I am struggling between considering a major, ambitious, change in my future, or realizing that at 57 I am “too old” to undertake such a change. At the beginning of the year I really thought that I had some things figured out, now I am confused and conflicted. Life is strange.
I solved today’s Wordle in four attempts; my starter today was HORSE
Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 186.6 pounds (+3.4 from last week’s weigh-in); I knew last week’s weight was an aberration.
NYT Mini Crossword in 30 seconds.
Heardle fail.
Wordle in 5, mini I don’t want to talk about…
I actually had a somewhat good run last evening. It’s still a walk/run, but 3 solid minutes a couple times, so slow progress.
Midtown went into lockdown yesterday afternoon. At least we were notified of an active shooter in the area. Life in the big city. And they already picked up the guy who tagged the eagle out front with a swastika Thursday night. It’s not like we don’t have a couple cameras in the area. Lives at 3rd and Peachtree…
Good on ya! My exercise routine this past week has been weak, either because of the weather or lack of inspiration. The best I could muster the past two days are neighborhood walks.
That shooting at Colony Square was something. The shooter was a Black woman who previously worked for a major accounting firm and was a whistleblower for fraud. She contends her employer broke into her condo multiple times to steal her evidence, and apparently she felt the management company of her condo was complicit so she settled the score. The police caught up with her at the airport. It’s like of like that Michael Douglas movie where he finally loses it and goes off on anyone in his way. My daughter had taken MARTA to Midtown to do homework with a friend, and was in the area after it happened. Even that was way too close for comfort for me. That and the fact that I’ve frequented Colony Square on the regular for 30 years, a year of that was living across the street from it, 9 years of working two doors down, and I’ve had the same dentist for 32 years now, and that’s where his office is.
Interesting back story on the shooter – was she crazy from the get go, or did everything that was happening take her over the edge?I’ll be looking for the Dateline or 20/20 episode some day.
She posted several tirades on LinkedIn before the shooting. Calling people by name for suspected fraud. Clearly something made the walls close in on her. She went on and on about the police not helping her with the break-ins. Those condos seem like an unlikely place for someone to break in one, much less multiple times. So who knows.
There was also a double shooting in Alabama in the Talladega National Forest. Some woman flaked a guy and his girlfriend down on the pretext of car trouble. The woman had a gun and led them into the woods. The guy pulled out his gun and the woman and the guy shot each other. The girlfriend wasn’t harmed physically.
It’s getting rough out there.
Holy shit, the country has gone mad!
The Alabama shooting is even more bizarre. There is apparently a tent city of armed folks who have moved off the grid and are living in the national forest.
When police got to the camp there was 5-year-old boy with a loaded shotgun. When they told him to put it down, he took it to his mother. Sounds milita-like to me and it’s right over the border of Cheaha state park.
The crazy times we live in are getting crazier all the time.
I had dinner with a new friend Saturday night who is starting her PhD program at age 71. She is truly inspiring. You only as old as you think you are. Shake shit up man, you’re perfectly positioned to do so.
Wordle in 4, could have been in 3 but I chose the wrong middle letter. I did get Wordle in 2 last Saturday. It’s been a while since I did that.
Mini in 39 seconds.
No Heardle yet today.
The QuickBooks Online for Dummies manuscript gets put to rest today. Hallelujah. A couple days of proofing and Exploring Excel’s Hidden Treasures will be 100% done. The QuickBooks book will come back around for author review but that’s a walk in the park comparatively.
That is impressive. I do intend to change my routine soon, I am concerned about making a large, physical change going into my sixties.
Continued success in the boom realm.
Thanks, Paulie. Death is going to have to chase me down. I think a large, physical change is exactly what you need to shake off your malaise. Walk away from that house, all of the things that need to be done are sucking out your soul. Someone else will clean it up. I was talking to my therapist yesterday about feeling like at this age it’s “use it or lose it”, and I fully intend to be on the use it end of that equation.
David- I think you are right about move on to something different – it certainly can’t hurt.
Paulie – your house is paid for – take the money & run – there are so many companies & people out there now that will buy your house as is. Sure – MAYBE, and its a big maybe, you sell for a little less, but you don’t have to do any of the repairs. I know you enjoy your little farm, but you could always rent a plot in a public garden, and hell, maybe meet some new people that way???
The problem with selling in this market is that you still need somewhere to live. We have thought seriously about selling our house because we could easily get $300K more than we paid for it and, with the equity we’ve already built up, walk away with a ton of cold hard cash. But then we would have to buy something in this market. Even rents are astronomical.
All that said, I agree with Barb that you should sell it now as-is, and rent a nice apartment where someone else handles the upkeep. Just this real estate nerd’s 2 cents.
It is much easier said than done, especially since I have no idea where I want to live. Money is also far from bottomless.
I’m in a funk today, and not being helped by the weather.
I think I am going to start learning Swift and SwiftUI today in an effort to occupy my mind.
We all know its MUCH easier to talk about it than to actually do it. And, we aren’t the ones to have to actual do it. But – its worth some serious consideration.
I do, but I have no plan at the moment and need one in order to understand where I want to go. Obvious, I know.
Well done, David!
And a PhD at 71? Wow.. did you know you can attend most public colleges in Georgia for FREE after age 60? I’m not sure if that can be in a degree program or just what the restrictions are, but I thought that could be fun…
Yes, that is very much on my radar. I don’t know if Carolyn is getting free tuition toward her Phd, but she’s working on fulfilling a promise to her father. It’s good stuff, no matter what her motivation is. I never did get a Masters degree because I didn’t every really need it professionally, but I wouldn’t mind closing that gap, especially if it were free. Part of my work involves teaching Excel to college students, and there’s a lot of great energy there.
Here’s the specs, looks like graduate degrees are included in the program. Hmmm…
Pursuant to the provisions of the Georgia Constitution, the USG establishes the following rules with respect to enrollment of persons 62 years of age or older in USG programs. To be eligible for enrollment under this provision such persons:
Must be residents of Georgia, 62 years of age or older at the time of registration, and shall present a birth certificate or other comparable written documentation of age to enable the institution to determine eligibility.
May enroll as a regular or auditing student in courses offered for resident credit on a “space available” basis without payment of fees, except for supplies, laboratory or shop fees.
Shall meet all USG and institution undergraduate or graduate admission requirements. However, institutions may exercise discretion in exceptional cases where circumstances indicate that certain requirements such as high school graduation and minimum test scores are inappropriate. In those instances involving discretionary admission institutions will provide diagnostic methods to determine whether or not participation in Learning Support will be required prior to enrollment in regular credit courses. Reasonable prerequisites may be required in certain courses.
Shall have all usual student and institutional records maintained. However, institutions will not report such students for budgetary purposes.
Must meet all USG, institution, and legislated degree requirements if they are degree-seeking students.
May not enroll in dental, medical, veterinary, or law schools under the provisions of this policy.
I wonder if you can combine student discounts with senior discounts?!?
Hah! Who knows?
The Summer Shade Festival is back in Grant Park this weekend. A really great band False Hearted Lovers (https://www.falseheartedlovers.com/) is playing at 2:20 on Saturday. One of my best friends heads up the band.
Nice! I recall going many years ago, and I believe I saw Jason and the Scorchers perform? I have vague memories of those days.
Yes, yes I did. The blog reports that this occurred in 2015.
One of the regrets I have about my current shitty blogging is that I will have no written history to which I can refer in the future.
David, I know we must be just one degree of separation in Grant Park, given how long Kevin lived there and I lived in OP. We always go to Summer Shade, and Kevin used to be on the planning committee as well as the Grant Park Conservancy. I’m sure we know a lot of the same people! (Besides Paulie, heh.)
Jenka, I’m sure we do know a lot of the same folks. I’ve lived in Grant Park since 2004 now. I spent 10 years being involved with the Friends of Grant Park Pool since my house faces it. I was the last person standing, and got the Conservancy to take the reins. Now a few years later I’m advising some neighborhood folks that want to revive the Friends of Grant Park Pool.
I need to wash my mountain bike and repair its rear tire by Saturday if I want to ride to the event to which I have just registered. I’m keeping the identity of this event under wraps for now. I will say it has nothing to do with dating, so you can eliminate that from your mind.
A clean mountain bike? I don’t understand.
I swear I had spare tubes laying around for that ride, but I’ll be damned if I can find them. Might have to break down and buy more…
Good news this morning- the long postponed work in Miami is back on for early September. Road trip!!
Yep. Crazy, right? It was caked with mud from the Beltline ride I did a few weeks back.
This week I intend to do a cycling inventory. My mountain bike is so old it still has 26” tires, which are getting harder to find.
Steve – roadtrip to Miami? not a flight?
Mountain bike washed, and hole in tube patched. Tomorrow I will see if my handiwork allows the tube to retain air.
Sun is out! I am hoping I can get a ride in tonight because I really need the exercise.
Wordle in 6 starting with BLADE. Mini kicked me while I was down.
If I didn’t have such an attachment to my animals, I’d be all about apartment living. I don’t think you can begin to quantify the toll the issues with your house have taken on you over the years. I’d wager it contributes heavily to depression and low self-esteem.
Getting that albatross off by either selling it (my vote) or fixing it would be such a relief.
Struggling with making a decision regarding Lola. It’s getting harder and harder for her to get around and she poops in her sleep. I don’t want to wait until it’s a crisis and she’s in pain or afraid. It’s such a tough call.
I hope that the next time I live in any sort of attached housing is when I am unable to care for myself. I take after my mother in this regard.
Sorry about Lola. I don’t know how I would handle this situation, which is the biggest reason I have never had a pet as an adult.
Duolingo has dramatically changed its app. I think a lot of people, myself included, will not be so enthused by this.