
Nothing much to report. Painful day, physically.

I made a tasty meatloaf for dinner. I forgot that Atlanta United played, which turned out to be a good thing as they lost 2-0; both of the opposing goals were scored by former Atlanta United star Josef Martinez.

Laundry today, pain levels will dictated rest of my agenda.

Countdown to Shutdown: T – 5

Wordle: five, my starter was DAILY
Connections: perfect, Green > Blue > Yellow > Purple

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26 Responses to 2024-10-03

  1. Duolingo Day 400 for German.

    Went to Krispy Kreme for coffee and a donut. After waiting inside for a few minutes without being acknowledged nor helped, I walked out with neither. Good for my waistline I suppose.

  2. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4. Still only had 2 letters and neither in the right place before solving.

    A busy day yesterday that ran late due to a meeting about remodeling our computer room. Oh joy. Worked with the contractor on getting lighting controllers installed. If you haven’t seen our building at night, it will have colored lights that will change with the season/mood/holiday (I guess). Not my idea. I never thought of the Fed as being festive!


  3. Apparently AirBnB has a “Major Disruptive Events” policy, so I received a 100% refund.

    • Steve says:

      I’m guessing this isn’t their first rodeo/hurricane/earthquake/civil disturbance.

    • David says:

      I’m glad you got a full refund, and that AirBNB got over themselves and changed their policy. Too little, too late for me (I got 90% screwed on a beachfront condo in Malibu in February due to the atmospheric river storm).

      Atlanta United lost 2-1. I was at the game (my first time seeing them). They could have won handily but couldn’t seem to hit the broad side of a barn when it came down to shots on goal.

  4. Bob says:

    Had a good return to bowling last night, 200 169 179. Pretty happy with that. Although last game was frustrating as I got a 9 in all but 2 frames, thankfully picked up all the spares.
    Did some tweaking on the motor scooter yesterday, I think the maiden voyage will be on Sunday up in the mountains.
    The more I see about North Carolina the more devastation I see, it’s really sad and may not get back to normal in my lifetime. However, I am encouraged at the outpouring of support and donations. I’m going to grab some stuff at the store to send up. The people up there are really hurting.

  5. Barb says:

    have you tried Bio-Freeze or any of that sort of thing on your hip? it helps with muscular stuff. I’ve been using Deep Blue (an essential oil cream that is basically the same that I get from my massage therapist) and its been helping my back & hips some.

    Very boring day around here (but not boring work wise, my co-worker is out & her freight got busy) – but it was really nice outside – so we ate dinner on the deck. Looking forward to it finally cooling off so we can start doing that.

    • Tried IcyHot with little success.

      Speaking of your industry, has the southeast devastation affected it?

      • Barb says:

        Sue told me to use the cream every day -it has helped a little (not a lot, but a little is better than nothing)

        So far nothing is affected – there isn’t much intermodal train stuff in the affected areas – the RRs have pared down their offerings – so we only go from major cities to major cities.
        The Port strike might make a little difference if it goes on very long.

      • I can try that. Thanks.

  6. Jenka says:

    It’s Thursday and I really wish it was Friday, I need a weekend. But I will power through, obviously. I made Italian sausages for dinner last night and we watched the Braves flush their post-season hopes down the toilet.

    • Barb says:

      the D-Backs I’m sure are extra hating on the Braves right now.

      But -on a good note for me – a friend & I have been wanting to go to the Battery for dinner – so now that baseball is over, we can plan it.

      • Jenka says:

        Which restaurant(s) do you like there? I like Antico, El Super Pan, and C Ellet’s.

        • Barb says:

          I’m bored with Antico – we want to try the pizza at Eataliano. (I’m told its good)

          We like Ph’East – since there are 4 or 5 asian booths (& a bar)- so we can get whatever we feel like that day.

          but really – most everywhere we’ve eaten there has been good.

          does C. Ellet’s still have the $4 High Lifes? We’ve had a beer & burger there a couple times.

          • Jenka says:

            I don’t know about the $4 High Lifes, but I do know that they serve the H&F burger there and it’s divine.

  7. Apparently our local (Atlanta) American Football team plays tonight, airing on Amazon Prime. Perhaps I will watch, not all of it course because that would be crazy making.

  8. Taking a hip pain break after washing the many dishes I dirtied making lunch. I made pasta with pesto, “chicken”, mushrooms, bell pepper, and hot banana pepper, and shredded mozzarella cheese. The peppers were from WLF.

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