
Good day yesterday, 35 miles on the Silver Comet. Many thanks to our friend Tammy (aka “In My Behind”) who touched base on a Sunday and we set up our ride yesterday. We both have signed up for Spring Tune Up and wanted to kickstart our training.

Making a trip tonight to Masquerade for The Beths show. I’ve seen the band a couple of times before, this will be the first time I’ve seen them solo.

I solved today’s Wordle in three attempts; my starter today was SPEAR

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 197.2 pounds (-0.2 from last week’s weigh-in); I’m doing a poor job at weight management. I hope to improve upon this starting today.

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24 Responses to 2023-03-07

  1. David says:

    I feel a bit adrift without coffee today, which is verboten for at least 48 hours after teeth whitening, as are caffeinated sodas. Thankfully I have adderall.

    Wordle in 3 for the second day in a row, starting with LEAST. I started with BARRE yesterday. Mini in 39.

  2. steve says:

    Wordle in 5- shoulda been 4.

    Quiet evening mostly. Debbie ponied Tanner (led from the back of Phinney) while I helped Tanner get with the plan. Since smacking him with my hand wasn’t enough, I picked up a stick and that helped.

    Put the new brake hoods on the CX bike but still need to finish that up. It seems I don’t have enough spring in the lever to return it to normal position. Might just be old, too.


  3. David says:

    The blog gods chose to smite my first attempt today so let’s take this from the top again. I’m a bit adrift without coffee today, which is verboten for at least 48 hours after teeth whitening. Thankfully I have adderall.

    This is my second day of Wordle in 3. Today I started with LEAST, yesterday was BAR. Mini in 39. I suspect Steve would appreciate 2 clues in today’s mini.

    Kudos on the Silver Comet Trail ride, that is always good for soul, especially if you start at Florence Road or beyond.

  4. David says:

    I have no idea what I said that is against the rules but this my third post attempt. Am I still allowed here?

  5. Restored, no idea what goes on with that.

    Florence Rd was the start/end.

  6. Jenka says:

    Kevin’s sister came to stay with us last night. She lives in Savannah but she works for National Distributing, which is a nationwide spirits company with headquarters in Atlanta, so she comes up on a regular basis. She is one of my besties so we had a nice time. Kevin is the youngest of 5 siblings and she is the only girl.

    I made an amazing fish chowder over the weekend; that is going to be my lunch all week!

    • Very cool. Fish is the one food I have tried to like, but don’t. I can handle the generic whitefish used for fish n chips, but nothing more exotic.

      • Jenka says:

        As a native of the Bay State, I am a seafood lover. But you would be fine with this soup since I used cod, which is your generic white fish used in fish ‘n’ chips!

  7. Debbie says:

    Wordle in 5 starting with SAINT. That was annoying!

    My knee is getting progressively worse. I couldn’t get in to see the ortho until next Tuesday so I’ll be hobbling until then.

    Mickey is in the process of a pre-purchase veterinary exam at the moment. He’s passed the physical exam and now getting x-rays. I’m on pins and needles waiting to hear if he’s sold or not. The buyer is pretty intense so she’ll back out over any findings. Most things that turn up on x-rays are never an issue performance wise but some folks want pristine.
    I’ve never had any x-rays done so no idea what may show up.

    I found out that our new puppy will fly over March 22! She’s the foundation for Hot Pursuit Border Terriers. So excited.

    • David says:

      I am a big fan of epsom salt baths these days, for as long as you can stand to soak, and way heavy on the pour. I sometimes stay in the tub for 2 hours and it really does help my knee. I took a preemptive bath before my ballet class on Saturday and had practically no muscle aches afterwards.

      • Debbie says:

        Good tip, I’ll give it a try.

        I just finished red light therapy on it. I have one for my horse so thought I’d try it on my knee.

        • David says:

          Oh good call. I’m not sure what that is but it sounds similar to the cold laser therapy that my wife uses at her clinic, and no, it sure can’t hurt.

      • I have the epsom salt, I just need to make time to try taking a bath in it.

  8. Barb says:

    Got done a little while ago with our hot air balloon ride. A little chilly, but the heat from the burners that keep the balloon floating kept us warm enough.

  9. Barb says:

    Sitting outside at our hotel room, it’s 53 & a little breezy, but the sun is cooking my legs.

  10. Barb says:

    All cleaned up, now at Belfry Brewing in Cottonwood, AZ.
    Next to Jerome, haunted hamburger for lunch, then Prescott eventually later.

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