- I’m thinking I may need another crown as well soon, I have a weird feeling – not really pain – in 1 tooth. I have terrible gums (and sort of bad teeth), so I’ve spent way too much money at dentists, orthodontist, and periodontist.
I was told that I had some gum recession, perhaps from brushing too hard.
I’m halfway through the crown process with one tooth, and I’m pretty sure the adjacent tooth is also cracked. I like my new dentist a lot so hope he enjoys a nice vacation courtesy of our insurance and me.
I grind my teeth like it’s my job. Even good teeth can only hold up to that for so long.