
Wordle: four, my starter was STAGE
Connections: perfect, Yellow > Purple > Green > Blue

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13 Responses to 2024-10-18

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4. Almost a deuce except for the last letter.

    The field could hold the Games now. Just a few more signs to put out. Every year we tweak for speed and efficiency and we’ve found a few changes that will help.


  2. Jenka says:

    The logs are all gone and the only way you’d know any tree removal happened is some lingering sawdust on our back porch. And not a single acorn has fallen on the roof over our bedroom! Sometimes it was so many and so loud it sounded like machine gun fire.

    We went to Fellini’s for dinner last night then watched another episode of the Great British Baking Show. Finn goes to his mom’s for the weekend, thank goodness. Tomorrow we have tickets to the ASO and we’re going to dinner at Colony Square beforehand.

    • Barb says:

      we have so many acorns that fall on the roof – sitting on the deck sometimes it does sound like gun fire.
      And then there’s the squirrels………. sometimes I swear they are in the attic, but I know they are just on the roof. ITs about time to trim a couple branches -so they can’t get to the roof so easily.

      Busy weekend –
      tonight dinner with JoAnna, we are doing a blast from the past & going to Houston’s.
      Saturday morning I think we are road riding in Roswell with some friends for Benny’s birthday – he always rode his age on his birthday – and we will NOT be riding that many miles, but his adult kids like to do a ride in his memory.

      Then Mary will get here mid afternoon on her roadtrip from TN back to FL – we will probably just hang on the deck Sat night – Sunday is up in the air, as we are meeting a friend that lives in Athens – I’ll guess we will meet up in Lawrenceville.

  3. Barb says:

    wordle in 5 – that wasn’t easy

    Connections was a conniption day -I was not thinking enough between guesses.

  4. Debbie says:

    Wordle in 2; I had a great starting word.

    Watched the videos Jenka. That was pretty neat. Glad you’re no longer under attack from acorns. Our barn roof gets pummeled regularly and it’s also a super highway for squirrels. It makes the horses pretty bombproof from loud noises.

    • Jenka says:

      I never gave the acorns much thought, actually, it was just something that happened every fall. But then when we determined that the tree would have to come down, it suddenly hit me that I would be FREE from the acorns and it was a great relief.

      • David says:

        I had a fucking pecan tree over the guest house that was my office for 20 years. Those fucking squirrels would eat part of the nut, and then wail those things down on the roof. Given that I only wear shoes when I absolutely have to, it wasn’t ever fun walking through their nut debris.

        I am very much liking apartment life. I’m still getting settled, but I’ve walked to Publix twice and it’s just as splendid as I always envisioned it would be. It is also magnificent to have so many fewer posssessions. I am seriously looking askance at the boxes that I haven’t unpacked yet. I think a good bit of that stuff is either going to go visit my friend CHARM or else have a date with the handy trash chute. I don’t have my bikes at the apartment yet, but that should happen this weekend.

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