
If not for some cramping I would have ridden fifty miles yesterday, in the end it was a forty-eight mile ride. I left the house and turned left on the Pinellas Trail and rode it all the way to Tropicana Field in St Petersburg before turning around. As could be expected the ride out was easier than the ride back because if you look at a globe you can see that everything southbound is downhill, at least until you reach the equator. 🙂 In actuality the ride back was much harder, climbing the overpasses was more difficult and there was a sinister headwind.

I did this ride once before, nearly sixteen years ago. At that time I had an iPod from which I listened to music while riding, and took the image on the left with a pocket digital camera.
Nearly Sixteen Years of Aging
The guy on the right has a shit eating grin for some reason. Doesn’t he realize that his life is no better, and possibly worse, than when he took the photo on the left?

My beer with lunch knocked me into next Tuesday, so all of the things I thought would get done yesterday afternoon didn’t get done.

Yesterday I rode my bicycle to St Petersburg, today I’m taking a more sensible approach by driving there. The theme of this stay in Florida seems to be “rinse and repeat”. I have been to Safety Harbor twice in a three day period, and now I am headed back to St Petersburg. Today I will be visiting the Salvador Dali Museum in the morning, and then eating lunch at a place called Hookin’ Ain’t Easy. Where I wind up after that is anybody’s guess.

Wordle: four, my starter was BLARE
Connections: perfect, Purple > Yellow > Green > Blue

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59 Responses to 2024-02-20

  1. Barb, I’ve set the table for another deuce. You can do it! 🙂

  2. Sally says:

    Wordle in 5 starting with SWINEE. 2 mistakes in Connections. Yellow, Green, Purple, Blue.

    Chance and I went for a hike yesterday and I wore his butt out. Stopped by at Barb’s to pick up some eggs and the aluminum cans for recycling. My retirement, one can at a time. Nice night for a run at Kennesaw. I made brownies for one of the runner’s birthday. Working all day. Nothing too exciting. Finished one book and started another. Waiting for Wee to get back so I can obtain a puzzle of two.

    The two pictures look almost the same. You don’t look like you’ve aged. Let’s try to keep the blog uplifting….your life is much better….you have us! :).

  3. David says:

    Wordle in 4, clean Connections, Mini in 21.

    • Sally says:

      Look at you with the games this morning! I really should try the Mini. I’m just not fast enough on the keys.

      • David says:

        It usually takes me longer. I don’t go for speed, I just answer as best I can, and some days everything falls in to place. Well, and I have completed 2,300+ of the big NYT puzzles, and who knows how many minis, so there is that.

        • Barb says:

          Mini took me over a minute – I’m not as good as you…….
          but really – I don’t do crosswords enough, so I don’t know the “answers”

        • Bob says:

          David are you one of those puzzle nerds that goes up to New York for the NYT crossword puzzle competitions? My father in law does an annual trip up there to compete.

          • David says:

            Oh no, I am not nearly that nerdy. I was starting to dabble with crosswords before COVID, and then went whole hog during the pandemic. You couldn’t pay me to go to a crowded room full of crossword puzzle nerds. No judgement, it’s just not my thing. I’d way rather be outside. 🙂

    • Nice. I still do the Mini daily, but no longer pressure myself for speed.

      I also occasionally so Spelling Bee to try to score a pangram, but I don’t understand the NYT’s “free play” rule for it. I got a pangram on my first attempt yesterday and then it shut me out.

  4. Bob says:

    The guy on the right looks happy, he just won’t admit it 🙂

    Wordle in 3 starting with REACT which gave me zero correct letters. I got lucky.
    Almost failed Connections because I’m impatient but got Yellow-Purple-Green-Blue

    New bike should arrive today and they will build it up tomorrow. New bike day is Friday!!

    • Don’t know why your comment went into the penalty box Bob.

      I may have been more relieved than happy. I certainly wasn’t smiling when I was done, that headwind really sucked. Lol

      I’m still apprehensive about this new bike. Are you trying to win BRAG? Does it have a Turbo Mode for county sign sprinting too? 😀

  5. Ronnie, AKA Bill says:

    You set me up for Wordle deuce with my usual starter word. The guy on the right should be happy ????. He’s got a new helmet and us!

  6. FFS, many comments need to be approved today. Sorry in advance because in about an hour I will be off on my journey.

    Apparently it’s a Spam Filter issue.

    • Steve says:

      It’s taking a long time to post comments. I thought it was us (damn network) but it appears to be you.

      • It’s Dreamhost. When I go to approve comments there is an error message from Askimet, the spam filter plugin. When I followed their link it says “my” “firewall” is preventing me from getting there.

        It’s slow for me as well. I’ve already double-posted multiple times already today.

  7. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4, again with a great guess in 2.

    Us old timers know not to start riding with a tailwind. Sometimes you have to adjust your destination. Fortunately for me, with east/west being the prevailing winds, I have options. A north/south wind would screw me pretty well.

    A long day of meetings and work, so I took the day off from exercise. Tanner, that brat, took the gate into the dry lot off the hinges trying to get to Cash. Hopefully we’ve reset it a bit tighter and he will be foiled.

    And I agree with Sally- you’re in a better spot because you have us to keep you on track.


  8. Jenka says:

    Hilarious that you took the first pic with a digital camera. I can’t remember when I first had a phone with a camera in it, but I think it was around 2009? That is a total guess. I didn’t get an iphone until at least the 4.

    We went to Sotto Sotto for dinner last night. I insisted that we go early based on the last time we went on a Tuesday and it was packed. Well, it was good we did, because 15 minutes after we got there it was suddenly completely packed. I love that place but it’s not a pleasant experience if it’s too busy.

  9. Go offline for a while. You kids play nice!

  10. Barb says:

    nothing exciting going on up here.

    We got out for a neighborhood walk after work – stopped by the In-laws – Mary is hosting Bunco night Friday night (and so sad we have plans so I can’t join hahahahaha)
    She is so worried about what she is making for food, she goes way overboard. Allan may help her make some chicken chili (at our house) & deliver it in a crock pot.

    Got done with season 2 of For All Mankind – that show has really grown on me, if you have Apple TV – you should watch it. We did watch the 1st episode of season 3 to see where they are going next.

  11. Barb says:

    yellow- purple – green – blue.
    I don’t think I’ve EVER gotten purple 2nd on this game.

    i had to go back & look – everyone got blue last.

  12. At a crowded Dali Museum, listening for German speakers so I can eavesdrop. 🙂

    I guess the St Pete Formula 1 (?) race is soon, it appears that they are setting up the track and grandstands next door.

    • Barb says:

      we saw the Van Gogh immersive show at the museum. I like that downtown area – we stayed at an old hotel – Ponce de Leon that was VERY reasonably priced for that area. Wandered all over hell – have a good time.
      My friend Mary lives in St Pete (& Cheese Spread used to have a condo right down there downtown. I’ve never spent any time in Tampa, but we have enjoyed St Pete.

    • Steve says:

      I don’t think I ever got Dali. And what was his connection to St. Pete?

    • Jenka says:

      It’s not Formula 1, there is no F1 track in St. Pete. There is one in Miami, Las Vegas, and outside Austin, TX.

  13. Museum got too crowded for me, so I left. Will detail trip tomorrow.

  14. Barb says:

    you know Paulie – it is a weekday – most people are working at this time of the day – so the demographics you are looking for are not going to be out & about on a Wednesday afternoon .
    just sayin……….

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