
Happy Black Friday friends.

I hope that whatever you did to celebrate Thanksgiving yesterday was successful and joyous. Admittedly my contribution to yesterday’s meal — wine, some crackers and cheese — was meager, but that didn’t stop me from feasting. Though there was plenty of meat and meat byproducts to be consumed, but I kept to my vegetarian routine and still ate more than enough.

Today’s activities are still up in the very chilly mountain air.

Have a fun weekend all. I’ll check back in for comments and post again on Monday.

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5 Responses to 2021-11-26

  1. Steve says:

    Thanksgiving here at the farm was a huge success. I never quite got a complete headcount but it was close to 30. I threw hay near the fence line for the horses and of course they watched us eat lunch and then were a big hit with the kids. Everyone was very well behaved.

    Today just happens to be my regular Friday off. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with myself but I have some errands to run then if it’s not too cold maybe get out on my bike.

    I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving.


  2. Barb says:

    We ended up with 11 for dinner, it was a nice day so we got to eat out on the deck.
    Cooked 2 turkeys, had plenty of food, good times.
    Trying to decide what to do today.

  3. Forgot to mention that the weather gods smiled on western North Carolina and we were able to eat outside too.

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