Weekend Update

It’s Monday already? Even when you aren’t working the weekends go by much too quickly. Today marks the one-month anniversary of my sabbatical.

Really? What Happened To Me?
On Saturday morning I finally got my shit together to get up to Vinings to ride the Saturday morning ride departing from Atlanta Cycling. At twenty-two miles I was concerned that the ride would be too short when compared with the distances I’ve been riding over the past month.

I was cruising with the peloton nicely until “the split”. At “the split” I should have gone left to avoid the hill, but my riding partner Al (who had been complaining of dead legs during the thirty+ mile ride he did before this ride) went straight. I was feeling okay, and on the far right side of the street which made it difficult to take the left turn to avoid the hill, so I went for it. About a third way up the hill I was struct with heartburn (for perhaps only the fourth time in my life!) and was dropped quickly.

All alone with not the greatest sense of where this ride goes I was happy(ish) to find familiar road markers. After a few miles of riding alone Al called me to find out where I was, and was kind enough to turn around and ride backward so that I wouldn’t have to finish solo.

I was embarrassed and disappointed with my effort.

I lunched with Al following the ride at El Pollo Tropical.

ITP Flickr Pic
“Old School Cycling” (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
Old School Cycling
Saw this old gal (or guy if you’d rather) parked on the street while walking up to the races.

A Small, But Vocal Gathering
Upon arriving home and showering I marched up to East Atlanta Village for the annual East Atlanta Criterium. I met up with one of my Flickr buddies, Greg, and sat at Argosy, watching the races from afar which was easy to do since this year’s race didn’t attract a large following. (I’ve said this every year, “I hope the East Atlanta Criterium” comes back next year.)

Given the weather predicted for Saturday afternoon I chose to carry a golf umbrella instead of my camera gear.

As the afternoon wore on, and I had more than enough beer in me, I wandered across Flat Shoals and hung out with the cadre of hashers who had convened. And on that side of Flat Shoals I was able to refill my plastic cup with Bombardier Ale at The Elder Tree Public House.

After the races were over I stopped into Grant Central East for a couple of slices of pizza and a Coke before staggering home.

It was a good day, or so I think. 😉

Sunday, Muddy Sunday
Somehow ten years have passed since that fateful Sunday when I opted to join ITP-Reader Stacy and Phil for a photostroll in College Park instead of running the “Catch The Crabs” Black Sheep Hash held that day. I remember texting “Boner Rooter” later that afternoon asking her how the hash was and she told me that lightning had struck near the on-in, scaring the shit out of all who were there. I made the right decision that day.

Yesterday I tempted the Gods by attending the “Catch The Crabs” hash. It was a good romp through the woods and swamps of Newnan, as I knew it would be, followed by an on-in that was completed under ominous skies. I just made it under the pole barn when the skies opened up, only rain thankfully.

After my weekend’s activities I was pooped and passed out by 9:00pm last night.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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6 Responses to Weekend Update

  1. Barb says:

    good busy weekend –
    Had to work a little both Saturday & Sunday morning, but went hashing both afternoons.
    Pine Lake was a Perimeter Mall start with the super long dark tunnel under the Mall, then soon after a creek for quite a while. Ended at PMS & her hubby’s house who I have no idea his hash name near Marist.
    Someone thought letting some CNN guys do a story about hashing (with a big camera) was a good idea, so that made the day interesting. Niplets, the hare, wasn’t thrilled at all.

    Black Sheep was fun, a few of us took a wrong turn (sort of on purpose, thinking we could short cut the trail) and never saw flour again. Luckily, Head Nurse who lives right now the street had knowledge of the trails, so we had a nice walk thru the woods & got back to end with no issues (and, never saw the sawgrass!!!)
    Good times, and a carpool with Deposit & Oops meant I didn’t have to drive home!

  2. Stacy says:

    That was 10 years ago?!?! That was the day down by the airport, right? Where nature retook the part of the neighborhood that was shut down after the new runway was built? Wow.

  3. Miles’s hash name is “Centipeter”. I can see Niplets being displeased by this, especially since they took the tunnel under the mall. I would have run that trail, I’ve done most parts of it and used some on trails I’ve laid, if not for the East Atlanta Criterium.

    That was the day, Stacy. We walked around the abandoned school, and the apartments that were flattened to create a noise abatement zone for the airport. Oh look! Back in the day I made an album from the shots from that photostroll that I posted to Flickr.

  4. Stacy says:

    Nice! That was a really fun day.

    I tried to get my photos too but alas, I haven’t a clue anymore how to access any of it. When Flickr was bought by Yahoo, my account became a bigass cluster since it had been opened with a Yahoo! email that I no longer had access to (I had forgotten my password, but there was no way for them to send me a new one since that email was defunct). So that’s why I totally gave up on Flickr: before that, I really liked it.

    It’s nice nowadays that when you forget passwords, you can often request a text message code or “answer security questions.” That wasn’t an option on this back then.

    We need to photo stroll again. Doll head trail was back in MARCH already, for pete’e sake.

  5. March? Wow. Let’s discuss when the weather gets slightly cooler, and my calendar isn’t completely packed. Seriously, I think the first half of September is completely booked, and the second half of the month as well as October are filling fast.

  6. steve says:

    So where did the weekend go?

    While Debbie went to Rome and a hunter pace (think trail ride for optimum time) I went for 20 on my CX bike. Found a new gravel road which I can link to an old one and make a different gravel grinder than I normally do. Then off to find a replacement plastic web strap closure for the one a certain GD (that would be Great Dane sometimes) pup chewed into uselessness. After 5 stops over 2 days, Jo Ann fabrics hit it out of the park with the exact size and easy to find thread and needles to sew it in place.

    A nice small party Saturday night with musician friends and good food.

    Sunday, the memorial gathering in Buckhead. A small crowd, but interesting memorabilia. He was well on his way to being a fighter pilot (WWII) when they learned he was color blind. Why that would make a difference, I’m not sure, but he finished navigator school in a B-29.


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