
One of the ongoing tasks I’ve started this week is decluttering my inboxes by unsubscribing from mailing lists such as “hotel offers”, and “promotions”, in which I no longer have interest. Hopefully this virtual decluttering will inspire physical decluttering.

Wordle: four, my starter was SLIDE

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10 Responses to 2025-03-14

  1. Stopped at a Love’s Truck Stop, ah reminds me of RAGBRAI traveling, just over the South Carolina border; filled the M6 with gas, for $2.58/gallon. Oh, and I may get additional money back from Upside as well!

  2. Barb says:

    wordle in 3 – that took too much thought (when it shouldn’t have)

    Bug sprayer guy coming today- the warmer weather has brought out more bugs I’ve noticed. I think he’s coming in the afternoon, he’s supposed to call. We will see……..

  3. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4.

    Set my alarm for 0230 to see the lunar eclipse and was met with a low ceiling of clouds. I bet it was likely this pea soup fog which is now out the windows.

    I was unmotivated to ride the road yesterday, but did spend a half hour on the trainer. I’m certainly not going out now until the fog lifts.

    Safe travels, mushroom farmer.


  4. Jenka says:

    I tend to unsubscribe from emails 3-4 times per week, but it doesn’t seem to make a dent in the amount of spam I get.

    Went to Spoon with my girlfriend Sarah and had a nice chat. I was home by 8:30.

    We have no plans this weekend except Finn has his first Buddy Baseball game tomorrow morning up in Buckhead. The weather is looking very iffy so it might get rained out. *fingers crossed*

  5. Greetings from North Carolina. Not at my destination, can’t get into my AirBnB until 3pm.

    I catch guff for my grandpa driving style, but the three people I saw pulled over for speeding my motorcycle cops on US25 probably wish they weren’t in such a rush today…

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