
I was pleased to sleep until 5:30am yesterday morning, until I remembered the time change had occurred so I only slept until 4:30am.

Did we move the clocks forward again? This morning I slept until nearly 6:30am!

Am I imagining more wind and stronger gusts this year?

Wordle: three, my starter was DIRTY

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18 Responses to 2025-03-10

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 2!

    The trip to Nashville was great. Work took about 40 minutes. Downtown Nashville is a zoo full of bumkins so we hauled a$$ as soon as I was done. Debbie had picked a place for dinner and it showed 10 minutes away. When we started our drive, Waze said 30 minutes as I-65 was closed!! Plan B was a wonderful steakhouse that was as good as any I’ve ever been to.

    As we wanted good seats in this general admission concert, we were there very early. 25 or so minutes before anyone else arrived. Alastair Fraser and Natalie Haas were as good as ever. Also nice that he remembered us from Stone Mountain.

    We wandered home via Cloudland Canyon SP, as that’s one of the places I’ve thought to take the trailer for a trial run. They do have equestrian trails, but no stables?? Mountain bike trails and lots of hiking.


    • Barb says:

      Never noticed the Equestrian trains at Cloudland, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any.
      There are lots of mtn bike trails in the area – we did a hash up there a few years ago.

      • Steve says:

        We weren’t sure if the bike trails and the horse trails were the same or not. More research, but with no stables, they expect you to trailer in and trailer out.

    • Bob says:

      There is a place in Ocala called Shangrila, it has limited hookups but caters to horses. I believe there are trails you can ride right from the campground. There is also plenty of biking around there. Might be a good combo for you and Debbie.

  2. Steve says:

    … and one more oddity. Gas on I-24 into Nashville was in the $2.45 – 2.65 range. On the southside in Brentwood- $3,35 – 3.65! WTF, O? I don’t guess those rick folk care?

  3. David says:

    I want my goddamn hour back.

  4. Barb says:

    busy weekend after a busy work week –
    Friday night some margaritas with Mark & Annette for her birthday – should have gotten the small pitcher for the 2nd one, but what the hell – right?
    Saturday went on a nice 5+ mile hike with Sally, then to Reds Beer Garden for Alexis (Fag Hag) birthday gathering.
    Sunday we ventured up to Helen to meet Mark & Annette – that town does NOT thrill me.
    We wandered around a little, found an excellent little place called Campfire to eat – no German food! Went to Yonah Mtn for some wine, then back to a pizza place for dinner.
    Got totally speed trapped, (45 when it seemed like it should have been 55, and going down hill) but the very young trooper was nice, we had a nice conversation about the fire dept & the GSP and he let us go, not even a written warning. He said he’d given out 10 tickets that evening.

    • Steve says:

      We were tooling right along on 75 Saturday in the middle lane when a guy in a beater car with a dealer tag came flying by in the right lane. The GSP stopped him to chat just a moment later. I’m guessing he didn’t get off quite so light.

    • Bob says:

      Must be nice to have that get out of jail free card (literally) that is Allan’s badge 🙂

      I’m with you on Helen, it’s always crazy crowded and only 1 road in so traffic is a nightmare. I do like riding Yonah preserve in the area though, nice post ride brewery too.

    • You make that sort of “no German food” comment again and you’ll be on probation, Barb. 🙂

      • Steve says:

        Yeah, I’m cutting them out of schnitzel night…

        • Barb says:

          I’m all about some Schnitzel Steve – its some of the sides that don’t thrill me.
          You do know that the best sandwich is a breaded pork tenderloin – just a Schnitzel with a bun!

      • Barb says:

        hey- its not that I don’t like German Food (I do like some stuff), but it was just funny the place we went had no German food.

  5. Bob says:

    Busy weekend, went to the grand opening of the BMW motorcycle dealer in Roswell. The bikes that showed up there were really cool, the new BMWs are nice but there were some real classics that cruised in.
    Saturday night went to Atlanta United snooze fest game that ended in a 0-0 tie. I hope they can get it together this year.
    Sunday went up to Chattanooga to Waldens Ridge for a day of downhill park shuttle runs. It’s crazy how tired you get just going downhill but I am wiped out today.

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