
I had so much going on yesterday I failed to mention my dinner on Monday night. I went to the hash! No, of course I didn’t do that… I made spaghetti and vegetables with a red sauce in the InstantPot. Now there’s a name I’ve not mentioned in a while. Ye Olde InstantPot doesn’t get much play since I lost the person with whom I used to share meals. But, on Monday night I decided to use it rather than to heat the kitchen by boiling a large pot of water, and simmering a pot of sauce. The result was predictably good, I’ve made this recipe previously, and now I have enough left over to last me three more meals.

I am trying to challenge myself to read a physical book before checking out any more digital books from the library. My Kindle will join me on the journey to Iowa, not that there will be much time for reading. 🙂

Off to my $200 meet and greet with new Kaiser Permanente primary care physician. I have a feeling that I won’t be renewing my health insurance contract with KP when open enrollment occurs again later this year.

Wordle: four, my starter was CHASE
Connections: three mistakes, Green > Yellow > X > X > X > Blue > Purple

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29 Responses to 2024-06-26

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 5 and it shouldn’t have taken that long. Streak of 1- yippee.

    Debbie and I are both positive for Covid!! 2 at home tests confirm it!! not a big surprise.

    They’re installing a traffic circle just south of Moreland and were paving a bit on the way home. This added 15 minutes of sitting with my and Debbie’s lunch getting cold.

    Will reach out to Emory to make sure they don’t want me to reschedule my MRI tomorrow.


    • Barb says:

      well bummer on Covid – and since you have the MRI & the blood/lumbar all set for the same day, I bet they will make you change your appt.

      Covid will be around forever I’m sure – I really think of it the same as the flu now, just something that needs to take some time to get rid of. (since we are vaccinated of course, if you never got vaccinated, shame on you, but it might be worse for those people)

    • COVID? How 2020! Have your been hanging with Sepp Kuss?

      Joe you two kick it as quickly as possible

  2. Sally says:

    Wordle in 5. The word just wasn’t on my radar. Connections similar to Wee: green, yellow, xxx, purple, blue.
    Good for you getting the insta pot out. A step in the right direction. :).
    SOOOOO hot out. Hot run last night. Luckily the humidity isn’t crazy high. Some chance of rain tomorrow. I sure hope we get some.

    Scofflaw tonight for the group run/walk, beer and pizza.

    Sorry Steve and Debbie. Covid seems to be going around. Hope it’s not too bad and you get well soon!!!

    • Steve says:

      Thanks, Sal. I’m with you on that word. I had 4 out of 5 and shuffled and shuffled and still didn’t have it! Never thought I’d need that letter! (I crack myself up).

  3. Barb says:

    We went to The Vineyard Winemarket for a wine tasting last night – (I still call it the Smyrna Wine Market, but if you google map that, it doesn’t come up)
    Annette & Mark are down with Covid, so we pinch hit for them.
    Tasted 8 wines, to decide what 4 bottles to pick for their wine this month.

    Also learned there is a bourbon & cigar bar next door, with a space called The Middle that is non smoking & you can drink from either the wine market or the bourbon bar. Interesting concept. I hope it does well – the owner seems very nice.

    • More COVID?

      I might hole myself up at the ITP Estate for the next month.

      • Barb says:

        Annette & Mark went on a cruise – that’s a given almost that you come home with Covid I think.
        I’m hopeful our small barge in Europe will not cause us to get Covid.
        But – I’m not scared either way

      • Steve says:

        When is RAGBRAI and when is the cruise?

        It’s REALLY nice outside at the moment. I took the trash to the road last night, but didn’t empty the kitchen can. I walked it down and noticed one of Cash’s bell boots sitting in the pasture. Retrieved it for re-installation.

        • We love for RAGBRAI on July 19th. The ride rolls out on the 21st, if I remember correctly.

          Unfortunately I can’t work outside this morning. I’m currently awaiting my doctor appointment.

  4. Steve says:

    And you mentioned “cardiologist” the other day. Are you having issues? Don’t be hogging in on my turf!

  5. Barb says:

    sounds like someone is doing tree work – I’m going to go investigate

  6. Still at KP.

    Doctor consulted
    Tetanus shot given
    Blood drawn for lab work

    Fun times!

  7. Barb says:

    I bought a too expensive water bottle that I thought would work for Europe – I don’t like it enough – off to UPS store to return it.

  8. Barb says:

    washing machine fixed – a slow leaking valve
    basically $400
    but – cheaper than a new washing machine

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