
Fear not, you will read no Star Wars puns here today…

Well, yesterday turned out to be an interesting day inside the perimeter, didn’t it?

All is well here at the ITP Estate although some of the plants in WLF didn’t seem to appreciate so much rain in so little time. Some of the potato plants drooped over and a couple of stems look as if they have bent; I hope this doesn’t affect the potato growth underground. I also had some red clay wash down to the lower sections of WLF, it almost made me feel as if I were living near Steve. 😛

I managed to harvest about twelve gallons of rain water, and may get more today?

I transplanted some summer squash seedings that got waterlogged. Overnight I have reconsidered my about where I planted them, and will be moving them again this morning. (Update: done! two squash plants moved to their own pots, five bean seeds sown and a group of zinnia seedlings put in where the squash were removed.)

At some point yesterday afternoon Sani pulled the plug on my trail; I agreed to try again next Monday.

Hope you all survived yesterday’s deluge and are remaining healthy.

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 180.2 pounds (-1.6 from last week’s weigh-in? Inconceivable!)

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19 Responses to 2021-05-04

  1. Barb, let me know at what time I should be at your house for tomato fence transfer. I’ll buy dinner tonight as payment if you’d like. And if tonight doesn’t work out, I am available Thursday night as well.

  2. Bonnie says:

    Yesterday was a washout. I canceled my blood donation appointment because it was right at the time of the tornado warnings. The husband was able to reschedule his for later in the day but there were no slots that worked for me.

  3. Steve says:

    Hopefully, today’s rain won’t be anything like yesterdays. It was odd- on and off, but mostly off. At least it appeared that way to me. I keep forgetting to get a rain gauge, but various electronic outlets report an inch and a half to 2 inches around here. I’ve seen friends in the city who had between 3 and 6.

    A quiet work day yesterday with a half hour ride in the evening.

    Good call on the hash. I know hashers are crazy, but there are limits.


  4. ITP Lurker says:

    I took the new bike out for a 6:15 AM speed run today up the Beltline to 10th Street and back. I always had a sense I was maxing out my previous bike. Turns out I was. The new bike looked askance at me and said “Is that all you’ve got, punk?” Excellent problem to have.

    • 6:15am? Yowza! 🤜🏼🤛🏼

      At that time I was eating breakfast, contemplating choring, and typing out today’s blog.

      • ITP Lurker says:

        The Beltline is a shit show any other time of day. I like riding it though because it’s a 9.3 mile mostly car-free route that works well for me on weekdays, especially when I can go fast.

        • Steve says:

          What are you using for lights, or is it lit enough?

          • ITP Lurker says:

            My lights are in Wisconsin, my friend forgot to bring them and needs to ship them to me. It’s light enough, there’s no traffic at 6:15 and then the sun comes up.

      • You are a braver man that I am. I don’t like riding the Beltline fast at any time of day.

  5. Goddamn squirrels, they just dig indiscriminately. I can’t wait to see the damage they’ve wrought after I go away again for a long weekend. 🤬

  6. Yesterday’s gulley washers didn’t kill my potato plants, but this one might. 😢

  7. Barb says:

    Welcome to farming….. it’s always a crap shoot. (And also why we have plenty of leftover stakes, tomato cages, etc. i gave up having a big garden, no I just get aggravated by a small one)

    Went to the dentist to get my permanent crown this morning, much easier & quicker appt. The to lunch with Annette, Quattro de Mayo for us! Tomorrow will be Irish food at Johnnie McCrackens.
    Felt crappy yesterday, it was a good day to do nothing.

  8. The weather these past two days is why some people farm in tunnels. Jeez Louise this is a ton of rain!

    • At one point I contemplated digging a small pond at the bottom of my property, but figured it would be a mosquito breeding spot. Boy howdy how it would be filled now!

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