Monthly Archives: September 2023


Yesterday afternoon I drove up to Sandy Springs to meet buddies for drinks at Hob Nob. Prior to our meetup I dropped stuff off at Goodwill, went to REI, made a stop into Total Wine, went into Academy Sports, and … Continue reading

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Last night I crossed off two things I’ve never done previously — get chicken wings from Burger Win, buy beer from Buddy’s (in East Atlanta). How I have lived in East Atlanta for over twenty-four years and failed to do … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 45 Comments


Last night’s ride was nearly cut short due to equipment failure. As I put on my road shoes I noticed the left sole separated from the rest of the shoe. Fortunately one of the other riders had gauze, which worked … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 50 Comments


Thanks to Jenka I made Paulietouille last night based on this Food Network ratatouille recipe. I didn’t have any fresh tomatoes nor zucchini, so I substituted canned tomatoes and yellow squash. The dish contained eggplant, peppers, and yellow squash from … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 32 Comments


Typing today’s date for the title reminds me that it is a National day of remembrance for the horrific acts which transpired twenty-two years ago. In the end it was an easy, but still disappointing, decision to skip the Wilson … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 46 Comments


I mentioned in a comment late yesterday that the collard plants I planted on Wednesday seem to be dead. What the fuck. They looked perfectly healthy when I transplanted them, separating their roots which had become bound, into good soil … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 56 Comments


What would you hope to have a few days prior to a weekend of cycling? Some sort of cold(/illness, of course. That is what I started battling yesterday. Clearly I will not be riding tonight, in fact I will probably … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 48 Comments


Yesterday afternoon I decided to ride. I wish that I had stayed home because last night’s ride pissed me off. Life is continually throwing a thousand golf balls at me and while I dodge many of them, I am struck … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 64 Comments


On my way back to Atlanta. As I am not in a great rush I have decided to once again return via I-95 -> I-20. It helps that the ITP Estate is so close to I-20. Yesterday was a chill … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 21 Comments


Forgot today was Monday. Had a good weekend in Raleigh. We will be lounging poolside today, and I will return ITP tomorrow. I solved today’s Wordle in four attempts; my starter today was ROOST.

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