Busy Days

The beginning of March is upon us.

Between the hectic schedule I have and work and the German homework that I still need to do for tonight I have little time today, not that I have much to say either.

Tomorrow is the big estimate day. I’m hoping to get ninety minutes on the trainer before dropping off the M6 and then blog on the hour-long (or longer) commute to work from Avondale Estates to Perimeter Mall.

Tune in then to see how successful I was, won’t you?

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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4 Responses to Busy Days

  1. Stacy says:

    I see no mention of voting, young man. Voting better be on your agenda today!

  2. Barb says:

    I’m going to vote at lunch – trying to figure out what other pre-vacation errands I need to run. I know getting some cash is one of them.
    Leap Year hash was fun – easy trail – always entertaining to try to come up with more hash names for people. Best part was Dum BUF just basically deciding when we got a good one – to keep the thing rolling.

  3. steve says:

    Good to see a bunch of folks at the Leap Day hash last night. Hose was the naming theme for Barb and Allan, while I had told EM of my.trials.with chain saws, so the.crowd went from there to wood, to cutting wood to cutting off wood, hence I was named Lorena Bobbet. Glad it’s only once every 4 years.

    Off today and watching Debbie give lessons at Janies.


  4. Barb says:

    Debbie is giving lessons at Janie’s? to who? Janie? Tell her HI!

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