It Does Me No Good To Leave Early Today

Tonight I will be going from “XYX Corp” to downtown to Theatrical Outfit for their performance of “Boy”. It does me no good to leave early, maybe I can use some of the later office time to do some German learning.

A Good Walk
Thanks again to ITP-Reader Steve for a three-mile walk at lunch yesterday. Unfortunately for me I was experiencing some painful physical issues, some of which you don’t want to know, and was slow. My afternoon of recover was incredibly painful to boot. Ah the joys of genetics deficiency!

With the exception of the amble that I will be taking to Vespucci where I’ll be meeting my fried Darren (not “Gentry”) for lunch I am giving myself the day off from walking.

ITP Flickr Pic
“Grass, Marble, Denim”

Grass, Marble, Denim
You know that I am notoriously early, right? With fifteen minutes to kill prior to our prearranged meeting time, I shot this outside the Federal Building.

Wanna Get Away?
I do, and I might at least for tomorrow.

Originally I was to go to the theater tomorrow night, but one of my favorite bands, Manchester Orchestra is playing tomorrow night, unfortunately at Tabernacle. I was considering going but now I see that it’s sold out. Oh well.

There will also be many people wandering about East Atlanta Village tomorrow night as the Project Pabst concert rolls into town, this time featuring Iggy Pop and Dinosaur Jr! Whoa, in my little old portion of the land inside the perimeter? Impressive. Hopefully the rain predicted for tomorrow evening will hold off until after the concert.

This will be a bookend weekend of theater for me because on Sunday night I will be once again seeing “Glengarry Glen Ross” at Pinch ‘n’ Ouch Theatrethis time as a one-man play!

And if I don’t get away I will spend time gathering things to expel from the ITP Estate.

Happy Birthday ITP
On Sunday, October 8th, this blog turns fourteen! I started on October 8th, 2004 and because the way we count birthdays it will be number fourteen. Is that right? Hard to believe that one person could whine in public for that long, amirite?

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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17 Responses to It Does Me No Good To Leave Early Today

  1. Oh yeah. Yesterday Netflix announced another price increase. I’m not surprised. At the end of this month I am going to cancel my account to see how much I miss it, I’m thinking the answer will be “not much” since I’ve not watched much on the service for months. I always have a backlog of iTunes purchases and Amazon Prime Video on which I can fall back.

  2. Steve says:

    Your pace did not seem slow to me, so I call BS. I didn’t know a good route through GT- I think we’ll do better next time and get out past the swimmin’ hole.

    A late night for me here. Testing began after 6 and we finally caught a failure about 10 after 7. By the time we got an AT&T engineer on the call, it was almost 8:15. I’m sure the account rep, who was called by our executive will have some ‘splainin to do as to why they were not on a “vendor meet” call. Turns out AT&T wasn’t passing the call across the WAN correctly. Oops.

    Actual Games labor starts tomorrow. The bleachers will be moved into locations where we can and staged closer by when we can’t. This allows Big Green Egg to have a bit more parking lot and gets us out of their hair a bit longer.

    Happy 3 day weekend all you quasi-government employees!


  3. ITP Lurker says:

    Cool photo.

    Episode #15 of this podcast may be of interest to you:

    • Thanks.

      I will check that out today.

    • Downloading now since Mobile Safari didn’t want to let me stream it via the internet. Aaaaah, technology…

    • Interesting listen.

      I have twenty more years of loneliness than the woman interviewed. I never expected to be here, and most days can’t believe that I am. How does one who wanted nothing more than to be happy and in a relationship spend 99% of the past twenty-five years alone, completely single?

      I will listen to Part 2 when it is released.

      I think that I will have greater issues with which I must deal in the coming years…

      • ITP Lurker says:

        No one plans to be in the situation that you’re in. Well, unless you’re living in a unabomber cabin somewhere. I guess those folks plan that shit out. But that’s not you. You want all of these things, but somehow they’ve been just beyond your grasp.

        So, the thoughts that prompted me to send the podcast to you:

        – You are very much in good company. If a 32 year old woman with all that she has going on can get stuck, well, you’re far from unique.

        – The podcast lays out a pattern that she got (gets) stuck in. It feels much like the pattern that you’ve intermittently fallen into over the years. Again, you’re not unique or alone. Thinking that you are is self-flagellation and makes it ever harder to break free.

        There are specific behaviors that you’re doing that are keeping you stuck. I can’t name them, I’m not living your life. But I’ve done enough work on myself that I know what this shit looks like from a mile away. With some help you can start understanding the pattern, and eventually break free of it.

        I feel like I’ve spent much of my life living on a hamster wheel, running full-tilt and really getting no where. It’s only after doing some fucking godawful therapy work that required three different therapists that I’m finally starting to feel secure in my skin, and I’m seeing glimmers of my old patterns slowly falling away.

        For instance, I crossed paths with a couple of friends at the soccer field the other night. I hadn’t talked to either person in a couple of years because my social anxiety had pushed them away as friends. These conversations where much different than before. I felt comfortable. My chest didn’t seize up like it used to.

        Therapy is hard. The work sucks. But being on this side of it, I can tell you that the work in the room is way less painful than the work of kicking the can down the road and remaining stuck. My situation is different, I have a partner I’ve been married to for 25 years. But for a couple of decades I was often crushingly lonely because of the shit in my head.

        Things to not have to be the way they are for you. It’s well within your grasp to change it. You’re making incremental progress, whether you can see it yet or not. There’s incredible power in naming what we’re up against. Once we can name it, then we can start taking actions to overcome it.

        You’ve had a running monologue in your head for decades that is giving you tunnel vision. You need outside perspective to help you get off of the hamster wheel, and put yourself in new types of situations, where you look and feel approachable, and then one day you’ll catch up. And when you find the person that’s right for you, you’ll be surprised how quickly the decades of being alone fall away. Because you’ll be in a new place, and who the fuck wants to revisit the old place?

  4. Barb says:

    0700am, landscapers start working at this condo complex?
    I was awake, I nean, my body knows it’s 10am, but still.

    So far been pretty mellow, it is hot, but whatever.
    Went to Black Mountain Brewery yesterday afternoon with Ooops & Deposit, it was tasty. Ooops wanted to walk (about 3ish miles) but we convinced him a $6.50 Uber was a better deal.

    Besides that, just wandered around, bought some groceries, chatted with many people.
    Got the giveaways, The shirt is pretty interesting.
    Trying to figure out what trails to do, you have to sign up on Eventbrite at 4pm (or after) today. Hope we figure out what we want to do.

    • Sounds like fun. Interesting approach to trail sign up. It’ll be interesting to hear how it works out for you — can’t be worse than the mess in Vienna, just as Deposit Slit and Oops.

  5. Checking out, feeling incredibly uninspired at the moment. May go to the theatre tonight as originally planned, may get in my car and drive to another city.

    Oh Ham, funny story. I was talking about Dave at lunch, and guess who I saw crossing Peachtree? Huh, guess it’s not a great question since I prefaced it with the answer.

    • HamWithCam says:

      Yep, surprisingly still, is that it doesn’t happen more often.
      Tip: Dave also walks at lunch….

      Further, I was at the High Wednesday, then escaped for lunch at…wait for it…OK Cafe. 🙂

      Regarding your sorry state of affairs. You have much others envy:
      (In no particular order)
      – health
      – disposable income
      – decent car
      – nice bike(s)
      – knowledge of the ways of the hash
      – photography skilz, decent kit (albeit Nikon)
      – a way with the Mac programs
      – good friends
      – a fondness for cold beer
      – an encyclopedic knowledge of Hüsker Dü

      Many should be so fortunate…

      “Make it a nice weekend…”
      73 de JG/HamWithCam

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