
I had big plans for my day of choring yesterday. The linchpin of my day was to meet up with a gang of old coworkers, two of which I started working with in 1996, for lunch in Tucker at Matthew’s Cafeteria. In addition to lunch I did knock out stops at Goodwill, and Lowe’s. I would have visited one of downtown Tucker’s breweries — Blue Tarp, or High Card — except that both closed for business recently. I considered going to IKEA, but nixed that since I was one the wrong side of town.

Wordle: four, my starter was URINE

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18 Responses to 2025-03-25

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 5.

    A slow day, followed by a few chores. We picked up all the fallen branches around the pastures on Saturday, in preparation for overseeding and fertilizing. What big pieces we didn’t throw on the burn pile were still in the bed of the truck and needed to be cleaned out. Would have been much easier to do before it all got wet.

    I almost rode last night and might have if the bike wasn’t in the man cave instead of
    the trainer.


  2. Barb says:

    another exciting day in Iowa.

    did go for a 1.6 mile walk with the next door neighbor – we’ve gone 3 times this trip, it takes exactly 30 minutes. I just hope Dad doesn’t get in trouble while I’m gone.
    It’s good to get outside for some fresh air & hear neighborhood gossip.

    Today is last day, fly out at O Dark 30 tomorrow (otherwise known as 0530)
    Got upgraded to Comfort, but no First class, I’m 4 on the list, and only 2 seats open.

    Gotta get some cleaning & laundry done today – so Tom doesn’t have to deal with it.

  3. Barb says:

    wordle in 4 – btw – nice start word

  4. Jenka says:

    Usual Monday: sushi, then an episode of the White Lotus. Only one more episode left!

    • Barb says:

      we watched basketball (Iowa women are out – no sweet sixteen) & more basketball, then I turned on golf for a little while, the Wheel of Fortune, then more basketball.
      Went to bed at 8:45 & watched something I wanted to watch on my iPad.

      • Jenka says:

        I take it your dad likes sports? Kevin’s dad would watch any kind of sports, he had a lot of trouble watching anything with a plotline.

        • Barb says:

          what you just said – if its a regular show – all he says is “I don’t understand” its bad enough during the commercials.

          • Steve says:

            Do y’all use closed captioning? We’re big “Elementary” fans and there have been a couple episodes without CC and I just ignore them… I can’t follow anything.

          • Jenka says:

            It doesn’t really have to do with not being able to hear what’s being said (although that’s part of it), it’s just impossible for someone in their 90s to follow a storyline. If I make it to my 90s I probably won’t, either.

          • Barb says:

            Steve – he’d never be able to follow the close captioning. I can’t sometimes either.
            – but I do use it here & there –

  5. More reconfiguration of WLF for 2025. I purchased a new impact sprinkler yesterday at Lowe’s. This one doesn’t seem to be as robust as the ones I’ve purchased from Amazon.

    Lunch was fried rice with ground pork and WLF greens. I’m trying to eat as many greens as possible before they bolt to flower with warmer weather.

    One of my compost barrels is telling me it’s growing time. When I opened the lid I was greeted by many sprouted seeds.

    • Oh yeah. I also planted a blackberry plant I bought at Lowe’s last week, as well as spread some compost onto the fron lawn WLF extension. So far the new section has been a bust, most likely due to poor soil for growing and tree roots. I intend to experiment this season, and tarp it for the summer if it turns out to be too shady.

      • Steve says:

        My dad had domesticated blackberries- they grew so well and we had pie and cobbler so often, it wasn’t as much of a treat. When he raveled for work, he’d keep a empty paint can in the car just in case he passed a blackberry patch!

        • Oh, I like the paint can idea.

          I know of a few places with blackberries, and may try to get my fair share when they are ripe since my plants won’t produce much (yet).

          I have a fond memory of hashing with Dain Bramage as we both stopped to eat blackberries on a Black Sheep trail.

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