
I went to fetch some WLF potatoes in storage and noticed that something had been enjoying them before I could. My first fear was that a mouse had found its way into the ITP Estate, so I took the tray outside to inspect for scat. To my surprise I found a large caterpillar in the tray! Bugger! After tossing away the munched potatoes, and caterpillar, I inspected the remaining potatoes and found nothing else.

Because I had a glut of jalapeño peppers thanks to a wonderfully fruiting plant, I made a batch of something called Cowboy Candy. I haven’t tasted it yet, but I did sample the syrup once it cooled a bit, and its spiciness nearly blew my head off. It will be interesting to taste the concoction after a little while to see if it mellows.

Wordle: three, my starter was GRAIN (damn, another solution that was in my starter word list!)
Connections: one mistake, Yellow > X > Purple > Green > Blue

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39 Responses to 2024-07-30

  1. Sally says:

    My brain is till foggy. Took all six tries to get Wordle and only because on 2 occasions I used letters that I knew weren’t used. DOH. 3 mistakes on Connections but finally worked it out: y, g, p, b. Did okay on Strands with no hints. Maybe tomorrow my brain will be working again.

    Need to test my creek this morning. Not sure if the readings will be good with all the recent rains. GUTS board meeting last night, GUTS run tonight, West Stride’s 16th birthday party tomorrow night.

    Must be 8:00…reveille is playing.

    • Barb says:

      Reveille is now at 0803 every morning – it is confusing me

      • Sally says:

        8:03? I always assumed it was 8.

        • Barb says:

          it used to be at 0800am exactly – no idea why it is at a0803 now.

          • David says:

            Inflation? 😉

            I didn’t know Reveille was a thing until recently when Debbie and I were having coffee on her patio. I hadn’t heard that in person in decades, since my time in the Navy, so I was like WTF? Things are just a bit different OTP, but I’m liking it. Who knew?

          • Barb says:

            the more you know……..

          • Steve says:

            That automatic clock has time drift… that’s why networks use NTP (network time protocol) and have servers all over the internet that keep good time.

          • Barb says:

            but Steve – it hasn’t gone from 0800 to 0801 to 0802 to 0803.
            Its just now every day at 0803.

  2. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3 and coulda been 2!

    After work and the chiro, I managed a short and hot ride- certainly humid- on the gravel bike. Still trying to get the car set up to my liking. All the bells and whistles… apparently you can have cruise control in sport mode? I’m already getting better gas mileage than Meg. Maybe because I don’t quite have the lead foot she does.

    Sally- too funny you can hear the bugle calls. At Ft. Eisenhower, we heard “call to the post” at 06:25 and reveille at 06:30. Something else played at 5PM, but I wasn’t sure what it was. It’s been a minute since I knew all the bugle calls.


    • Barb says:

      I’m a little closer & I hear it almost every day – I had no idea Sal could hear it at her house. The afternoon one is at 4pm – I don’t always hear it – but I’m usually listening to music or watching something on the computer. (it isn’t Taps – I don’t know what it is called either)

    • Sally says:

      One day I’ll need a new car. I’m afraid I won’t understand all the bells and whistles! I just want simplicity. :).

    • Jenka says:

      I’m sure my car has all sorts of things I don’t know about. I just ignore it because I don’t care. You don’t HAVE to use all the bells and whistles!

    • Bob says:

      Congrats on the new car, I missed that last week. As for bells and whistles? I want them all! I can tell my cruise control how closely to follow the car in front of me, my truck tells me when I am clear to change lanes, the next gen will even tell me when my trailer is clear. I start my truck and my phone auto connects and fires up Pandora for music, phone also does seamless navigation through the car speakers. Some cars will even adjust the seats and mirrors depending on which key fob is used. I love all the new technology going in to cars, but don’t forget I’m a nerd 🙂

      • Jenka says:

        Having the seats pre-set for different drivers IS a very nice perk, I do admit. When I drive Kevin’s car and forget to put the seat back where he likes it, he gets real mad.

        I don’t think I’ve used cruise control in 25 years.

        • Barb says:

          it took us a couple years to finally “set” the 2nd seat for Allan – all we had to do was push a button on the door – DUH.

    • The only bell and/or whistle I wish that I had is CarPlay from Apple. I am an old curmudgeon and don’t want all of the new, fancy shit, especially since it raises the prices of cars and repairs. I just want cruise control, climate control, and at least some form of wireless entertainment headunit.

      • Steve says:

        Debbie fights with her Car Play all the time- well at least when I’m driving, since she’s surfing or whatever. She has to constantly turn the music back on, or the video she scrolls past automatically starts playing…

        I was coming in this morning running cruise control and the damn thing slowed down about 75 yards behind a truck! WTF, lets go! I figured it out and will have to make some adjustments!!

        • Barb says:

          I tend to fight with it occasionally too – I HATE when something automatically starts playing when I”m scrolling (& Allan is driving)

  3. Barb says:

    Only excitement I had yesterday was going to Verizon to get rid of the old phones.
    I’m not sure about this 2nd number thing – its a higher cost per month than I thought it was when he explained it – not sure it will be worth it.
    I talked to them about a few things, but didn’t have an appt – so I needed to get into the queue to really talk – so I will keep playing with things & eventually make another appt if I can’t figure it all about. Talk about bells & whistles…..

  4. Jenka says:

    I killed my Fitbit on Amelia Island — it said it was “water resistant” so I figured it could handle a foot of water as I floated on my back in the pool. News flash: it could not. So I ordered the next generation (the Charge 6) and it is fancier and smaller. I like it!

    Got the one big project done yesterday and got a high five from my boss. Long day, didn’t get home until 7:30 and back here in the office at 7:30 this morning. Vacation? What vacation?

    • Barb says:

      water resistant is always a good guess as to how much.
      (guess it just means a rain shower or washing dishes?)

      my Suunto watch is getting old (& I’m not sure if it is paired correctly to the new phone, it wasn’t working uploading the other day). I keep debating getting an Apple Watch, but just don’t know if I really want that much more connection in my life.

      • Jenka says:

        Same re: Apple Watch, which is why I use Fitbit instead. It tells me when I get a text or phone call so I can see if I need to respond or not, which is nice. Otherwise it just tracks my activity and sleep.

      • Bob says:

        I love my apple watch but hate that I have to charge it every day. My next watch will probably be a garmin or something like it.

  5. Back from the Waschsalon where I washed all of the clothes from RAGBRAI — seven kits included!

    I also popped into Publix to restock a little food so I have some variety at home.

    I was hoping some of my remaining tomatoes would be ripening so that I could eat a tomato sandwich soon. Alas, they have not.

  6. Went out to check the front lawn, and to do my routine of pulling saplings. While out there I found a large pile of shit. Given the animals known to be in EAV it was most likely from a dog.

  7. Barb says:

    and now its pouring again here – glad I got the grass cut

  8. Barb says:

    garage fridge is fixed – but we really won’t know until it gets cold…….. its plugged in & making no noises

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