I’m starting today a lot slower than I started yesterday. At this time yesterday I was already outside pulling ivy, today I am currently still happily in bed with no plan to get out of it for awhile.
Seven yard bags of ivy and detritus put a small dent in the look of the back yard; there is still plenty of work to be done. Yesterday I also did some clean up on WLF and again became aggravated by squirrels.
Last night’s dinner incorporated some vegetables — pak choi, Swiss chard, and a couple of lettuce leaves — from WLF. I figured that I should enjoy more of the farm’s output before the squirrels fuck up everything. Because of what I had on hand to eat, my meal slanted more toward Asia than Ireland. Perhaps next year I’ll reinstate the St Patrick / Cinco swap.
I made a run up to my tax preparer’s office in Decatur yesterday as well. Because I encountered road work on my normal route, for the drive home I took a route I normally don’t drive. In Oakhurst I hit a pothole, thankfully at a slow speed, which may have been deep enough to engulf the M6. Today I need to inspect the wheel that took the brunt. In fact, I will inspect all wheels and check their air pressure today before heading to Barb’s.
I’ll be skipping German class again. Since I am not making time to study, I may have unofficially quit.
Hope all is well and you are remaining healthy.
Yesterday I went to Trader Joe’s for the first time (well, technically I’ve made a quick run through one in Minneapolis). I walked on the BeltLine so it was a 7.5 mile walk to fetch a couple bottles of Prosecco for a friend’s birthday (she has a particular one she likes). They have extra-heavy decorative cut-glass bottles that didn’t help the walk home but it helped my daily exercise and it was better than driving. 😠Someday I will drive and do some proper shopping—I liked what I saw.
The husband starts a trip today so my “weekend†begins, though I do have some more chore assignments that I need to complete before he returns…
Just think how much exercise you would have gotten had you also pulled ivy. 🤔
Speaking of chores, I’ve just washed masks and hung them outside to dry since I’ve yet to fix my dryer. This inability to get things fixed seems to be a pattern in my life…
Barb, since I’ll be coming up around dinner time would you and Allan like to have a couple of beers on the deck and consume some food? Do you think I’ll have enough room for the tomato fencing and a guest, say Bonnie, if I can her convince her to join?
Here’s what I’m thinking.
1. Sure, bring Bonnie if she wants to come.
2. Fitting it in your sedan could be interesting, but you can see what all we have, and then make a plan to possibly come back & get what doesn’t fit.
3. We can figure out dinner…..
Oh yeah… Even though tomorrow is a getaway day for me, there will be a blog in the morning.
A busy day in the orifice yesterday, as they all our. The primary mission of running Wireshark was almost scuttled when neither of the machines I have it loaded on wanted to run it properly. After a little research my (self inflicted) error was rectified by a delete and reinstall. The now properly running capture revealed fragmented packets, which when they get to the firewall, get dropped. More later.
I celebrated Stinko de Mayo with a fresh bottle of tequila and made myself a margarita as well as tacos for dinner. Sorry we didn’t support the Irish!
Ay yi yi!
I wouldn’t expect someone with Scot blood to support the Irish. 😂
You know I’m not Scottish, right? At least as far as I know.
And where are you getting away to tomorrow?
But you’re not O’Brady so you MUST be Scottish.
(Actually, I really thought you did have Scot blood in you.)
Headed to meet up with the Raleigh Royalty in Brevard, technically Cedar Mountain, NC. Next weekend is LEAF but since it’s not a real LEAF yet again, and the Royalty Boys have a swim meet we decided to move our semi-annual get-together up a week and go cabin camping at the Black Forest Family Campground. Luckily I won’t need to speak German there. Bob, no cycling trip over Caesar’s Head this time…
This also means that I’ll be missing my third consecutive Black Sheep, something I’ve not done since the pre-Glory Mole days. I guess I’ll be parking it on the ice soon.
That was a hell of a ride too!
Dupont is 10 minutes away from Black Forrest too so bring your mountain bike
Tried streaming music to network connected speakers in home office, but of course this created too much network traffic and everything stopped flowing. Ugh.