
Wordle: four, my starter was ANISE

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14 Responses to 2025-02-20

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3!

    We drained the barn plumbing last night in preparation of really cold temps, but it never made it. Tonight should be a whole other level of cold, so we get to drain them again! I love life on the farm, mostly.

    Not much to report. Debbie is still sickly and I have a smokers hack..


  2. Jenka says:

    My car said 27 degrees this morning. It was 27 in Boston last week but that felt way colder than it does here!

    I made the Mexican casserole last night and Finn ate practically half the pot.

  3. Bob says:

    I got my 600 series last night! Bowled a 189, 200, and 222. Third game would have been higher if I didn’t screw up the 10th frame. I had all strikes and 2 spares going in to the 10th then missed my mark and got a split, almost picked it up but ended up with a 9 🙁

  4. Barb says:

    wordle in 4-
    Rumor has it there’s some little snow flakes out there – I don’t’ see any.

    I’m off to Woodstock at 11 for a massage, Sue ran into scheduling issues so she can’t come to the house, I have to go to her office. I tweaked my back last weekend & its still bothering me.

  5. David says:

    Wordle in 4, I had one green with my first word, four greens with my second, and from there it became “grind it ’til you find it”.

    I am editing the final chapter of my Excel for Dummies book. I have worked so many music references into it that I’m going to create a Spotify playlist. That’s what readers expect from an Excel book, right? I’ve gotta keep up. 😉 I am so ready to be done with this book. It’s been an incredible experience, but it’s time to move on. I told my editor that I’m so ready to be done, and he said he is too. I get it! My brain works in mysterious ways, especially when I’m writing books.

    Today is car-detailing day. Barb, you inspired me to book a massage for Sunday. I have a road trip to Spartanburg tomorrow for an accounting professor conference.

  6. Barb says:

    massage was awesome.
    I might have to book another one as a follow up.

    “an accounting professor conference”
    sounds like soooooo much fun! 😉

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