
Happy 5th COVIDversary everyone! Five years ago I left my office for the final time, well, except for returning once to claim my personal items. Five years ago today I was sitting at home watching The Dropkick Murphys perform their annual St Patrick’s Day concert, only this time to no audience.

Today I will be getting my second dose of St Patrick’s Day Mexican, since I will continue my tradition of Mexican on St Patrick’s Day. Yesterday I ate at the only restaurant in Mars Hill open on a Sunday, Rio’s Mexican Kitchen.

Wordle: four, my starter was VIRUS

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12 Responses to 2025-03-17

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3.

    Friday evening was the HHH at the fish fry. A decent crowd of folks. We learned Bunny had a heart attack last week and sat next to me to commiserate. I said talk to me after your second one…

    Saturday was closing hunt. A nice “breakfast” of corned beef and cabbage. I think there were chores and then a hard hour on the trainer. The storm didn’t even wake me up.

    Sunday was a bowling day!! We celebrated Rox’s birthday and I managed a 130 game. Some piss poor bowling otherwise but it was fun.

    And for St. Patrick’s Day, a toast- “May you be in Heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead!”


    • Barb says:

      Good seeing you Steve in person Friday – Allan cleaned your bike, made some comments about how dirty it was 😉 & looked at it. No idea what is going on with it.

  2. Barb says:

    good busy weekend
    Friday after Hash HH I met Kevin for a glass of wine on my drive home – always good to catch up.

    Saturday we went mtn biking – Allan was really enjoying the E portion of his new bikes on some of the climbs – it really makes for a more pleasant experience.
    Met up with a friend that moved to Oregon for dinner Saturday night – she has actually decided to be a nomad, (gave up her apartment out there) & has bought a Sprinter type of van, and is just traveling around. She seems so happy now, its pretty cool.

    Sunday was Wheelhopper in Alpharetta, good trail, I got lost on the singletrack part, but the HTN has some decent trails, I just rode around for a while, eventually figuring how to get out back to civilization, and found marks again near Avalon.

    So, 2 days in a row on a bike.
    Heading back to Iowa for a week tomorrow, so no riding for a while.

  3. Jenka says:

    Pretty quiet weekend. The highlight was that we went to the opening game for Finn’s Buddy Baseball season. Being in Buckhead at 9:00 am on a chilly Saturday is not my idea of fun, but Finn certainly enjoyed it. Afterwards we did a bunch of errands and went out to lunch. Yesterday was pajama day, I did nothing but read my book. We watched a lot of college basketball all weekend. Time to make a bracket!

  4. Jenka says:

    Instead of Mexican on this holiday for amateurs, we will be partaking of sushi.

  5. Barb says:

    heading to Iowa tomorrow night instead of Wednesday night – my idiot brother is having some sort of surgery on Wednesday & needs a driver. Where are all of his loser friends & girlfriends?
    Anyway – Connie is already there, & we really want Tom to have the whole week off from Dad, so I’ll be home with Dad & Connie can go with Bob for the surgery.

    • Jenka says:

      I am heading up to MA on Friday. My brother is going up tomorrow to take Dad to his early morning Wed appt in Boston. Aren’t aged parents fun?

      • Barb says:

        just a blast, just a blast.

        So, idiot brother’s loser girlfriend that had been down in the basement is gone (no idea why, I may ask when I get there) – so he’s been hanging out upstairs – driving Connie nuts.
        She mentioned not having a crock pot, so he brought one up from the hoarded up basement – its circa I’ll say 1975. We wonder if it even works or will burn down the house.

  6. Hello from Spartanburg, SC. Weaving my way back to Atlanta where I will be meeting my buddies for good food and lousy beers later.

  7. Barb says:

    Meeting Davey for lunch at Cinco – its a 20% Seated & Upside place.
    Makes going out for lunch reasonably priced

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