
Home again. Good conference, if not a bit basic, but a couple of sessions did push me to learn more about mushrooms.

Yesterday’s outings to Pancho’s for beer and chips, and the to The Collonade for dinner, were fun, but very bad for my wallet and waistline.

Wordle: three, my starter was TRADE

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15 Responses to 2025–03-18

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 2!!

    The work lights on the LQ trailer aren’t working and I tried to change that. I can’t find a blown fuse, I can’t detect power and I’m annoyed. more to come.

    My left quad was killing me last night- strange that it didn’t hurt all day that I noticed. To overcome this obvious bowling injury, I gave the trainer a workout for 45 minutes.

    You know there’s some sort of mushroom event this weekend on the beltline? I hear it pimped on NPR. Associated with the brew pub in West End.


  2. Barb says:

    Pancho’s – then Colonnade? Look at you out & about on St Patrick’s Day.

    Trying to get my shit packed & together to go to Iowa for a week – I’m just not motivated – but – my flight doesn’t depart until 9:15pm. so I still have time

  3. Barb says:

    Wordle in 4 – you guys win

  4. Jenka says:

    Went for sushi as usual for Monday and the place was pretty empty. I guess that’s not surprising.

    I have not been to the Colonnade for years, I should make a pilgrimage. Generally if I’m going all the way to Cheshire Bridge I’m going to Nakato.

  5. Steve says:

    I have lived in “Atlanta” almost 60 years and I’m sad to admit I have never been to the Colonnade. I need to remedy that. (I have been a regular at Mary Mac’s, so that should count for something).

    • Barb says:

      Steve – they are pretty similar (in my non southern opinion)
      I’ve been to Mary Macs once, and Colonnade 3 times.
      Nothing that spectacular food wise, but all outings were fun.

  6. HamWithCam says:

    “Gay and Grays” really does accurately describe The Colonnade.

    I think folks go there for the drinks (especially the legendary martini), to see their favorite of the waitstaff and to get the same food they’ve always gotten.

    Our fav, Christina (from France) had been there well over 20 years. Christina caters to Jan’s Dad (87) and always gives us an extra chair for “his hat”.

    The Colonnade has recently been sold and the new management (ltwo guys, both long-time customers) have raised the bar, while managing not to alienate other long-time customers.

    73 de JG/HamWithCam

    • Jenka says:

      Yes, this exactly. And you get a nice strong martini served to you by a 75 year old dude with Parkinson’s, or maybe constant DTs.

      Re: Mary Mac’s, I have heard from several sources that it has gone way downhill since it was sold a few years ago.

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