Added another raspberry plant and gooseberry plant to the ever-expanding WLF. How am I ever going to reach escape velocity if I keep planting long-term plants?
Wordle: three, my starter was KRAUT
Added another raspberry plant and gooseberry plant to the ever-expanding WLF. How am I ever going to reach escape velocity if I keep planting long-term plants?
Wordle: three, my starter was KRAUT
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Wordle in 3.
I actually went out for lunch yesterday as it looked lovely outside, walking down to the park for lunch at Willie’s. The only problem is the walk back is all uphill!
Instead of riding, I swapped out the tires on the new trailer. I thought I could get both side in the air using our leveling wedges on one side and the correct “tire change ramp” on the other, but the leveling blocks slid. 4 trips up and down the ramp and new tires and wheels are in place. While I had to use my breaker bar to break the lugs loose, my impact driver was a big help getting lugs off and on.
I tried to convince Debbie that she would enjoy Friday night happy hour fish fry, but she declined. I will be there and will have a bike to pass over to you, Barb.
Uphill is good, it’s better exercise! My walk yesterday intentionally went up two long inclines in my neighborhood.
Have fun at the HHH. Unless something happens I will be headed to NC for a farming conference this weekend. No, I’m not a real farmer, but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn.
Allan & I went to Willie’s yesterday for lunch too (but up here in Marietta)
I decided a quesadilla would be good soft food for my after dentist sore teeth.
I will plan on the fish fry on Friday – now to remember to put the rack on the car.
Allan moved around 10 tons of (new) gravel in the back yard yesterday – he had moved some bushes and whatever craziness out there. it wasn’t as large of a pile as I thought it would be (gravel aint cheap) but he is happy with his results. He was BEAT!!!! We “had” to sit in the hot tub last night.
You married the most ambitious person I have ever known! 🙂
He certainly could never be called lazy!
I’ve never been to a Willie’s but we have them cater events several times a year, and I think it’s delicious.
I made baked chicken with mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli for dinner last night and we watched an episode of Virgin River.
My dongle arrived for my car and it works great! No more plugging in my phone every time I drive! WOOT!
it is an awesome discovery that I should have thought of long ago – whooo hoooo!
I did figure out though – if you shut off your car, it hangs up a phone call. You need to switch to back to phone manually – with the cord when I unplugged, it switched over somehow on its own.
I never use the phone for any reason so that is not an issue for me. Thank you so much for clueing me into this!
I talk to my sister sometimes while driving, its about the only time I feel like talking on the phone. (or occasionally my MIL – gives me a timeframe & a way to get off the phone!)
I had to check FB to see if Paris-Nice was actually racing today, as the coverage on Peacock is verklempt. Yesterday’s stage was suspended for a time due to snow and hail!! Good times! Those riders were seriously cold waiting for the restart.
Funny, I just came back to whine about finally remembering about P-N only to get an error screen on Peacock. Can’t find any updates about today’s stage.
Mark the date: March 13th. Today I turned a fan on in the house because I started sweating after showering.
We sleep with a ceiling fan on almost all the time, does that count? I’m expecting the early wave of lightning bugs shortly. It might have to break 80 before that.
Allan turned on the AC last night – I’m tempted to turn the heat back on – as this house stays cold. (I just put on a fleece)
He always has the ceiling fan on.
We still have the heat on at night, but our house is so well insulated that it takes days for the inside temp to match the outside temp. I am grateful for that!