Monthly Archives: June 2024


Good, hot, hard ride last night. The ride had one much-needed intermission while a guy changed a his flat tire in Ansley Park. While we stood around we guessed the price of a house for sale. My guess of 2.3 … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments


I spent the better part of yesterday puttering around WLF, and it was fantastic! After coming inside for a shower and lunch I started the process of putting away stuff that I had scattered about; much more of this activity … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 28 Comments


I didn’t do a whole lot after arriving home yesterday. I napped, I put away some of the crap that was strewn about the house, I watched a lot of tv, and then I went to bed early. There is … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 21 Comments


You have to be a special kind of crazy to be a roofer in Florida. I had an uncle who was a roofer in Florida, and I’ll never understand how he managed. After seven days of fairly intense exercise, I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 23 Comments


Hello from a brutally hot Florida. This mini trip to pick up my mother and my possessions from the house. This may be (one of) my last trip(s) here. We are hoping to clear up a few niggles in order … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 13 Comments


It was a tough day yesterday. As I mentioned I opted for the shorter route of 82 miles, but most of the Chattahooligans went the distance to one hundred. It rained like hell, not for long, at about dinner time. … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments


It was a warm day in Milledgeville, with only a little bike riding and a lot of beer drinking. Today we head to Swainsboro. Oh, the Florida house has a contract. I will not celebrate prematurely. Wordle: four, my starter … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 16 Comments


Day three of BRAG is done; 66 miles with rolling hills has been our longest and hardest day thus far. For the first time on a road bike I rode without gloves. Why? Because I accidentally packed one of the … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 15 Comments


Another day, another mishap. Yesterday was a lost cleat bolt. Another night, another storm. Last nights storm started right after I got into my tent, and brought down a limb which fell in between of three tents, one of which … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 13 Comments


The early candidate for this year’s BRAG theme is “Overnight Rain”. I was having a very good ride yesterday until the course went into a 1.75 mile gravel road section, where I proceeded to get a rear flat tire about … Continue reading

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