This morning I looked at the small luggage combination lock that I purchased last weekend, and much to my surprise the instructions are only in German!
Code-Einstellung ab Werk 0 – 0 – 0
Zur Personalisierung gehen Sie wie folgt vor:
1. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der o.g. Code eingestellt ist. Überprüfen Sie hierzu die sichtbaren Zahlen im seitlich eingelassenen Codefenster an der Stirnseite.
2. Schieben Sie den Schalter unten auf der Rückseite von links nach rechts.
3. Stellen Sie Ihren Wunsch-Code durch Drehen der Räder im Codefenster ein.
4. Schieben Sie den Schalter auf der Rückseite von rechts nach links.
5. Nach Einstellen des gewählten Codes drücken Sie den silbernen Knopf – das Schloss öffnet sich.
6. Zum Schließen platzieren Sie das Kabel in die Öffnung und verändern Sie die Zahlen im Codefenster.
This made sense when I saw that the company, Munkees, is a German company.
I’m about to spend a short while trying to translate the instructions to English prior to giving up and going to the company’s website.
Wordle: three, my starter was DRONE
Every time you’re late with your post, I worry about you.
Wordle in 4 and coulda been 3
Still fighting the good fight with the trailer lights. My attempt to trace the wires failed as the toner doesn’t work the way I think it should. There is no voltage I can detect, even connecting the truck and having the lights on. The battle continues…
Regarding late comments from HwC and Jenka- I’ve heard good things about the drinks at the Colonnade, and I agree, Jenka, that MM has gone down hill since it’s glory days under Ms. Lupo in the 80’s, but that has been a minute.
I was a little slow getting started today, but thanks for the concern. 🙂
“Operating Instructions
Factory Code Setting 0 – 0 – 0
To personalize, proceed as follows:
1. Ensure the above code is set. To do so, check the visible numbers in the code window on the side of the front panel.
2. Slide the switch at the bottom of the back panel from left to right.
3. Set your desired code by turning the dials in the code window.
4. Slide the switch on the back panel from right to left.
5. After setting the selected code, press the silver button – the lock will open.
6. To close, place the cable in the opening and change the numbers in the code window.”
(But you knew that….)
73 de JG/HamWithCam
I think you left out the part where he needs to click his heels together and say “there’s no place like home”, then click like a chicken? 😉
Separately, Wordle in 2 today.
We have one roll-y bag that we share to travel with. It has one of those combo locks which I’ve never programmed and have no idea how to program. During one of my recent trips to MA I absent-mindedly put one of the zip handles of the front pocket into the little locking mechanism and realized that now it is locked in. And I have no idea how to get it out. So now we can only open the front pocket half way. I s’pose I could google it. LOL!
Chicken chili in the crockpot today because I have a haircut after work. With no corn, because one day I have 4 bags of corn in the freezer and the next day I have none.
posted a vintage crockpot we found here at the house – we may try it, and see if it still works, or starts a fire, or ????
I saw that pic on FB, it looks so cool! I would definitely try it out…
hello from Iowa- its cold (40 but says feels like 22, I haven’t been outside) and raining.
I managed to lose my glasses at the airport or on the airplane last night – luckily I packed a 2nd pair, but still, I’m so mad at myself. I have a copy of my prescription, I need to see if there is anyway to get a pair made up quickly. What fun….
UGH, that would absolutely ruin any trip for me. Good luck getting a new pair. Maybe leave a pair there?
That’s exactly what Allan said.
Leave a pair here.
a place called Vision 4 Less – has an onsite lab, so I can get them made today. We will see what this costs…….
I have a pair of reading glasses at my office, at the cabin, in my car, and in my travel bag. LOL.
I’ve gotten to the point of only really needing my glasses for up close. I had a script pair of readers made, thinking I could use them with the PC at work, but sadly, they are only good for no more than 18″. Debbie collects reading glasses and buys them in bulk.
Mazel tov!!
Howdy folks. Back from a busy morning out of the ITP Estate, but still ITP.
Met some buddies at LanZhou Ramen Noodle in Chamblee for lunch. On the way out I stopped at the City Farmers Market on Buford Highway. On the way back I stopped at Ace Hardware in Decatur and Lowe’s in Edgewood Retail District.
I’m good at spending money…
Was that TLC’s Ace? I’ll be over that way tomorrow as Debbie has “the other eye” done in the morning.
Yes, that’s the one. I did not see her there today, however.
Is she going to the place across the street? I went there to get my last chalazion removed eight years ago, and nearly stopped in today to inquire about getting my new one removed soon.
2 pairs of glasses – super basic, but the total was less than $100.
what the hell? I looked to see if there was a store in Atlanta – no, closest is Columbus. GA or Anderson, SC. (in case I need an adjustment, or whatever).