
Took my first outdoors bike ride in many months yesterday. Three observations:
1. Avondale Estates is the latest community to go batshit crazy by putting up stop signs, and taking away lanes and turning lanes.
2. I am overweight, out of riding shape, and therefore slow, but this is not a surprise.
3. Normally I don’t apply chamois cream on rides shorter than forty miles. I’ve never needed it. Yesterday, riding only 25 miles, I started to have problems.

As an added bonus: I took an Arte Johnson fall yesterday. As I was slowing at a stop sign I looked left and turned the handlebar right; when I realized that I was going to hit the curb I came to a quick stop and fell onto the grass to my right.

Wordle: four, my starter was CHAIR

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9 Responses to 2025-02-07

  1. And as I post this at 5:30am, WLF and surroundings are being dampened by rain. Once again I am ill prepared for this and should have covered some things outside to keep them dry.

  2. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4.

    Good for you getting out there. I think we’ve all done the “Laugh In” fall at least once. At least there wasn’t a big audience. Hopefully, I will get outside to ride today.

    Nothing much else to report. I called up a new Piedmont specialist to get an appointment for an issue I’m having and they were booking in JULY! While I was trying to keep it all in the family, if I can’t get appointments, I can go elsewhere. A former provider can see me in 3 weeks- much more reasonable.

    Half day of work tomorrow upgrading IOS in switches and adding some cards. Whoopee.


  3. Steve says:

    Hmmm… and now the comment appears… operator error, no doubt.

  4. Barb says:

    bike riding outside – what an excellent idea. Sorry you fell, slow motion calls are always fun – at least you found some grass. How did you remember Arte Johnson’s name?

    I made it to Iowa – plane landed at 1030pm. A friend from high school said I shouldn’t waste money on Uber, so she picked me up. It was cold when I stepped out of the terminal – had to zip up my coat. 21 degrees out there this morning.

    Roofers are moving along slowly – but – in case of rain, they only strip off so many shingles, then put up the metal roofing. Should be done middle of next week. Still waiting for the next request for money.

  5. Jenka says:

    Kevin comes home today and Finn is off to his mother’s, so my work here is done. I was too tired last night to contemplate cooking so I took Finn to Fellini’s and fed him two slices of pepperoni pizza and home again in 30 minutes. This week has been brutal at work as well, on top of single parenting, I think I am going to do nothing this weekend but sleep.

    Steve, how’s Debbie doing today?

  6. Should have tacked on an additional tenth of a mile, but after 4.9 miles I found myself outside the house, so I stopped.

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