
Waited for the rain to stop before getting out for a walk yesterday. Fingers crossed, I will be making my return to Meltons for a bike ride tonight; need more time in the saddle.

Wordle: three, my starter was ENTRY

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27 Responses to 2025-03-11

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3.

    A pretty quiet Monday. Had a DR appointment, so that cut the workday short. Stopped at Costco for a few things I knew we needed.

    My new readers work well for close up work, but are still not quite right for my office setup. That’s a short term problem!!

    Went back and checked the “gas leak” in the trailer… not there.

    25 minutes on the trainer.

    Thinking about the hash happy hour at the fish fry on Friday. Barb, I need to get some work done on my gravel bike. Would you be thinking about hitting the HHH? Alternatively, we could always use some TC!!


    • Barb says:

      Allan is working Friday, but I too was considering the fish fry.
      If you remind me to put the rack on the car, we could maybe devise a plan. (unless you want to take the long way to Chamblee (or is it Tucker?) & come to my house?

    • I keep thinking about that HHH, but fortunately for my mental state I will be in a neighboring state then.

  2. Steve says:

    So, the doctor I went to yesterday isn’t in the Piedmont system, so I got an email from LabCorp about results and had to set up an account.. I did that, was still signed in and wanted to see the lab results and it asked me additional questions:

    What state were you living in when you got your social security number?
    What color is your motorcycle?!?!?!

    None of this information was asked for- Big brother is watching…

    • Barb says:

      but what if I don’t have a motorcycle?
      Are you sure you don’t have those as questions to reset your password?

      • Steve says:

        Nope. They pulled from other insurance information. I just signed up with LabCorp, so it was all new. The other question was about cars I’ve recently owned, but there was also a none of the above option, which was the correct choice.

  3. Barb says:

    Work was too busy yesterday, was exhausted by the end of the day.
    Wordle was a fail yesterday too

    Allan got a new Mtn bike – so he was busy getting it built.
    He drove the new truck – as the bike box won’t fit in our cars.
    He was enjoying the bluetooth phone set up – so he had to call me.

    I decided to get a bluetooth dongle for my CRV, the apple car play in the 2020 still needs the cord to work. I then realized that my phone won’t be charging if it isn’t plugged in, so I will still need the cord for roadtrips. I know – 1st world problems.

  4. Jenka says:

    I had a great three day weekend with no kid and no responsibilities. Saturday we got mani-pedis. Otherwise I spent the whole weekend reading my book, eating, watching TV. Yesterday was an excellent day to stay in bed reading.

    • Steve says:

      Yeah it was. Every time I went to let the dogs out, it was raining. They will still go out, but then I have to catch them and dry them off…

    • Barb says:

      I really heard the rain on the new roof yesterday too – I didn’t turn on any music or TV show while I was working, I just listened to the rain.

  5. Back from a three hour excursion to Conyers — Tractor Supply, Goodwill, Aldi, Jax Package Store, and Target. Would have hot Publix too if my road to get there wasn’t closed for through traffic. Good morning of choring, but glad to be back ITP.

    • Bike rack is on the car, wow, that’s a sight I’ve not seen in a while.

      • Barb says:

        Black Sheep Founders Day is tonight in Decatur somewhere -so your crowd might be smaller than normal?

        • Bummer. Clearly I am no longer a Black Sheep hasher since I forgot about Founders Day.

        • And yesterday I was thinking about my ownership of blacksheephash.com. Apparently it’s no longer used, since the last hash start shown was for January 25th. In order to see tonight’s start, I had to click through to the Yap Yap Forum.

          • Barb says:

            since January? that isn’t that long ago.
            When does it expire?
            Sell it to Davey & the hash?

          • There have been three or so BS hashes since it was up to date. Seems to me that people will stop going to look at the website because the Yap Yap Forum is up to date.

            I may let my ownership lapse, and let someone know just before it happens to see if they want to claim it.

  6. This is a good week for me to ignore the stock market, because it’s making me very nervous…

  7. Barb says:

    I just went & voted in a run off democratic primary election for county commissioner – I got there at 11, I was the 4th person to come in today.

  8. Jenka says:

    One other thing I did over the weekend is go through my shoes and throw out/donate the ones I don’t wear anymore or that are old. I managed to pare my shoe collection down to about 10 pair and freed up SO much room in the closet! Goodbye, high heels!

    • Steve says:

      I threw my high heels out a long time ago…

    • Barb says:

      I have just a couple pairs of heels in the spare room closet – I hate to get rid of them, but I guess I ought to try them on to see if I’d even really want to wear them again.
      I did get rid of 3 bags of clothes last week – didn’t make enough of a dent in the closet, but it was a start.

    • I have closet clean out on my schedule for next week. I have to go through my shoes and see which ones no longer fit my lifestyle.

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