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7 Responses to 2017-11-02

  1. Huh, I missed Midtown station today and got off at Arts Center. I know my stops, I’m not sure how I missed it.

  2. ITP Lurker says:

    You were lost in thought. That’s a good thing.

  3. Steve says:

    Once you’re in the tunnel, they don’t look much different.

    Kudos to the Astros for winning the World Serious. They went out and got an early lead and never looked back. The Dodgers had many opportunities but were never able to close the deal. Several L.A. friends had nice things to say about the Astros today- nice class.

    Where did the rain come from last night? Debbie had taken Phinney to Bear Creek to ride (loaded first time!) and when she got home it was raining pretty good. When I went and looked an hour later to see how much more was coming, you could barely find it on the map, it had moved so fast.

    Since the brakes on my car are acting up, I’ve decided to work on them myself! The shop turned rotors and replaced pads, but I learned yesterday that Mazda’s don’t have a normal pattern of how the brakes are controlled, which may be contributing to my problems. If the shop didn’t know, then that would explain my issues. Wish me luck!


    • The oddity is that I normally count the stops so that I don’t have to rely on seeing the name. I had headphones in this morning so I couldn’t hear announcements.

  4. Jenka says:

    Paulie, what’s your Twitter handle? I’m almost never on it, but once in a while I check it.

    I was happy to see the Astros win because they beat the Yankees.

    Going up to Ithaca, NY tomorrow for my 20th college reunion! How did I get so OLD?!

    • I am @InsidePerimeter on Twitter and I think also Instagram.

      From my point of view you are still very young.

      Two days of Hollywood shooting at my building, I have not seen a single superstar actor/actress.

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