Monthly Archives: December 2023


I’ll keep this short, mostly because I did fairly little yesterday. I met up with my buddies in St Petersburg yesterday for lunch and a couple of beers. From there I returned to the Florida house and relaxed. I made … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 24 Comments


Other than eating lunch at a place called “Hookin’ Ain’t Easy”, where I had a delicious plate of smoked ribs and fried shrimp, I don’t have much to report. It’s currently raining in Florida, and after meeting up with my … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments


Good day hanging in the St Petersburg area. We hit a few bars before going to Chip’s family pig roast, which was not actually a pig roast this year due to house moves, etc. It was fun, but I don’t … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 17 Comments


So far it’s been a decent Florida trip. I spent most of Christmas in Bradenton, visiting with a friend and then eating an expensive dinner to celebrate the holiday. Today I’ll be in St Petersburg, visiting a friend, eating a … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 21 Comments


Merry Christmas, friends! Made my way down to Florida yesterday and proceeded to do a bit too much celebratory drinking. It appears the brewery closures are not limited to Georgia. I discovered yesterday that Clearwater Brewing Company closed up shop … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments


Still struggling today physically, but a Wordle deuce helps my mental state. Yesterday I walked four miles with my buddy Hank. We started at Medlock Park and wound our way around Emory before heading back. Of course we then ruined … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 31 Comments


Once again not much to mention from yesterday. It was the Raleigh Royalty’s eldest son’s eighteenth birthday. It was also the Winter Solstice nope, the solstice is today. Oh, and I did an hour on the trainer while watching soccer. … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 70 Comments


And *poof* the day was gone! I did all of my laundry in the morning, and a mediocre hour on the trainer yesterday afternoon, but little else yesterday. After falling asleep on the futon watching tv I slept poorly last … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 81 Comments


My pizza last night was pretty good, but I don’t have a lot of experience making pizza at home. I need to learn to stretch the dough thinner, and have something like semolina flour to keep the dough from sticking … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 37 Comments


To my surprise and joy one of my neighbors had over ten bags of yard waste on their curb Saturday morning when I walked up to meet Betsy for coffee. I espied at least a half dozen that I would … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 36 Comments