
While I am still plodding my way through “Gödel, Escher, Bach”, and “The Art of Fermentation”, I have also issued myself the challenge to read all of Ian Fleming’s Bond novels this year. I’ve owned (well, digitally owned, which is not real ownership) the first five for a few years now and am finally making a concerted effort.

Wordle: five, my starter was STAGE

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24 Responses to 2025-02-13

  1. Assuming this blog was still online by April 1 of this year, I was going to register a domain and do an April Fools joke saying that all future posts would be AI generated. The domain I was going to register is “ChatITP.com”, which surprisingly is available. However, the average cost I found for registering this “Premium URL” (what a load of bullshit that term is), is $1000.

  2. David says:


    • Thanks. Like all “great” ideas it came out of my mouth spontaneously after a few beers yesterday afternoon. 🙂

      • David says:

        I had a total “the dog ate my homework” moment today. Last night I was well into editing chapter 13 (go figure) and then headed grocery store with the document open. Overnight, Windows decided to do an automatic update and NOT CREATE AN AUTORECOVER COPY OF MY DOCUMENT. Fuckers. Fortunately, I’ve figured out how to prompt ChatGPT to give me my text back in sections, so I’m almost back to where I was.

        I have no idea how I wrote books before ChatGPT, it must have involved chisels and stone tablets or something. To be clear, I’m doing the writing, I’m just using ChatGPT to refine my work.

        • Barb says:

          David- even if you were letting ChatGPT do the work, we wouldn’t care.

          • David says:

            Oh, I know…that comment was a CYA in the event that my publisher ever runs across this site. 😉

            Besides, ChatGPT is can be like a toddler walking around with a loaded gun, stating things that are patently wrong, so I wouldn’t trust it to write from scratch anyway.

  3. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4. My starter was what popped into my head. STILT, Who knows??

    I think the rain has stopped finally! I dumped out almost 3 inches and haven’t looked this morning.

    We’re starting a plan for a concert on March 8th in Nashville. A great Scottish fiddler and his cello playing partner. Nashville is as close as they are getting and I have some work I could do in Nashville, so the bank will pay for the trip! The boss is already on board.

    45 minutes on the trainer.


    • See below for my rain stats and trainer data. Good on you for exercising!

      Nashville is on my short list of Southeastern cities to revisit, hopefully this year. Also included are Charlotte, Chattanooga, and perhaps New Orleans. I may also *finally* see a Montgomery Biscuits game this year as well.

  4. I know you all have a voracious appetite for statistics, so I will let you know that WLF caught a little more than 3.5” rain since yesterday afternoon. And 100% of my knees hurt after choring, and riding the trainer for an hour yesterday.

    • More water management complete. With no rain for a few days this might be a completed task for now. Next week I am going to attempt to remap my WLF sprinklers so that I can get coverage on the area containing the new garden bed.

  5. HamWithCam says:

    ….3.25″ of rain just overnight, City of Decatur!
    73 de JG/HamWithCam

  6. Sally says:

    Wordle in 4 with Paulie’s word. I need to get a rain gauge that the squirrels can’t break. :). Silver Comet Trail is flooded in Rockmart…might be able to Kayak it. lol
    Heading to the river this morning for a run. Looking forward to seeing what it looks like. The trail will probably be sloppy. Started a puzzle. Other than that no news here. Just a quiet house.

  7. Sally says:

    The line between the cold and wet and warm and dry across the state was bizarre. Stephanie from BRAG was sending pictures of the winter ride….sunny, hot and dry while we stayed cold, cloudy and wet all day.

  8. Stacy Fox says:

    Bite me, Wordle. Guess that’s what I get for bragging yesterday. ????

  9. Jenka says:

    It was 45 degrees and raining when I left for work this morning, which to me is GLORIOUS!

    Working half a day today and then flying up to Boston to be there for my dad when they give him some big meds to manage the stem cell transplant, which actually happened yesterday. The high tomorrow is 30 and the low is 16 — I may die of cold. I packed Kevin’s thermal underwear in the suitcase. LOL!

  10. Barb says:

    Cedar Rapids got 6-8 inches yesterday.
    Weather app says 0 degrees, feels like -10.
    I guess I shouldn’t complain about the cold rain here.

    Not having gutters with all the rain was “interesting” – hoping those are on the schedule to go up soon.
    Can’t really tell a difference in the sound of rain with the metal roof – so – that’s a good thing.

  11. Barb says:

    finally – Wordle in 4 – that took way too much thought

  12. Barb says:

    Connections –
    Yellow – Green – Blue – Purple – 1st time a PERFECT in a while

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