
I solved today’s Wordle in four attempts; my starter today was ADORN

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40 Responses to 2022-09-15

  1. NYT Mini Crossword in 35 seconds.

    Heardle fail.

  2. Had to update my comment spam plug-in. Hopefully this doesn’t bugger everything up.

  3. I have eaten a large breakfast, in part to force my fat ass out of the house to exercise this morning even though it means that I will sit in traffic for awhile.

  4. Jenka says:

    I didn’t do my morning weights for two weeks, for obvious reasons, so yesterday I started back up again. Man, my thighs are sore from squats!

    Sister in law from Savannah is staying with us for a couple of days while she works at her company’s headquarters in the west end.

    Still no Duolingo update, I’m beginning to think that the update I got like 3 months ago was it. It’s not THAT different, though.

  5. David says:

    Wordle in 5 starting with CAGED, pretty typical for me and my overthinking. 35 seconds on the Mini. Skipping the music for now, it’s a yoga day so I need to get some shit done first.

    My new favorite burger in town is at Biggerstaff Brewing, I’m walking there tonight with a friend.

    • Jenka says:

      Have you ever had the plancha burger at Argosy? Just wondering how it compares.

      • David says:

        The plancha burger at Argosy is fine, no complaints. The burger at Biggerstaff absolutely haunted me the next day. It did the same to my friend Scott, when we met up for a walk the next evening we had to talk about the burger some more. I really like the vibe at Biggerstaff. Argosy has always had a bit of an Applebee’s vibe to me, which I know sounds harsh, I’m just not sure how else to phrase it. I am super snobby about restaurants, particular given how much I have to drop any single meal these days.

        • Jenka says:

          See, I loooooooooove the plancha burger. I’m going to have to give Biggerstaff a try! It’ll be difficult to get my husband to go, though, because he does not like breweries.

    • I like Biggerstaff a lot, though I have not had real food there yet. As an added bonus for me it’s a brewery with no “history” so that’s a bonus.

  6. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4, Mini in 2.

    A quiet evening. I’m going to have to get my ass out the door walking, as not doing any exercise is driving me nuts. I have a follow up next week to discuss “rehab” and I know the insurance folks have been trying to call to discuss my “health”. So they don’t have to pay the bills, I’m sure.

    Barb, it looks like the trains are going to keep moving. Hearing what the engineers have to do to keep their jobs, no wonder they were ready to strike. In the article I read, they mis-quoted a statistic and said a train car can carry the same amount as 300 trucks! They provided a link and the info was an entire freight train can carry that much. Someone wasn’t proofreading very well.


    • David says:

      What’s this proofreading that you speak of? That shit has gone out the door. The world needs way more editors but they’re getting shown the door everywhere. My favorite part of writing books is having editors. I like having someone call me out on my bullshit.

      And yes, that’s laughable that a single train car could hold 300 trucks worth of stuff. I mean, if they use a shrink ray or something, maybe… Basically someone was writing that article in a hurry.

    • Barb says:

      and- freight trains length can vary, all depends on how many engines they have. But -we’ve all seen the container trains – that math is pretty easy – its 2 containers stacked, so…….

      And – I didn’t realize what the conductors & engineers had for job requirements – yes -it does make sense why they were striking.

      • Steve says:

        Barb, something I’ve seen lately that I haven’t previously seen is an engine or 2 located in the middle of the train! I know out west they place them in the back to push the load up into the mountains, but around here? Maybe they are getting soooo long they need that extra help.

  7. Barb says:

    Went to The Battery last night for Libby’s 16th birthday dinner (RamaHo’s daughter).
    The Battery was hopping for a no Braves game night.
    I’m guessing the lovely cooler no humidity weather was the cause, but that place was happening, people everywhere.
    Ph’East was tasty – having 4 Asian food court type restaurants & a bar is a great concept.

  8. Steve says:

    Barb, something I’ve seen lately that I haven’t previously seen is an engine or 2 located in the middle of the train! I know out west they place them in the back to push the load up into the mountains, but around here? Maybe they are getting soooo long they need that extra help.

  9. Hello from Red Top Brewhouse in Acworth. It is here where I am starting to undo the seven mile hike I did at Red Top Mountain State Park this morning.

    And, I am further proud of myself for asking if I could be looked up in the State Park system to get my 10% discount since I failed to bring my membership card this morning. And they could, so I got the discount on my new baseball cap and dry bag; I saved $4.40.

  10. Barb says:

    how’s this for the union names –
    Washington, D.C. – September 15, 2022 – Today, the nation’s freight railroads are
    pleased to announce that tentative agreements have been reached with the Brotherhood
    of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen Division of the International Brotherhood of
    Teamsters, the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation
    Workers – Transportation Division, and the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen.
    Collectively representing approximately 60,000 employees, the tentative agreements
    reached with these unions avert a potential strike in advance of Friday’s deadline.

  11. Another Upside fail today, costing me a $1.50 rebate on my gas purchase. It’s getting rather frustrating trusting this app to provide the service they promise.

  12. Barb says:

    hey computer geeky friends- my google Chrome is acting up on the home computer, (its searching for it, won’t load) but is working just fine on my work computer.
    At 1st I thought maybe it was a wifi issue, but it isn’t.
    Any idea why?
    I know, I can do some research, but since my work computer is still working fine, I’m not taking the time to do that yet.

  13. Steve says:

    I’m a network geek, not a PC geek. I have people for that…

  14. Snubbed for two more Curion paid surveys. For one of these I got all the way to the screen before you pick a time slot before they snubbed me. Curion has started awarding points when you don’t get into surveys. They award five points for each failure, but you need one thousand points to cash in, so the whole thing is ludicrous.

    • Steve says:

      And after you get a thousand points, you can get a koozie that says “They Picked Somebody Else!”

      I crack myself up.

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