My poor time management skills last night, “damn you sleep”, and this morning, “damn you Paulie for watching YouTube”, have made it impossible for me to put out a real blog post this morning.
Oh, I also don’t have much about which to blog either.
So today I will say “Sorry” and “I am looking forward to lunching with some of you today”.
If you have a conversation starter please put it into a comment and ignite today’s conversation.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
Paulie/Steve…11:01 am, Crescent Ave at 11th.
Orange Honda Element.
73 de JG/HamWithCam
Roger that. 😉
I’ll be there.
I will remind Allan to be at OK Café at 1120-1125.
See y’all there
fwiw- today’s original title was to be “Goodbye July”.
If only it could stay this cool in the mornings! My car said 60 degrees!!! My car also appears to have a solid AT light once again. It “clunked” into gear once yesterday. I’m weighing my options. How much repair do you put into a car with 200k miles?
And after briefly running the lawn mower, only to realize my repaired tire really wasn’t holding air, repairing same and remounting, the mower would not start. It would turn over, but all other indicators were also good. Harumph! Hopefuly I just flooded it. The new gas could be bad… that would also piss me off.
ask Allan how much money to put into a 200k + car….. we put plenty into the CRV before we gave up. Waiting to see what the DAV decides my car was worth, for my donation.
we both went to a yoga class at the Y last night – it was good, need to do that more often. It is/was a nice gentle class.
I et too much!
Me too, and my body is revolting. I may not be able to make it to German class tonight.
You’ll not get any sympathy from me! I’m starving.