
“Anniversary” always feels like the wrong word when mentioning 9/11/2001, the most horrific day I’ve ever witnessed, and hope that I ever witness.

If you ever want to know your station in life, fly. From the onset Delta has no qualms with informing us peons that we are less than valued customers. My boarding zone was six, which since I had only a small carryon that could fit under the seat ahead of me was of little consequence. However Delta loaded zones 1-4 in the “SkyMiles Priority” lane, and the rest of us were ushered to our cramped seats via the “General Boarding” lane, informing me that for the next nine hours I was clearly not their priority. My flight home was long and stressful. Flying westward we encountered headwinds which bobbed our plane around a little. But worse than that, was the woman in front of me who reclined her seat within an inch of its life. In response to this I leaned my seat back as well. The man behind me tapped me on the arm and started the conversation with “I don’t appreciate you sitting in my lap.” Well pal, I don’t appreciate you being an asshole. I was already angry because I did a stupid thing by choosing a middle seat and was flanked by to adult men whose bodies encroached my space, so I had little empathy for a person who requests something with such a statement. I essentially told him that my action was caused by the row ahead of me and that I required space as well, and at which time I put on my headphones. Because getting in and out of my seat required Cirque du Soleil dexterity I passed on all beverages so that I wouldn’t have to pee. Not having much hunger either, I ate the initial meal and passed on every other food offering. This flight has put me off long distance travel to Europe until I can afford sitting in a better class, so I doubt that I will be returning to Europe any time soon.

I should apologize to WLF for this year because my travels have caused me to ignore it for far too long. I will say that I was surprised to see how sad WLF looked when I arrived home yesterday, even though I knew it hardly rained at all over the past three weeks. I did something that may have worsened this; I changed the watering schedule at the last minute and was unable to test my new schedule to ensure that my settings were correct. So, it’s possible WLF received water every other day, but it’s also possible that it received none at all. Of course rain is coming later this week, perhaps too late for WLF, when I am driving to south of Asheville to attend an outdoor event– more on this Friday. I also need to figure out how to protect the brassicas (cabbage, kale, broccoli, etc) from the caterpillars which devastated the ones I have in the ground. Ahead of the predicted rain I will go out into WLF and do some cleanup of dead and dying plants. I intended to mow the lawn today, but it doesn’t need to be mown!

My plan to stay awake long enough to resynchronize my body clock failed miserably. I must have passed out before 7:15pm based on the messages I received but never saw until I awoke at 1:15am.

Wordle: five, my starter was CHORE (going to be a lot of Wordle aces today!)
Connections: perfect, Green > Purple > Blue > Yellow

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46 Responses to 2024-09-11

  1. Sally says:

    Welcome back. My flight home was long but not stressful. I always get the window seat so I can lean against it. My seat mate was really nice, although he talked a lot. It was nice to have Barb and Allan there to pick me up. I am still getting up way too early. Felt good to have a decent run on trails last night. I am meeting a friend this morning at the river for a run and then I have Women of the Woods trail hike. I managed to get my grass cut yesterday and a lot of choring done. Looking forward to the rain later this week. Hope the forecast is correct.

    Hope things in Iowa go okay for Barb.

    Wordle in 2. Connections: y, x, g, p, b.

    • Thanks. Did Delta give you a Stroopwaffel? The one I received was from the same company as the ones on the cruise ship.

      One man sitting next to me was talkative, at least at first. Getting a Lyft wasn’t bad, just pricey.

      I considered going out and hanging with the Tuesday night cyclists, but passed out before I could really get myself going.

      My grass didn’t grow and was crunchy when I walked on it, so I will wait for it to rain and cut it next week if necessary.

      I need to start the M6 today since it’s been sitting idle for three weeks.

      • Barb says:

        we got the stroopwaffle – yes. it was tasty.

        the food was I thought pretty good in main (the D1 food was better on the way over, but really, not that much better)

        • We were served something they called “chicken stew with polenta”. The meal also included a chunk of cheese, a cracker, some weird cold side, and a small tiramisu like dessert.

          The meal I passed on was called a “pizza twist”.

          I took the stroopwaffel and ate it at home last night before I passed out.

          • Barb says:

            we got a pasta (gnocchi) dish for the 1st meal.

            We couldn’t figure out that cold side, I was going to ask about it – but never had a chance. (I didn’t like it). the tiramisu was good.

            The pizza twist was tasty enough.

  2. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3 and really pissed it wasn’t 1!!

    Had a hard day at work. Just very frustrating for some reason. Decided to blow off the Games meeting and just phone in from home.

    Flying back from Miami, I finished watching Casino Royale and was hoping the 7 year old seated next to me was not watching the R rated movie with me. She seemed enthralled with Peppa Pig. You would think Delta or any overseas carrier would have decent room on such flights, but I guess the dollar still rules.

    I’m sure the M6 is fine.


    • Barb says:

      decent room – unless you are up front, its all the same, domestic & Intl.
      We were lucky on our flight back – we were in the middle 4 seats – but there were only 3 of us, so having that extra seat empty (&tray table) was nice.

      I think I’d go see if the last rows had any empty seats on a full flight like that.

    • Read below…

      I think I would have had no more than 6-8 inches between me and the reclined seat ahead of me if I too didn’t recline. Even with reclining my seat it was nearly impossible to eat because there is no room to maneuver.

  3. Guess what?!?! The M6 battery is not completely dead, but it won’t turn start! Ugh, time to call AAA.

  4. Barb says:

    Spend enough money on your Delta AMEX card, and you too can be Sky Priority.
    (best part of that is the checked bag comes out 1st at destination)

    When I was heading to the Digital ID line to drop off my bag last night, a Delta employee started telling me about this new check in kiosk – I had time, so I thought, what the hell. (it didn’t seem that different – ???) So = I go take my bag to the desk guy to drop it – and I had to get out my ID. I laughed – told the guy I was going to the Digital ID line & I liked not digging out my ID. He said yes – that is the best line, but too bad, I have to show him my ID. I did go to the correct line for TSA.

    I got the 2 parents & 2 small children next to me & behind me last night. Those boys were Not calm wanting to climb over the seats. Mom kept apologizing.

    I still would have drank & ate & gotten up to pee – its not good for your circulation to sit on a plane for 9 hours & not get up. I knew a girl years ago that died from a DVT & an embolism after a long flight – so I always get up 2-3 times.

    • More thoughts…

      I thought the self bag checking in Amsterdam was dumb. It seems to introduce more confusion and chances for error.

      There was almost no one in front to me at border patrol. I used the MBC app and was through in no time.

      My bag was out really early. I wonder if the majority of my plane had connecting flights.

      In the future I will book aisle seats. I actually did this for both flights for these trips but changed to middle seats after hearing horror stories about passengers getting into altercations with flight attendants. I gambled that by being the first one in the row and booking a middle seat would keep people away, and lost.

      • Barb says:

        its COLDER sitting in the aisle seat (I think). I had to find my little jacket I travel with last night – and people boarding have no sense of their backpacks – got bopped a couple times.
        But – that being said – I will always take an aisle or window – never a middle seat. They fill the planes – those algorithms are amazing.
        I have heard if there is 2 of you to book aisle & window & MAYBE no one will pick the middle seat between you.

  5. Jenka says:

    LOL! Now you know why the rest of us choose to upgrade. I won’t fly steerage for a flight longer than 3 or 4 hours. As they say, “travel is what you pay in order to see the world.”

    We went to A Mano for dinner last night and it was delightful as usual. Then we watched the season 2 opener of Peaky Blinders. I am really liking that show, and Cillian Murphy is excellent.

    • The upgrade prices were unreasonable for me. The trip over wasn’t nearly as bad- shorter flight time, different plane configuration. I blame the plane manufacturers for designing seats which allow such reclining. For me it will mean that I just won’t travel overseas again until I can comfortably afford the higher priced levels.

      • Barb says:

        you have to be diligent about checking the app & upgrade prices – I checked every day, maybe even twice a day to see the upgrade price. I almost bit on Premium Select, but it was still a little too much, then the D1 went from $3000-4000 per seat to less than $1000 one day. I decided to splurge with miles.

    • Steve says:

      I thought I was the last person using the term “steerage”. Thanks, Jenka!

      I don’t have an Amex card, so I leave that up to Debbie.

  6. 9:20am and I am already hungry. This lifestyle change in eating habits is going to make me frustrated for awhile.

  7. Was going to sit outside and wait for AAA. Then I noticed something on the chair leg. It was a toad, about the sizes of a 50¢ piece, clung to the leg.

  8. Funny story with AAA.

    M6 was jump started. Tech said battery was okay. Just got back from a drive on I20 and I285. If it doesn’t start again tomorrow I will buy a new battery.

  9. Bob says:

    I really dislike flying anymore, yes you can get somewhere faster but it is just a glorified bus ride now. Airlines stopped caring about its passengers years ago. I don’t see it changing either since they only care about the bottom line profits so run skeleton crews that are overworked and stressed. It is not what it used to be.

    Sounds like you all had a grand European adventure! Welcome home.

  10. Steve says:

    Not showing on the website- the cruise you just took is back on next year. Maybe longer (7 day?)

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